CAMBODIA – Siem Reap – Spend Time With Local Fisherman at Tonle Sap Lake, Kompong Kleang

As your travellers marvel at the scenery of the massive Tonle Sap lake by boat, they will have the privilege of meeting with a local fisherman in order to understand more about their lifestyle and manual fishing techniques.


Art & Culture, Classic, Family, Sustainable

Country - City

Cambodia - Siem Reap

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Level of difficulties


Max pax



All year round

Arrival city

Siem Reap

Departure city

Siem Reap


The great Tonle Sap lake is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia and one of the world’s most diverse and productive ecosystems. Large populations of Khmer and ethnic Vietnamese live on this great lake in floating villages and, for the majority of these peoples, their livelihoods depend entirely on fishing as they are the primary suppliers of fish to Cambodia’s many markets.
As your travelers marvel at the scenery of the massive Tonle Sap lake by boat, they will have the privilege of meeting with a local fisherman in order to understand more about their lifestyle and manual fishing techniques.
Spectators will be able to actively take part and learn the techniques of casting a net themselves!

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure


Selling points

  • To learn about local and manual fishing techniques
  • To get a deeper insight in the lives of the people living in the floating villages of the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia
  • To offer actively involved yourself and learn how to throw a net

Level Of The Excursion

Low - This activity impacts local community, culture and/or environment in a small but meaningful way

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Economic Impact

Local individual benefits

Additional Information

Positive impact:

Create interaction with local villagers and support a fisherman.


Time And Transportation

Siem Reap Kampong Kleang 50 km Car 1hrs good


  • 1h 30min to 2 hours maximum / per service

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • For family, GIT, MICE
  • Give a plus to the normal Kampong Khleang Tour

Why this activity

  • Easia Signature product
  • Meet a local fisherman in person, who’s not only friendly, but who can give invaluable cultural insight
  • Fun when they practice a new way of fishing by using a net
  • Very reasonable price
  • Give a plus to the normal Kampong Khleang Tour

Good to combine with

  • Any boat tour to Kampong Khleang

Market suggestion
















  • The fisherman was born and living in Kampong Kleang all his life
  • Smiley person


  • Clients can get a little bit wet when they practice/lean to do fishing by using fishnet
  • The fisherman only speaks Khmer

Important information

Tour Guideline: 

  • The fisherman will stand by to welcome clients when they arrive at dock, before starting the boat tour
  • The fisherman will travel in the boat together with clients
  • When boat arrives in the middle of the lake, where we will take a short stop, the fisherman will show clients how they fish using their net
  • Clients will have an opportunity to practice fishing with him

Price range



  • Fisherman fee
  • Fishnet & fish rods fee


  • Transportation
  • Boat tour
  • Tour guide

Special Guide notes

  1. Information tour guide should know about fisherman: Fisherman name, how many children does he have? What they are doing now? What kind of fishing technique he does? Tour guide can personally ask those questions when he first meet fisherman so he/she will be able to understand fisherman and easy to communicate. Moreover, it will help him/her to have well explanation to clients.
  2. Tour guide have to to call fisherman to reconfirm 1 day before tour start and tell fisherman know what time they will arrive at boat station because our fisherman have to travel to boat station to wait for clients arrival.
  3. Meet fisherman at boat station, introduce him to clients
  4. When boat stop in the middle of the lake, present clients about fisherman life (by asking fisherman and translate for clients). Instruct Fisherman to show clients how to fish by using his fishnet & invite clients to try.
  5. On the way back to boat station, our fisherman will a take stop on the way to get to his home so let inform clients about this before tour finish.


Mr. Chhun – fisherman at Kampong Kleang 0716600082

Please always remind tour guide to call him to reconfirm 1 day before tour start and tell him exact time they will arrange at boat station because our fisherman have to travel to boat station to wait for clients arrival.

Remark:They will be with our clients on the boat during the boat trip, for not more than 2 hours / per service

Internal Product Annoucement


CAMBODIA – Siem Reap – Spend time with local fisherman at Tonle Sap Lake, Kampong Kleang

SUB-BRAND :  Thematic Leisure, Exclusive, Group and Incentive
THEME: Family Travel | Art & Culture | Classic
SEGMENT: FIT, Incentive Groups & GIT

  • Learn about traditional, manual fishing techniques
  • Get a deeper insight into the lives of the people living on the floating villages of the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia
  • Get actively involved yourself and learn how to throw a net

Watch the video:

Download the pictures here

Product Launch Package

Watch the video:

Download the pictures here



The great Tonle Sap lake is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia and one of the world’s most diverse and productive ecosystems. Large populations of Khmer and ethnic Vietnamese also live on the lake in floating villages and their livelihoods depend almost entirely on fishing from these villages.
As you marvel at the scenery of the massive Tonle Sap lake by boat, you’ll have the privilege of meeting with a local fisherman in order to understand more about their lifestyle and manual fishing techniques, fishermen who are the primary suppliers of fish to Cambodia’s many markets.n who are the primary suppliers of fish to Cambodia’s many markets.
Spectators will also be able to actively take part and learn the techniques of casting a net themselves from the professionals. So, don’t be shy and actively take part in learning the traditional technique of casting a net yourself!


Passez du temps avec un pêcheur local sur le Lac Tonlé Sap

Le Tonlé Sap est le plus grand lac d’eau douce d’Asie du sud-est et possède l’un des écosystèmes les plus variés et fertiles du monde. Une grande population khmère et des minorités vietnamiennes vivent sur le lac dans des villages flottants où ils dépendent en majorité de la pêche.
Pendant votre découverte du gigantesque lac en bateau, vous rencontrerez un pêcheur local qui vous donnera la possibilité d’apprendre  des techniques de pêche traditionnelle et de comprendre le mode de vie des habitants du lac. Il vous racontera aussi des anecdotes et l’histoire de ces hommes et de ces femmes qui sont les premiers fournisseurs de poisson de nombreux marchés cambodgiens.
N’hésitez pas à prendre activement part à cette activité en apprenant à jeter un filet vous-même!


Disfrute de un rato con los pescadores locales en el lago Tonle Sap

El gran lago Tonle Sap es el lago de agua dulce más grande del sureste asiático, y uno de los ecosistemas más variados y productivos del mundo. Las grandes poblaciones jemeres y vietnamitas viven en el lago, en pueblos flotantes y, para la mayoría, sus medios de vida dependen completamente de la pesca.
Mientras emprende un viaje de descubrimiento en barco por el escenario que ofrece este enorme lago, se reunirá con un pescador local que le dará la oportunidad de aprender y comprender más en profundidad el estilo de vida y las técnicas manuales de pesca de las personas que viven en el agua, así como las historias de estos hombres y mujeres, principales proveedores de pesado de muchos de los mercados de Camboya.
No sea tímido y tome parte activa en el aprendizaje de la técnica de echar las redes.


Trascorrete del tempo con un pescatore locale al lago Tonle Sap

Il grande lago Tonle Sap è il più grande lago d’acqua dolce nel sud-est asiatico e uno degli ecosistemi più vari e produttivi al mondo. Grandi popolazioni di khmer e di etnie vietnamite vivono sul lago in villaggi galleggianti e per la maggior parte, i loro mezzi di sostentamento dipendono interamente dalla pesca.
Mentre andate alla scoperta dello scenario del massiccio lago in barca, un incontro con un pescatore locale vi darà la possibilità di imparare e comprendere meglio lo stile di vita e le tecniche di pesca manuale delle persone che vivono sull’acqua e le storie di questi uomini e donne che sono i principali fornitori di pesce per molti mercati della Cambogia.
Non siate timidi e prendete parte attivamente all’apprendimento della tecnica di lancio di una rete!


Verbringen Sie Zeit am Tonle-Sap-See mit einem lokalen Fischer

Beim Tonle-Sap-See handelt es sich um den größten Süßwassersee in Südostasien und um eines der vielfältigsten und produktivsten Ökosysteme der Welt. Riesige Populationen von Khmer und ethnischen Vietnamesen leben auf dem See in schwimmenden Dörfern und für einen Großteil der Menschen hängt ihr Lebensunterhalt vollkommen vom Fischfang ab.
Während Sie mit einem Boot auf dem riesigen See auf Entdeckungsreise gehen, wird Ihnen ein lokaler Fischer die Möglichkeit geben, mehr über das Leben dort und die manuellen Fischfangtechniken der auf dem Wasser lebenden Menschen zu lernen. Zudem erfahren Sie etwas über die Geschichte und die Geschichten hinter den Männern und Frauen, die die Fisch-Hauptlieferanten für die meisten kambodschanischen Märkte sind.
Seien Sie nicht schüchtern und lernen Sie aktiv, ein Netz auszuwerfen!