CAMBODIA – Kep – Visit a Pepper Plantation in the Countryside

This activity offers the chance to visit a beautiful local farm, run by friendly people with a passion for sharing their experience


Art & Culture, Beach Stay, Classic, Family

Country - City

Cambodia - Kep

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All year round

Arrival city


Departure city



Southern Cambodia in general, and Kep and Kampot in particular, are internationally famous for their world class pepper. It is the first Cambodian product to benefit from the World Trade Association status of Protected Geographical Indication, like – to use widely known examples – Champagne from the region of Champagne in France, or Parma Ham from the Italian town of Parma. This activity offers the chance to visit a beautiful local farm, run by friendly people with a passion for sharing their experience. The tour starts with giving an overview of the techniques used for growing and harvesting pepper given by the host. After the introduction, it’s time to walk through the gardens and see the pepper on the shrubs, as well as the assorted peppercorns drying in the sun. A local expert is willing to explain the characteristics of the different types, and then he gives the chance to try them and compare them for themselves. In the end, travellers can buy some of this exquisite product, which is be sure to make a great souvenir or gift for family and friends back home.

Selling points

  • Kampot pepper was the first product in Cambodia to receive a Geographical Indication (GI) in 2010
  • To offer a visit to the plantation and understand the process of cultivating one of the best peppers types in the world
  • To learn about all the different types of pepper

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Kep Pepper Plantation 15 Car 20 minutes Average



  • A 20-minute trip from Kep, 45-minute explanations and introductions, plantation tour and tasting, optional 1-hour lunch, a 20-minute trip back to Kep.

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Suitable for all market segments: FIT, GIT, MICE
  • The hosts are known for their true passion for pepper and to share the knowledge and stories about their work and products.
  • Tour guide speaks different languages fluently (French, German, English)

Why this activity

  • Hands-on, cultural experience visiting a pepper plantation
  • Visiting a pepper plantation should be an essential part of every stay in Kep or Kampot.
  • One of the nicest plantations in the region; very friendly owners and staff
  • Tour guide speaks different languages fluently (French, German, English)

Good to combine with

  • Good to add to the trip from/to Phnom Penh from/to Kep (with lunch on the spot)
  • Half-day tour or full-day tour around Kep and Kampot

Market suggestion














Competitor comparison

  • All the DMCs are able to offer this product


  • Flexible timing
  • Low costs
  • Lunch on the spot available (good price value)


  • Rainy weather may affect the tour
  • This is one of the “must-do” activities in the Kep and Kampot area, and guests could run into larger crowds

Price range



  • Plantation’s tour guide
  • Entrance fees


  • Transport from/to hotel
  • Any other extra expenses

Possible Extra

  • Lunch or dinner on the spot (Menu with different, pepper based dishes, very tasty): surcharge applies.

Different Choice


  • Sothy SORN, Tel: 088 951 3505,
  • E-Mail: [email protected],
  • Website:


Visit a Pepper plantation in the Countryside

Upon arriving at the plantation, you will be welcomed by your host, who will begin by giving an overview of the techniques used for growing and harvesting pepper, the first Cambodian product to benefit from the World Trade Association status of Protected Geographical Indication. You can then take a walk through the gardens and see the pepper on the shrubs, as well as the assorted peppercorns drying in the sun. Your host will explain to you the characteristics of the different types of pepper, and you’ll even have the chance to try and compare them for yourself.

In the end, you will have the option to buy some of this exquisite product, which makes a great souvenir or gift for friends back home.

Meals included: n/a
Accommodation: n/a

  • 45-minute explanation, touring, and tasting
  • Cambodia’s rainy season takes place between May and October, however, July, August and September are particularly heavy rain periods, affecting the road to the plantation. If rain occurs during the time of the visit, the duration of the tour shall take more time depending on the road conditions.


Visite d’une plantation de poivre à la campagne

Vous commencerez par découvrir les techniques de plantation et de récolte du poivre, le premier produit cambodgien à bénéficier du statut de produit protégé par son indication géographique par l’Association Mondiale du Commerce. Vous vous promènerez à travers les jardins et observerez les grappes de poivre sur les arbustes ainsi que les grains de poivre séchant au soleil. On vous expliquera également les caractéristiques des différents produits et vous aurez l’occasion de les gouter pour les comparer vous-même. A la fin du tour, vous pourrez passer par la boutique pour ramener avec vous un délicieux souvenir de ce produit raffiné.  

Repas inclus:
Remarque: Le tour comprenant la visite, l’explication et la dégustation dure 45 minutes.

La saison des pluies au Cambodge a lieu entre mai et octobre, toutefois, juillet, août et septembre sont des périodes de fortes pluies, affectant la route de la plantation. En cas de pluie pendant la visite, celle-ci sera plus longue en fonctions des conditions de la route.


Visite una plantación de pimienta en la región rural

Su anfitrión le dará la bienvenida, que comenzará con una presentación general de las técnicas utilizadas para el cultivo y la cosecha de la pimienta, el primer producto camboyano que goza de la indicación geográfica protegida de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Podrá pasear por los jardines y observar la pimienta en los arbustos, así como los diferentes granos de pimienta secándose al sol. Su anfitrión le explicará las características de los diferentes tipos y tendrá la oportunidad de probarlos y compararlos usted mismo. Al final, tendrá la posibilidad de comprar este exquisito producto, algo que será un excelente regalo para sus amigos cuando regrese a casa.

Comidas incluidas:
Nota: la explicación, el tour y la cata durarán 45 minutos.


Visitate una piantagione di pepe nella campagna

Sarete accolti dal vostro ospite che inizierà con una panoramica delle tecniche utilizzate per la coltivazione e la raccolta del pepe, il primo prodotto cambogiano a beneficiare dello status di indicazione geografica protetta dell’Associazione Mondiale del Commercio. È possibile passeggiare tra i giardini e vedere il pepe sugli arbusti, nonché i grani di pepe assortiti essiccati al sole. Il vostro ospite vi spiegherà le caratteristiche dei diversi tipi e avretevoi stessi la possibilità di provarli e paragonarli. Alla fine, avrete la possibilità di acquistare un po’di questo squisito prodotto, come ottimo souvenir o regalo per gli amici a casa.

Pasti inclusi:
Nota: 45 minuti di spiegazione, tour e degustazione


Besuchen Sie eine Pfefferplantage in der Landschaft

Nach Ihrer Ankunft auf der Plantage werden Sie von Ihrem Gastgeber willkommen geheißen, der Ihnen zunächst einen Überblick über die Techniken gibt, welche genutzt werden, um Pfeffer anzubauen und zu ernten. Beim Pfeffer handelt es sich um das erste kambodschanische Produkt, das vom Status der ‚Geschützten geografischen Angabe‘ von der Welthandelsorganisation profitiert. Sie können dann einen Spaziergang durch die Gärten machen und den Pfeffer in den Sträuchern sehen sowie auch die sortierten Pfefferkörner, die in der Sonne trocknen. Ihr Gastgeber wird Ihnen die Charakteristika der verschiedenen Pfeffertypen erläutern und Sie werden sogar die Chance haben, den Pfeffer zu probieren und selbst zu vergleichen. Zum Abschluss haben Sie die Möglichkeit, einige der exquisiten Produkte zu kaufen, womit Sie ein großartiges Souvenir oder Geschenk für Ihre Freunde in der Heimat haben.

Mahlzeiten inklusive:
Hinweis: 45-minütige Erläuterung, Tour und Verkostung