LAOS – Luang Prabang – Rice Cultivation at a Lao Farm

Experience local agriculture in the beautiful countryside just outside of Luang Prabang.


Art & Culture, Classic, Family, Gastronomy

Country - City

Laos - Luang Prabang

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Level of difficulties


Max pax

20 (possible to extend to 35 by splitting in smaller groups)


All year round

Arrival city

Luang Prabang

Departure city

Luang Prabang


The farmers of the Living Land will teach visitors everything they need to know about the 13 stages of growing rice, including the selection of the best grains, the rigorous preparation of the rice field, to the planting of the rice, the harvest and eventually the processing. They will also demonstrate how to make rice flour and travelers will have the chance to sample products made of rice. It is also an opportunity to learn how the farmers make the tools they need and to discover how they weave bamboo to make the special baskets for cooking the rice. Afterwards, there is a visit to the organic vegetable garden to learn about the various vegetables and aromatic plants grown on the farm and the cultivation methods used to grow them.

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

Selling points

  • Rice is a national staple in Laos, and this activity gives travelers the chance to become more intimate with the local culture and way of life. 
  • Enjoy the beautiful, rolling mountains and rural scenery just outside of Luang Prabang. 
  • Gain knowledge while enjoying a dynamic farming workshop. 

Level Of The Excursion

Low - This activity impacts local community, culture and/or environment in a small but meaningful way

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Empowerment and education

Economic Impact

Local individual benefits

Community benefits

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Luang Prabang Rice farm 7 Car / Bus 20 minutes Fair



  • Approximately 3 hours.
  • Morning join-in: 08:30-11:45.
  • Afternoon join-in: 13:30-16:45.

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Experience the unique lifestyle and traditions of Lao people while enjoying the landscape around Luang Prabang.
  • Authentic experience – learning by actually doing.
  • Suitable for all markets.
  • Suitable for family with children 10+.
  • Fun and interactive way to learn about agriculture in Laos.

Why this activity

  • Located near Luang Prabang.
  • Nice scenery.
  • Improve understanding of the local culture and economy. 

Good to combine with

Do not combine with

  • Any activity in the direction of Pak Ou Caves as it is in the other direction. 

Market suggestion













Competitor comparison

  • Other DMCs may offer this product.


  • Easy to combine with other activities with a similar or different theme on the same day.
  • 3 different options available depending on the level of privatization required.
  • An interactive learning experience. 


  • Weather-permitting. 


  • VIDEO:


Important information

  • Privatization available in the afternoon.
  • If English speaking clients, no need to book a guide for this activity.
  • There are three options available:

Option 1. Join-in tour – the clients join with other clients from different DMC and use the same guide from the land.

Option 2. Private Tour – private guide from the farm takes care only of our clients for all steps of the activity. They do not mix with other groups, but there may be other private tours at the farm at the same time – for this option there is a supplement of 100$/group.

Quotation guideline


  • LAOS > Luang Prabang > Activity > The Living Land > (SIC) Rice cultivation at a Lao farm
  • LAOS > Luang Prabang > Activity > The Living Land > (SIC) Rice cultivation at a Lao farm incl. lunch
  • LAOS > Luang Prabang > Activity > The Living Land > Supplement for private presenter with non-private venue/ afternoon only


  • Visit with an English speaking guide.
  • Rice product samples.


  • Transportation of the guests.
  • Meals.
  • Non-English speaking guide.

Important notes

  • No privatization needed for groups up to 20 pax.
  • We can provide private tour with dedicated local guide for our group.
  • Specify if lunch is included or not.

Make sure the correct option is chosen –

  • Option 1. Join-in tour – the clients join with other clients from different DMC and use the same guide from the land.
  • Option 2. Private Tour – private guide from the farm takes care only of our clients for all steps of the activity. They do not mix with other groups, but there may be other private tours at the farm at the same time – for this option there is a supplement of 100$/group

Morning join-in 08:30 until 11:45.

Afternoon join-in 13:30 until16:45

Special Guide notes

  • Guide required to help if travelers are non-English speaking. 


  • Contact: Living Lans Farm
  • Phone: (+856) 020 55 199 208


Rice Cultivation at a Lao Farm
Today, the farmers of the Living Land will teach you everything you need to know about the 13 stages of growing rice, including the selection of the best grains, the rigorous preparation of the rice field, the planting of the rice, harvesting, and finally the processing. They will also demonstrate how to make rice flour and you will have the chance to sample products made of rice. It is also an opportunity for you to learn how the farmers make the tools they need and to discover how they weave bamboo to make the special baskets for cooking the rice. Afterwards, you will visit the organic vegetable garden to learn about the various vegetables and aromatic plants grown on the farm and the cultivation methods used to grow them.

Distance: 5 kilometers – 15 minutes

  • Good to combine with Kuang Sy waterfalls as Living Lands is located on the way; Joining activity
  • Duration: 2 hours


Culture du riz dans une ferme lao
Aujourd’hui, les agriculteurs de la Terre vivante vous apprendront tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur les 13 étapes de la culture du riz, y compris la sélection des meilleurs grains, la préparation rigoureuse de la rizière, la plantation du riz, la récolte et enfin la transformation. Ils vous montreront également comment fabriquer de la farine de riz et vous aurez l’occasion de déguster des produits à base de riz. C’est aussi l’occasion pour vous d’apprendre comment les agriculteurs fabriquent les outils dont ils ont besoin et de découvrir comment ils tressent le bambou pour fabriquer les paniers spéciaux destinés à la cuisson du riz. Ensuite, vous visiterez le potager biologique pour découvrir les différents légumes et plantes aromatiques cultivés dans la ferme et les méthodes de culture utilisées pour les cultiver.

Distance : 5 kilomètres – 15 minutes
Remarques :

  • Il est intéressant de combiner cette activité avec une excursion aux cascades de Kuang Sy vu que Living Land se situe sur le chemin
  • Durée : 2 heures


Cultivo del arroz en una granja de Laos
Hoy, los agricultores de la Tierra Viva le enseñarán todo lo que necesita saber sobre las 13 etapas del cultivo del arroz, incluida la selección de los mejores granos, la rigurosa preparación del arrozal, la siembra del arroz, la cosecha y, por último, el procesado. También le mostrarán cómo hacer harina de arroz y tendrá la oportunidad de probar productos elaborados con arroz. También es una oportunidad para aprender cómo los agricultores fabrican las herramientas que necesitan y descubrir cómo tejen el bambú para hacer las cestas especiales para cocinar el arroz. Después, visitará el huerto ecológico para conocer las distintas hortalizas y plantas aromáticas que se cultivan en la granja y los métodos de cultivo utilizados para cultivarlas.

Distancia: 5 kilómetro – 15 minutos
Duración: 2 horas
Nota: merece la pena hacer esta actividad con la de las cataratas de Kuang Sy porque Living Land está de camino. Actividades complementarias.


Giornata tra le risaie di una fattoria Laotiana
Oggi i contadini della Terra Viva vi insegneranno tutto ciò che c’è da sapere sulle 13 fasi della coltivazione del riso, tra cui la selezione dei chicchi migliori, la rigorosa preparazione della risaia, la semina del riso, il raccolto e infine la lavorazione. Vi mostreranno anche come si fa la farina di riso e avrete la possibilità di assaggiare prodotti a base di riso. È anche un’occasione per imparare come i contadini costruiscono gli strumenti di cui hanno bisogno e per scoprire come intrecciano il bambù per realizzare gli speciali cesti per cucinare il riso. In seguito, visiterete l’orto biologico per conoscere i vari ortaggi e le piante aromatiche coltivati nella fattoria e i metodi di coltivazione utilizzati.

Durata: 2 ore
Distanze: 5 chilometri – 15 minuti
Note: ottimo da combinare con le cascate di Kuang Sy poiché Living Land è situata lungo il percorso. Attività partecipativa non privatizzata


Reisanbau auf einer Farm in Laos
Heute werden Ihnen die Landwirte des Lebendigen Landes alles Wissenswerte über die 13 Phasen des Reisanbaus beibringen, darunter die Auswahl der besten Körner, die sorgfältige Vorbereitung des Reisfeldes, die Aussaat des Reises, die Ernte und schließlich die Verarbeitung. Es wird auch gezeigt, wie Reismehl hergestellt wird, und Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Produkte aus Reis zu probieren. Bei dieser Gelegenheit erfahren Sie auch, wie die Bauern die benötigten Werkzeuge herstellen und wie sie Bambus flechten, um die speziellen Körbe zum Kochen des Reises zu fertigen. Anschließend besuchen Sie den Bio-Gemüsegarten und lernen die verschiedenen Gemüse- und Gewürzpflanzen kennen, die auf dem Hof angebaut werden, sowie die Anbaumethoden, mit denen sie gezüchtet werden.

Strecke und Dauer: 5 Kilometer – 15 Minuten
Dauer: 2 Stunden

  • gut mit einem Besuch der Kuang-Sy-Wasserfälle kombinierbar, da sich die Living Lands auf dem Weg befinden
  • Join-in-Aktivität