THAILAND – Chiang Rai – Nature Walk with Bamboo-Cooked Lunch at Waterfall

The activity starts with getting to know a little bit more about the culture and customs of this hill tribe minority and then set off on an easy nature walk through the surrounding forests and plantations.


Art & Culture, Classic, Gastronomy, Honeymoon

Country - City

Thailand - Chiang Rai

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Level of difficulties


Max pax



All Year Round

Arrival city

Chiang Rai

Departure city

Chiang Rai


The activity starts with entering in a little bit more about the culture and customs of this hill tribe minority and then set off on an easy nature walk through the surrounding forests and plantations. Passing rice fields, pineapple trees, and rubber plantations, the local hill tribe guides is a wonderful way to go to a local waterfall where is the perfect stop to enjoy a picnic lunch in beautiful natural surroundings. A delicious lunch over an open fire using nothing but natural materials like bamboo and banana leaves as the utensils is absolutely an unforgettable experience to see how versatile nature can be!

Level 1
Distance and duration : 4 kilometers – approximately 2 hours

Elevation difference: less than 150 meters

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

  • Chiang Rai – Evening highlights of Chiang Rai by tuk tuk

Selling points

  • To provide a different activity far off city for travelers who love nature
  • To propose an Ingenious, original cooking method with bamboo
  • To experience cook and eat with the sounds of nature
  • An Easy hike of 4 kilometers through forests and plantations

Level Of The Excursion

High – This activity strongly supports local communities and/or helps preserve the culture and environment

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Empowerment and education

Involving minorities

Environment Impact

Waste/plastic packaging


National parks

Economic Impact

Local individual benefits

Additional Information

Positive impacts

The activity takes places in an area inhabited by minorities and is organized by members of the local community. It creates the opportunity for them to show their traditional way of life and share it with guests, bringing income to the hosts.

Negative impacts

No negative

Sensitive character

The activity involves ethnic minorities who are vulnerable to exploitation and whose culture is at risk of disappearing. The activity is always organized with a local member of the community to make sure the community benefits from the activity and cultural traditions are respected.

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Baan A-Pha Pattana Huy Mae Sai Waterfall 3 Car 10 minutes Not so good (Some parts are in good condition but some are rough)
Chiang Rai city Baan A-Pha Pattana 19 Car .30 minutes Good



8:30 to 13:00

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Suitable for active profile who love nature and enjoy being active
  •  private tour
  • Only as a morning activity
  • Soft walking tour (4 kilometers); not suitable for guests with mobility issues
  • Beautiful and scenic trail (forest, plantations, rice fields)
  • Outside picnic lunch at a picturesque location

Why this activity

  • Easia Signature
  • Genuine local experience
  • To propose a different visit of Chiang Rai with immersion in Nature

Good to combine with

  • Overnight in Chiang Rai
  • Evening highlights of Chiang Rai by tuktuk

Do not combine with

  • Traveling to another destination

Market suggestion














  • The cooking techniques are traditional and could be very interesting for guests
  • Easy to work with the local people


  • Heavily dependent on the weather
  • Requires an overnight stay in Chiang Rai


  • The hike is approximately 4km, mainly on single track roads with some steep areas. The
  • Lunch option: vegetarian option (fish) is available, but cooks will need advance notice
  • Difficult to combine with other classic activities (guests may be sweaty/wet afterwards and prefer to go shower instead of continuing to go sightseeing)


  • The cooking experience is completely situated outside in nature, and even though it is probably more hygienic than in some local restaurants, for some guests may see the process as “unclean” (water from the stream is used to steam rice, meat is grilled over open fire on bamboo skewers, dip is made in a bamboo mortar, rice is cooked in bamboo, banana leaves used as plates, chopsticks made out of bamboo)
  • During the dry season, (March, April, May) the surroundings are very dry; there is still water in the waterfall, but in rare cases of extreme drought, the bamboo cooking may not be possible because of a risk of forest fires.
  • In case of heavy rain, the picnic lunch cannot be held at the waterfall. In this case, lunch will be had at a small shed near the village (with limited bamboo cooking), or in the worst case (with a bigger group or very heavy rain) at the local hill tribe’s house (regular, non-bamboo cooking). Both are OK, but the experience is not as exciting or immersive as at the waterfall.
  • Activities are led by local Akha guides; Thai Easia guide is always available and can join the activities FOC

Important information

  • Since 3rd language guides are not always willing/able to do physical exercises, we can only guarantee ESG for this activity. Any other language needs to be checked for availability with the OPE team.
  • Baan A-Pha Pattana can only be reached by minivan or local songthaew (not accessible by bus)
  •  Guests should be prepared for soft walking:
    • Closed shoes or sandals (no flip-flops)
    • Long trousers are not necessary, but recommended (protection against grass and branches)
    • Mosquito repellent
    • Sunscreen
    • Swimwear and a small towel
    • Raincoat or poncho (in the rainy season)

Price range


Quotation guideline

ERP – Activity – Easia Signature -Nature walk with bamboo-cooked lunch at a waterfall


  • Local hill tribe guide(s)
  • Picnic lunch at waterfall cooked in bamboo


  • Transportation
  • Easia Thai guide

Important notes

  • Half day, approximately from 8:30 until 13:00.
  • Baan A-Pha Pattana can only be reached by minivan or local songthaew (not accessible by bus)
  • Parking is available at the waterfall
  • Private tour
  • There are no alternative stops for the activities
  • In case of heavy rain, picnic lunch cannot be held at the waterfall. In this case, lunch will be had at a small shed near the village (limited bamboo cooking), or in the worst case (with a bigger group or very heavy rain) at the local hill tribe’s house (regular, non-bamboo cooking). Both are OK, but the experience is not as exciting or immersive as at the waterfall.

Special Guide notes

  • The local hill tribe guides are very knowledgeable but have very limited communication skills, so they usually don’t give any information unless asked. Please encourage them or ask questions in order to make the activity more interesting for your guests.
  • Water for the trip can be bought at the entrance of the village

Guide should info the Guests to be prepared for soft walking:

  • Closed shoes or sandals (no flip-flops)
  • Long trousers are not necessary, but recommended (protection against grass and branches)
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Sunscreen
  • Swimwear and a small towel
  • Raincoat or poncho (in the rainy season)

Different Choice

  • No alternative so far


K. A-meh : 081-031 4006


Nature walk with bamboo-cooked lunch at waterfall

In the morning, you will drive to an Akha village just outside of Chiang Rai. After getting to know a little bit more about the culture and customs of this hill tribe minority, you will start your journey through the surrounding forests and plantations. Passing by rice fields, pineapple trees, and rubber plantations, your local hill tribe guides will take you to a special oasis: a local waterfall where you can enjoy a picnic lunch among the beautiful natural surroundings. While you take a dip in the cool, clear waters, your local hosts will prepare a delicious lunch over an open fire using nothing but natural objects like bamboo and banana leaves. You will be amazed to see how versatile nature can be!


Meals included: Picnic lunch
Level: 1
Distance and duration of the hike : 4 kilometers – approximately 2 hours

Elevation difference: less than 150 meters


Promenade dans la nature et pique-nique au pied d’une cascade

Dans la matinée, vous vous dirigerez vers un village Akha situé juste à l’extérieur de la ville de Chiang Rai. Après en avoir appris un peu plus sur la culture et les coutumes de cette tribu minoritaire des collines, vous démarrerez une promenade dans une nature verdoyante. Vous emprunterez un chemin facile d’accès à travers la forêt et les plantations communautaires environnantes. En passant par les rizières, les plantations d’ananas et de caoutchouc, vos guides locaux des tribus montagnardes vous amèneont vers votre objectif final: une chute d’eau. C’est ici que vous déjeunerez dans un environnement naturel. Pendant que vous profiterez de la fraicheur de l’eau, vos hôtes locaux vous cuisineront un délicieux repas sur feu !  Il n’utiliseront pour cela aucun autres ustensiles de cuisine que des feuilles de bambou et de bananes.


Repas inclus: Déjeuner pique-nique

Niveau: 1

Distance et durée de la randonnée: 4 kilomètres – environ 2 heures

Différence de dénivelé: moins de 150 mètres


Paseo por la naturaleza con almuerzo cocinado en bambú en una cascada

Por la mañana conducirá hasta el poblado Akha, justo a las afueras de la ciudad de Chiang Rai. Después de profundizar en su conocimiento sobre la cultura y las costumbres de esta tribu minoritaria, comenzará con una excursión de poca intensidad a través de los bosques y plantaciones de la comunidad circundante. Tras pasar a través de arrozales, plantaciones de piña y caucho, sus guías de la tribu local le llevarán a su destino definitivo: una cascada local donde encontrará su almuerzo en forma de picnic para que disfrute del entorno natural. Mientras se da un baño en esas aguas tan claras y frescas, sus anfitriones locales cocinarán un delicioso almuerzo sobre un fuego abierto sin utilizar nada más que objetos naturales como bambú y hojas de banana. Quedará sorprendido al ver lo versátil que puede ser la naturaleza.


Comidas incluidas: almuerzo en forma de picnic

Nivel: 1

Distancia y duración de la excursión: 4 kilómetros – aproximadamente 2 horas

Desnivel: menos de 150 metros


Passeggiata nella natura con pranzo cucinato nel bambù presso una cascata

Nella prima mattinata, vi dirigerete verso un villaggio Akha situato nei pressi di Chiang Rai. Dopo una prima introduzione agli usi e costumi di questa tribù minoritaria delle colline, partirete per un’escursione nella foresta che abbraccia la comunità. Durante il percorso, le vostre esperte guide locali vi condurranno attraverso verdeggianti risaie ed innumerevoli piantagioni di ananas e gomma. Alla destinazione vi attende una scrosciante cascata, nei pressi della quale potrete accomodarvi per gustare un delizioso pic-nic. Mentre vi immergete nelle rigeneranti acque cristalline, le vostre guide si adopereranno a cucinare il pranzo su un falò improvvisato, servendosi di null’altro che oggetti ricavati dalla natura circostante. Lasciatevi sorprendere dall’ingegno di questo popolo autoctono: canne di bambù e foglie di banana sono tutto ciò che serve loro per imbandire la tavola ed offrirvi un pasto tradizionale da far venire l’acquolina in bocca!


Pasti inclusi: pranzo al sacco

Livello: 1

Distanza e durata dell’escursione: 4 chilometri – circa 2 ore

Dislivello: meno di 150 metri


Naturspaziergang und ein Bambus-Mittagessen an einem Wasserfall

Am Morgen fahren Sie zu einem Akha-Dorf außerhalb der Stadt Chiang Rai. Nachdem Sie etwas mehr über die Kultur und Bräuche dieser Bergstamm-Minorität erfahren haben, machen Sie einen Naturspaziergang durch die umgebenden Gemeindewälder und Plantagen. Sie kommen vorbei an Reisfeldern, Ananas- und Gummi-Plantagen und schließlich bringen Sie die aus dem lokalen Bergvolk stammenden Reiseleiter zu Ihrem eigentlichen Ziel: einem Wasserfall, an welchem Sie ein Picknick-Mittagessen inmitten der wunderschönen Natur genießen können. Während Sie sich im kühlen, reinen Wasser erfrischen können, kochen Ihnen Ihre Gastgeber ein schmackhaften Mittagessen über einem offenen Feuer – dabei bedienen sie sich lediglich der Dinge, die Mutter Natur ihnen zur Verfügung stellt: zum Beispiel Bambus und Bananenblätter. Sie werden erstaunt sein, wie vielseitig die Natur sein kann!


Mahlzeiten inklusive: Picknick-Mittagessen

Schwierigkeitsstufe: 1

Strecke und Dauer der Wanderung: 4 Kilometer – etwa 2 Stunden

Höhenunterschied: weniger als 150 Meter