CAMBODIA – Siem Reap – Participate in the Local Village Life

Experience the authentic Cambodian countryside by visiting multiple local farming villages and witness typical local activities in this remarkable country-side experience. The tour offers the chance to actively participate in the creation of local products all while engaging and getting up-close with the welcoming villagers and their unique & traditional farming lifestyle.


Art & Culture, Classic, Family, Gastronomy, Sustainable

Country - City

Cambodia - Siem Reap

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All year round but preference for September-February.

Arrival city

Siem Reap

Departure city

Siem Reap


Experience the authentic Cambodian countryside by visiting multiple local farming villages and witness typical local activities in this remarkable country-side experience. Your travelers will have the chance to actively participate in the creation of local products all while engaging and getting up-close with the welcoming villagers and their unique & traditional farming lifestyle.
Participants will enjoy making their own traditional breakfast by discovering and helping in the different stages of producing hand-made rice noodles. Once they’ve created their own rice noodles they will have the opportunity to enjoy their breakfast together with the family.
Second stop will be to another village that specialises in producing ‘bamboo sticky rice’ as well as harvesting fresh coconuts. Participants will have the chance to take assist in the preparation of these delicious Cambodian snacks while sipping on a fresh coconut.
Along the way, travelers will be able to explore various road-side stalls producing regional palm sugar where the local families will be happy to explain more about how they process the typical Cambodian sugar palm in many different ways.
The last stop will lead to a village house where the local family operates a small business creating palm leaf handicrafts as a source of income. Participants are invited to join in and make a unique handcrafted item themselves which will be theirs to keep and take home as a very personal souvenir from Cambodia!

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

  • Siem Reap – “Phare, The Cambodian Circus” Show in Siem Reap
  • Siem Reap – Bokator School (Khmer Martial Art) 
  • Siem Reap – Picnic Lunch in a Secret Temple


  • Siem Reap – Bokator School (Khmer Martial Art) 
  • Siem Reap – Sala Bai Restaurant 


  • Siem Reap – “Phare, The Cambodian Circus” Show in Siem Reap
  • Siem Reap – Bokator School (Khmer Martial Art) 
  • Siem Reap – Sala Bai Restaurant 

Selling points

  • To have deep insights into local culture, crafts and products
  • Active participating to the different product creation
  • To engage with the local people and walk through a local village

Level Of The Excursion

Medium – This activity offers tangible positive contributions to the local community, culture and/or environment

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Empowerment and education

Economic Impact

Local individual benefits

Community benefits

Additional Information

Positive impact: This tour create interaction with local community helping them to promote their traditions.

Time And Transportation

  • Transfer from city by car/tuk tuk will take around 30-45 mins to reach the place


  • Standard: 2 hours 30 minutes depending on the interest of the client
  • Deluxe: 3 hours depending on the interest of the client
  • Other: 10 minutes from Bantey Srey temple to the village and 25 minutes from Bong Thom restaurant to the village where handicraft activity is located.

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • All type of clients MICE,GIT,FIT
  • No physcial level needed
  • For those who are interested into local countryside experience
  • On the way back to Banteay Srei

Why this activity

  • Provide deep insights into local culture, crafts and products
  • Active participation in product creation and engagement with the local people
  • Recommend this activity after a visit of banteay Srei Temple

Good to combine with

It is best to combine with at least one of the following :

  • Visit of Banteay Srei Temple
  • Lunch At Bong Thom Home Stay
  • Golden silk farm
  • Butter fly visit

Do not combine with

  • Any full day tour

Market suggestion
















Competitor comparison

  • We aren’t the only one on this product but we may be all at different rate level


  • A perfect way to discover the Cambodian countryside
  • Interaction with local people
  • Active participation in the creation of local food, crafts and products (great learning experience)


  • Landscapes less beautiful during dry season
  • It can be dusty during the trip


There are 2 service version available in ERP.

  1. Participate in the Local Village Life – Standard
  • Rice noodle making & testing
  • Palm leaf box workshop
  • Sticky rice and coconut testing
  • Sugar palm visit

2. Participate in the Local Village Life – Deluxe 

  • Rice noodle making & testing
  • Palm leaf box workshop
  • Sticky rice and coconut testing
  • Sugar palm visit
  • Free flow drink (30mins – 1hrs)
  • Rice Plantation demonstration
  • Oxcart ride


For both (Standard & Deluxe):

  • Vehicle can access to the 4 stops:  small car (1-2pax) , Van (3-6pax), 25 seats (7-9pax) or 35 seats (10-15pax)
    • Rice noodle making + tasting
    • Palm Leaves box workshop
    • Sticky rice and coconut tasting
    • Sugar palm visit
  • For 45 seats vehicle (16 – 41pax) can access only 3 stops but still experience all services
    • Rice noodle making  house​
    • Sticky rice and coconut tasting + Palm Leaves box workshop
    • Palm Sugar visit

Important information

  • It is much better to do this kind of activity in the morning because there are more activities to see as the different village are more active (monk procession for alms etc.)
  • In rainy season, it mostly rains in late afternoon, the locals finish preparing all their products and doing their chores by the time the rain comes. So, it is not recommended to do this activity in the rainy season.

Price range



Standard Version: 

  • Rice noodle making + tasting
  • Palm Leaves box workshop
  • Sticky rice and coconut tasting
  • Sugar palm visit
  • Coordinator/leader from Vanchhay Activity

Deluxe Version:

  • Rice noodle making + tasting
  • Palm Leaves box workshop
  • Sticky rice and coconut tasting
  • Sugar palm visit
  • Free flow drink (30mins – 1hrs)
  • Rice planting demonstration
  • Oxcart ride
  • Coordinator/leader from Vanchhay Activity


  • Guide fee
  • Transportation
  • Tips

Possible Extra

  • Lunch at Bong Thom Homestay restaurant
  • Oxcart Ride (30 mins max)
  • Learn to do lotus decoration (30 mins max)
  • Khmer music instrument (1-1h30 mins max)
  • Free flow drink for 30 mins – 1 hour


We can propose this activity tour without temple visit and we don’t have to quote for the temple fees but need to follow below instruction.

  • First to reach the place when clients do not have temple pass, we have to go by 60 road where we can reach Preah Dak village without Apsara authority control. By going this road, we are 100% sure there is no bother from Apsara authority.
  • To be sure, we have to go and back by the same road
  • No any temple visit or going around the place where we have temple to avoid from apsara authority


  • There is an apsara control on the way where we turn from Preah Dak to Pre Rub temple. However, according to our activity tour we will never go by this road so there is no issue for this case.
  • If we respect above info but it still bother by apsara team, please contact directly to Mr. Vanchhay. He will handles it if it happen.

Important notes

We can propose this activity tour without temple visit and we don’t have to quote for the temple fees but need to follow below instruction.

  • First to reach the place when clients do not have temple pass, we have to go by 60 road where we can reach Preah Dak village without Apsara authority control. By going this road, we are 100% sure there is no bother from Apsara authority.
  • To be sure, we have to go and back by the same road
  • No any temple visit or going around the place where we have temple to avoid from apsara authority


  • There is an apsara control on the way where we turn from Preah Dak to Pre Rub temple. However, according to our activity tour we will never go by this road so there is no issue for this case.
  • If we respect above info but it still bother by apsara team, please contact directly to Mr. Vanchhay. He will handles it if it happen.



Participate in the Local Village Life

You will start your half-day experience by making your own traditional breakfast, by discovering and helping in the different stage to make rice noodles. Then you will enjoy your created product together with the family. You will continue to another village specializing in bamboo sticky rice production and harvesting coconut fruits. Assist in the preparation of this bamboo filling while tasting this delicious Cambodian snacks and a fresh coconut. Along the way, explore the different sugar palm stalls. The villagers will explain to you how they process the fruits in many different ways. Don’t be shy and give it a try! The next and last stop will lead you to a house where a family creates palm leaf handicrafts as a source of income. The villagers will teach you to make one and you can take this opportunity to bring back your own craft as an exceptional and very personal souvenir.

Meals included:
Distance: 3 kilometers – 30-45 mins walking distance


Prenez part à la vie d’un village local

Votre demi-journée commencera par la préparation de votre propre petit-déjeuner traditionnel. Vous découvrirez et aiderez dans les différentes étapes de la fabrication des nouilles de riz puis vous savourerez votre production avec la famille.
Après cela, vous rejoindrez un autre village spécialisé dans la production de riz gluant cuit dans du bambou et dans la récolte de noix de coco. Vous assisterez à la préparation et au remplissage du bambou en dégustant des snacks cambodgiens et une noix de coco fraîche.
Sur la route, vous trouverez différents stands de palmiers à sucre. Les habitants vous expliqueront toutes les façons dont ils utilisent les fruits. Ne soyez pas timide et essayez!
Pour votre dernière étape, vous vous arrêterez dans une maison où la famille fabrique et vend de l’artisanat à base de feuilles de palmier. Ils vous montreront comment créer un objet que vous pourrez ensuite ramener et garder comme le souvenir unique d’une expérience exceptionnelle !

Repas inclus :
Distance: 3 kilometers – 30-45 min


Participar en la vida del poblado local

Comenzará su experiencia de medio día cocinando su propio desayuno tradicional a medida que descubre y ayuda en los diferentes pasos de la preparación de noodles de arroz. Posteriormente, disfrutará del producto creado junto con la familia.
Continuará hasta otro poblado especializado en la producción de arroz glutinoso en bambú y en cosechar cocos. Asista a la preparación de este llenado de bambú mientras se deleita con deliciosos aperitivos camboyanos y un coco fresco.
Durante el camino, explore los diferentes puestos de palmas de azúcar. Los residentes le explicarán cómo procesan las frutas de diferentes formas. No sea tímido y láncese.
La siguiente y última parada le llevará a una casa donde la familia crea obras artesanales con hojas de palma como fuente de ingresos. Los habitantes le enseñarán como fabricar una y podrá aprovechar esta oportunidad para llevarse su obra como un recuerdo artesanal y muy excepcional.

Comidas incluidas:
Distancia: 3 kilómetros – 30-45 minuto


Alla scoperta della vita quotidiana in un villaggio locale

Date inizio alla mezza giornata di scoperta, partecipando alla preparazione della vostra energetica colazione: seguite tutti i passaggi per cucinare noodles di riso che potrete gustare in compagnia della famiglia. Proseguite verso un altro villaggio, specializzato nella produzione di riso glutinoso all’interno del bambù e nella raccolta di noci di cocco. Assistete al riempimento del bambù, mentre sgranocchiate un delizioso snack cambogiano e cocco fresco.
Durante il percorso, date un’occhiata ad alcune bancarelle di zucchero di palma: gli abitanti del villaggio vi mostreranno vari metodi di lavorazione di questo frutto. Non siate timidi, mettetevi in gioco senza timore! L’ultima tappa vi condurrà presso un’abitazione locale, dove un’intera famiglia si guadagna da vivere grazie alla creazione di eleganti oggetti d’artigianato di foglie di palma. Vi verrà insegnato come intrecciare le foglie per dar vita al vostro souvenir personalizzato: portatelo a casa come ricordo indelebile di questa peculiare esperienza!

Pasti inclusi:
Distanze: 3 chilometri – 30-45 min


Nehmen Sie am lokalen Dorfleben teil

Sie beginnen Ihr Halbtages-Erlebnis, indem Sie Ihr eigenes traditionelles Frühstück zubereiten und die unterschiedlichen Phasen der Reisnudel-Herstellung entdecken und dabei helfen. Anschließend genießen Sie Ihr kreiertes Produkt zusammen mit der Familie.
Weiter geht es zu einem anderen Dorf, das sich auf die Herstellung von Bambus-Klebreis und die Ernte von Kokosnüssen spezialisiert hat. Assistieren Sie bei der Zubereitung der Bambusfüllung, während Sie schmackhafte kambodschanische Snacks und eine frische Kokosnuss probieren. Auf dem Weg werden Sie verschiedene Zuckerrohr-Stände sehen. Die Dorfbewohner werden Ihnen erläutern, wie sie die Früchte auf unterschiedlichen Wegen verarbeiten. Seien Sie nicht schüchtern und versuchen Sie es auch!
Der nächste und letzte Halt wird Sie zu einem Haus führen, in dem eine Familie ihr Einkommen damit bestreitet, Handarbeit aus Palmenblättern zu fertigen. Die Bewohner werden Ihnen lehren, wie man solch ein Handwerksstück herstellt und Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Ihr eigenes Kunstwerk als ein außergewöhnliches und sehr persönliches Souvenir mit nachhause zu nehmen.

Mahlzeiten inklusive:
Strecke: 3 Kilometer – 30-45 Minuten