CAMBODIA – Siem Reap – An Adventurous Apsara Hunt Through the Quiet Temples of Angkor

Just like modern-day adventurers, explore the temples of the Angkor archaeological park looking for the lost Apsara. While dancing in the forest, this sacred dancer has lost her way as well as her 5 most cherished pieces of jewelry.


Art & Culture, Classic

Country - City

Cambodia - Siem Reap

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All year round

Arrival city

Siem Reap

Departure city

Siem Reap


Just like modern-day adventurers, explore the temples of the Angkor Archaeological Park looking for the lost Apsara. While dancing in the forest, this sacred dancer has lost her way and her five most cherished pieces of jewelry.

From the beautiful Srah Srang pond via the hidden Bat Chum and the mysterious Chau Svay Thevoda temple ruins, this is a unique opportunity to discover some lesser-known temples and become intimately familiarised with the sites!

A positive team spirit and a good orientation are needed to find the lost jewelry and, eventually, the Apsara herself. By tuk-tuk, passing through the deep jungle, green rice fields, and some of the most astonishing ruins of the area, go on a challenging and fun treasure hunt and discover the unknown temples of the Angkor complex.

Selling points

  • To offer an ideal team-building exercise to create bonds within a group
  • To propose the perfect way to discover the Angkor archaeological park and its lesser-known temples while avoiding the crowds
  • To improve participants’ sense of orientation and map reading skills


  • 3h 30min, but adaptable to groups needs

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • The only hunt for an Apsara through the historical sites of the Angkor archeological park
  • Discover other areas of the Angkor archeological park, not usually included on most itineraries
  • Exclusive Easia Travel creation and fully adaptable to clients requests
  • Entirely a signature product from the creation of the map, the design, the sotry ..
  • It is reserved for groups, big family or incentive as from 9 pax or up
  • Please have a look to the possibility of upgrading this product for Exclusive segment or demanding incentive


Why this activity

  • A visit to non-touristy temples of the archaeological park
  • Allows time to participants to visit on their own, the not-so-well-known temples of the archaeological park
  • Managed by our local Easia Travel team
  • Exclusive product thanks to Easia Travel creation, service and operation
  • To our knowledge, no other competitor has such an Apsara product, just Safari photo and Scavenger hunts

Good to combine with

  • Possible to combine with a half-day visit of the main temples

Do not combine with

  • Yoga at the temple
  • Picnic lunch at the temple
  • Gala dinner at Kravan

Market suggestion












Competitor comparison

  • Treasure hunt activities are also offered by our competitors but we have created our own Apsara story and how to play it.


  • Exclusive product
  • Great as a team building activity
  • Private activity
  • Suitable for up to 120 pax


  • Requires an Angkor pass for each participant
  • Transportation is done by tuk tuk so participants need to direct the driver (there might be a language barrier)


  • All participants need an Angkor pass !!!

Price range

Based on 9 pax participating –> USD 47 / pax


  • One locally made cotton krama (Cambodian scarf) per person + one flyer (French or English) with more in-depth information on the temples visited during the activity
  • A ‘hunting kit’ including two A3 maps per group with a directory + the first clue
  • 1 treasure map to be gathered by each team + 5 apsara jewels
  • Treasure hunt introduction and explanation (in English) by the operator at the departure from the hotel
  • A fresh coconut + local peanuts
  • 1 crew member at each location (5 locations in total) to control the time and assist the teams in case they can’t find a clue box
  • Gift for the winning team


  • Angkor pass
  • Local guide
  • Water bottle

Possible Extra

  • Monk blessings at the end of the game
  • Instead of tuktuk,add mini van or bicycle
  • Personalize type of gift for all participants
  • Upgrade the snacks at the final point
  • Do a winner ceremony in another place

Important notes

Apsara Dance is 093.999.936 / 012.281.999, email: [email protected]

Krama is TBA
Coconut seller is 088.973.5937
Main operator is PRODUCTION department until now
Operators are TBA
Peanuts (1kg divide for 15 boxes) & Palm box is M. Chhay Bong Thom Homestay 012.520.092

Special Guide notes

The guide needs to be brief abut the treasure hunt before the client arrival. Please contact special service and/or production if you need any assistance

Different Choice

  • No similar Apsara themed treasure hunt activity available in Siem Reap

Special Information

In case of rain, the game can’t be played. We suggest to report it to another day. no refund will be possible.

Internal Product Annoucement

Siem Reap – An adventurous Apsara Hunt through the quiet Temples of Angkor 
SUB-BRAND :  Groups | Active | Incentive
THEME: Art & Culture
  • Ideal team building exercise to create bonds within a group
  • Perfect way to discover the Angkor archaeological park and its lesser known temples while avoiding the crowds
  • Improves participants’ sense of orientation and map reading skills
Link to OLD B2B:
Link to NEW factsheet:


While dancing in the forest, a sacred Apsara dancer has lost her way as well as her 5 most cherished pieces of jewellery. Can you find back all the lost jewellery and eventually the Apsara dancer herself?
Just like modern-day adventurers, this half-day treasure hunt will take you on an adventurous journey through the ancient and magnificent Khmer empire by venturing through deep jungles, passing by green rice fields and exploring some of the most astonishing centuries-old temple ruins you could ever think of.
From the beautiful Srah Srang pond, via the hidden Bat Chum and the mysterious Chau Svay Thevoda temple ruins, you will be presented with the unique opportunity to discover some of the lesser-known temples of the Angkor archaeological park and become intimately familiarised with the sites!
Before you start your challenge, teams will be formed and each team will be given a first clue and a map of the Angkor archaeological park to get started.
Various clue boxes, hidden throughout the park, will help you and your team to recover the Apsara’s path before she got lost. The first team to find the Apsara dancer and return her all her most cherished jewelry pieces wins the challenge. Keep in mind that a positive team spirit and a good sense of orientation will be vital to your team’s success!


Partez à la recherche d’une danseuse Apsara à travers les temples paisibles d’Angkor
En dansant dans la forêt, une Apsara s’est perdue et a également égaré 5 de ses bijoux préférés. Pourrez-vous l’aider à retrouver ses bijoux avant de les lui rendre?
Tout comme les aventuriers des temps modernes, cette chasse au trésor d’une demi-journée vous transportera pour un voyage au cœur de l’ancien empire Khmer en vous conduisant à travers la jungle épaisse, les rizières verdoyantes et les ruines de quelques uns des temples centenaires les plus époustouflants que vous pourriez imaginer.
Du beau bassin de Srah Srang aux mystérieuses ruines du temple Chau Svay Thevoda en passant par Bat Chum vous aurez l’opportunité exceptionnelle de découvrir et d’apprendre à connaître des temples méconnus du parc archéologique d’Angkor.
Avant de commencer votre défi, vous formerez des équipes et chacune d’elles recevra un premier indice et une carte du parc archéologique d’Angkor afin de démarrer l’aventure.
Il vous faudra trouver différentes boîtes à indices cachées à travers le parc afin de retrouver la trace de la danseuse Apsara disparue. La première équipe à retrouver la danseuse sacrée et à lui rendre ses bijoux préférés remporte le jeu. N’oubliez pas de rester positif, de garder l’esprit d’équipe et de vous armer d’un bon sens de l’orientation, l’élément essentiel pour permettre à votre équipe de gagner!


Emocionante búsqueda del tesoro Apsara a través de los tranquilos templos de Angkor
Mientras bailaba por el bosque, una bailarina sagrada de Apsara se ha perdido en el camino y ha perdido cinco de sus joyas preferidas. ¿Puede encontrar las joyas perdidas y, en última instancia, a la propia bailarina Apsara?
Exactamente como los aventureros modernos, esta búsqueda del tesoro de medio día le transportará a un viaje de aventura a través del antiguo y grandioso imperio Khmer al aventurarse dentro de profundas selvas, atravesar verdes campos de arroz y explorar algunas de las ruinas de templos centenarias más alucinantes que pueda imaginar.
Desde el precioso estanque de Srah Srang, a través de las ruinas escondidas de Bat Chum y las misteriosas Chau Svay Thevoda, dispondrá de una oportunidad única para descubrir algunos de los templos menos conocidos del parque arqueológico de Angkor y familiarizarse íntimamente con estos lugares.
Antes de que empiece el desafío, se formarán equipos y cada uno de ellos recibirá una pista inicial y un mapa del parque arqueológico de Angkor para poder comenzar.
Hay diversas cajas de pistas escondidas por todo el parte que le ayudarán, junto a su equipo, a recuperar el camino de Apsara antes de que esta se perdiera. El primer equipo que encuentre a la bailarina Apsara y le devuelva todas sus joyas perdidas ganará el desafío. Tenga en cuenta que un espíritu de equipo positivo y un buen sentido de la orientación serán fundamentales para el éxito del equipo.


Avventurosa ricerca di Apsara attraverso i templi di Angkor
Mentre ballava nella foresta, una sacra ballerina di danza Apsara ha perso la sua strada e anche i suoi 5 gioielli più cari. Riuscirete a ritrovare tutti i gioielli perduti e alla fine la ballerina Apsara stessa?
Proprio come i moderni avventurieri, questa mezza giornata di caccia al tesoro vi porterà in un audace viaggio attraverso l’antico e magnifico impero Khmer avventurandovi attraverso giungle profonde, passando per campi di riso verdi ed esplorando alcune delle più incredibili rovine di un tempio secolare che mai avreste potuto immaginare.
Dal bellissimo stagno Srah Srang, passando per il Bat Chum nascosto e le misteriose rovine del tempio di Chau Svay Thevoda, vi verrà presentata l’opportunità unica di scoprire alcuni dei templi meno conosciuti del parco archeologico di Angkor e di familiarizzare intimamente con i siti!
Prima di iniziare la sfida, verranno formate le squadre e ogni squadra riceverà un primo indizio e una mappa del parco archeologico di Angkor.
Varie scatole di indizi, nascoste in tutto il parco, aiuteranno voi e il vostro team a recuperare il percorso di Apsara prima che si perda. La prima squadra a trovare la ballerina Apsara e a restituirle tutti i suoi gioielli più amati vince la sfida. Tenete presente che uno spirito di squadra positivo e un buon senso dell’orientamento saranno vitali per il successo de vostro team!


Abenteuerliche Apsara-Jagd durch die ruhigen Tempel von Angkor

Während eines Tanzes im Wald hat eine heilige Apsara-Tänzerin sich nicht nur verlaufen, sondern auch ihre 5 am meisten geschätzten Schmuckstücke verloren. Können Sie die verlorenen Schmuckstücke und vielleicht sogar die Apsara-Tänzerin selbst wiederfinden?
Wie eine moderne Tages-Abenteuertour, nimmt diese halbtägige Schatzsuche Sie mit in das uralte und herrliche Khmer-Reich; Sie wagen sich hinaus in den dichten Dschungel, passieren grüne Reisfelder und entdecken einige der atemberaubendsten jahrhundertealten Tempelruinen.
Vom schönen Srah-Srang-Teich, über die versteckten Bat-Chum- und die geheimnisvollen Chau-Svay-Thevoda-Tempelruinen, haben Sie auch die einzigartige Möglichkeit, einige der weniger bekannten Tempel des archäologischen Parks von Angkor zu entdecken und sich mit den Stätten bekanntzumachen.
Bevor Sie die Herausforderungen angehen und starten können, werden Teams gebildet und jedes Team erhält einen ersten Hinweis und eine Karte des archäologischen Parks von Angkor.
Unterschiedliche Hinweis-Boxen, versteckt im gesamten Park, werden Ihnen und Ihrem Team helfen, den Weg der Apsara-Tänzerin zu finden, bevor Sie verloren ging. Das erste Team, welches die Apsara-Tänzerin findet und ihr all ihre am meisten geschätzten Schmuckstücke zurückbringt, gewinnt das Spiel. Behalten Sie im Hinterkopf, dass ein positiver Teamgeist und ein guter Orientierungssinn der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sind!