VIETNAM – Hue – Take Part in a Kite Making Lesson with the Locals

Are you looking for a local traditional activity? Or are you looking for an activity for kids? Making a kite is both such an activity.


Art & Culture, Classic, Family, Honeymoon

Country - City

Vietnam - Hue

Market segment

Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All Year Round

Arrival city


Departure city



Located about 3km from Hue City Center there is a local house with an impressive décor which strictly follows the rules of feng shui. The house is complimented by a large garden which is used for the kite demonstration. The tour starts with a brief introduction into Hue’s kite history, coupled with the serving of tea and ginger jam and information about the tools and materials used to make kites. The owner of the house demonstrates all the steps required to make a kite and explains carefully from the beginning to the final step. One of the most interesting steps is drawing a design on the kite. Then, it is time to head to Ngo Moon gate (in front of the Citadel) to fly the kite with some local kite flyers. A fun and relaxing moment.

Selling points

  • A really interesting activity for couple, a family or a group of friend
  • A friendly local instructor will make your trip to Hue a memorable one
  • Easy to organize on any day in Hue

Level Of The Excursion

Low - This activity impacts local community, culture and/or environment in a small but meaningful way

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Economic Impact

Local individual benefits

Additional Information

Positive Impact:

This activity helps to showcase the kite culture in Vietnam and provides income to the local workshop.

Negative Impact:

Use of plastic during the activity.

Time And Transportation

From  To  Km  By  Duration  Road condition 
Hue The local house 4 Car 15 minutes Good


3 hours including 1.5 hours at the local house (for learning how to make the kite), 1 hour for kite flying at Ngo Moon gate and 30 minutes transfer and preparation time

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • For art and culture client profile
  • For travelers who love to interact with local people, interested in culture
  • Most suitable for a family with children

Why this activity

  • Introduction to a local pastime, together with its stories and culture
  • A fun activity for a family or a group of friends
  • The host’s house is very interesting

Market suggestion














  • Easy to access
  • The garden is quite good for making kite


  • Only for FIT

Price range

From 4.65 USD

Quotation guideline

  • Visit making a kite: 4.65USD per service
  • Making a kite: 9.3 USD per pax
  • Extra : Fly a kite: 13.95 USD per service


  • Making kite services


  • Guide
  • Transportation


01A – 214 Phan Boi Chau street, Hue city -, Viet Nam Mr Mui – +84-914 612 272


In the afternoon, you will set off to a kite factory located 3 kilometers from Hue, where you will have the chance to discover the traditional techniques of this craft and make your own kite. Kite making in Hue is quite special for its design as well as the spiritual messages it can carry, such as wishing for an abundant harvest and good weather especially after the rainy season. You will then head out into a large open field to test the kite yourself (with the help of a specialist if necessary). To end, you will get to keep your kite as a souvenir.

Note: Normally this activity lasts 1h 30min. However the activity can last up to 2h 30min if guests wish to fly their kite with the inhabitants. In this case, it is best to do it in the afternoon.


Une des spécificités de Hué est la conception de cerfs-volants, jouets traditionnels pour les grands et les petits au Vietnam, mais aussi messager de la sécheresse. En effet après la saison des pluies et la récolte du riz, le cerf-volant est un message lancé vers le ciel pour évoquer le beau temps et permettre le séchage du riz, mais aussi une moisson abondante. Selon la tradition, plus le cerf-volant évolue gracieusement, plus la récolte sera abondante. Vous partirez en milieu d’après-midi pour rejoindre une fabrique de cerfs-volants située à 3 kilomètres de Hué, où vous aurez la chance de découvrir les techniques traditionnelles de ce métier artisanal et de fabriquer votre propre cerf-volant. Vous rejoindrez ensuite un grand terrain dégagé pour tester vous-même votre cerf-volant avec l’aide d’un spécialiste si nécessaire. Vous repartirez d’ailleurs avec ce cerf-volant en cadeau de votre passage !

Note : En temps normal, cette activité dure 1h 30min. Cependant l’activité peut durer jusqu’à 2h 30min si les clients souhaitent faire voler leur cerf-volant en compagnie des habitants. Dans ce cas, il est préférable de l’effectuer l’après-midi.


Por la tarde, irá a una fábrica de cometas, situada a 3 kilómetros de Hue, donde tendrá la suerte de descubrir las técnicas artesanales de confección tradicionales y podrá luego crear su propia cometa. La fabricación de cometas en Hue es especial gracias a su diseño y al mensaje espiritual que conlleva (por ejemplo, el deseo de una abundante cosecha y de un buen tiempo especialmente después del monzón). Se dirigirá después a un inmenso campo para probar su cometa (con la ayuda de un especialista si es necesario). Podrá llevarse su cometa a casa de recuerdo.

Nota: normalmente esta actividad dura 1h 30min. Sin embargo, la actividad puede durar hasta 2h 30min si los viajeros desean volar la cometa con la población local. En este caso, es preferible realizar esta actividad por la tarde


Nel pomeriggio, partirete alla volta di una fabbrica di aquiloni, situata a 3 chilometri da Hue. Qui avrete la possibilità di scoprire le tecniche tradizionali di produzione degli aquiloni e di crearne uno voi stessi. Questo tipo di artigianato è conosciuto nella regione di Hue per le peculiari decorazioni ed i messaggi spirituali che vengono trasmessi, dall’augurio di un’abbondante raccolta all’auspicio di bel tempo dopo la stagione delle piogge. Vi recherete poi in un ampio campo, per testare il vostro aquilone (con l’aiuto di uno specialista, qualora necessario). Potrete conservare il vostro aquilone come ricordo di questa peculiare esperienza.

Note: Di solito l’attività dura circa 1h 30min, tuttavia può durare fino a 2h 30min qualora i clienti abbiano piacere di far volare i loro aquiloni con i paesani. In questo caso è meglio proporre l’attività nel pomeriggio.


Am Nachmittag werden Sie sich zur Drachenfabrik begeben, die 3 Kilometer von Hue entfernt liegt. Dort haben Sie die Chance, die traditionellen Techniken dieses Handwerks kennenzulernen und Ihren eigenen Drachen zu kreieren. Die Drachen-Herstellung ist in Hue etwas Besonderes aufgrund des speziellen Designs und der mitgebrachten spirituellen Botschaft, wie etwa der Wunsch nach einer reichen Ernte oder gutem Wetter, vor allem nach der Regenzeit. Danach machen Sie sich auf zu einem riesigen, offenen Feld, um den Drachen selbst zu testen (wenn nötig, mithilfe eines Spezialisten). Am Ende dürfen Sie Ihren Drachen als Souvenir behalten.

Hinweis: Normalerweise dauert diese Aktivität 1 Stunde und 30 Minuten. Nichtsdestotrotz kann sie aber auch bis zu 2 Stunden und 30 Minuten andauern, wenn Gäste Ihren Drachen gern mit Einheimischen steigen lassen wollen. In diesem Fall ist es am besten, die Aktivität am Nachmittag stattfinden zu lassen.