LAOS – Vang Vieng – Hike to Pha Ngeun Peak

A rewarding half-day hike offering the most dramatic panorama of the surroundings.



Country - City

Laos - Vang Vieng

Market segment

Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Level of difficulties


Max pax



All Year Round

Arrival city

Vang Vieng

Departure city

Vang Vieng


After a drive of 3 kilometers across the Nam Song River from Vang Vieng, a short walk leads to the foot of Pha Ngeun Peak. Then, the hike into the beautiful natural environment begins. The scenery is typical of the countryside surrounding Vang Vieng – jagged limestone peaks and mountains entirely covered with forest. A steep uphill climb (45 minutes to 1 hour) will be rewarded at the top by a dramatic view of the area – a 360-degree panorama of rice fields, forests and limestone peaks stretching all the way to the horizon. After a rest at the sala, from where one can contemplate the vista, the walk continues for about 40 minutes back down the mountain.

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

  • Vang Vieng – Caving & Hiking in the surroundings
  • Vang Vieng – Vang Vieng from Above
  • Vang Vieng – Pony Trekking

Selling points

  • To offer the most picturesque view of the natural landscapes around Vang Vieng.
  • The sala at the top is a nice place to have a rest after the climbing.
  • Good maintenance of the trail by the villagers.
  • The entire trail is shaded by trees.

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Vang Vieng Town Pha Ngeun Peak 3 Songtheo 15 minutes Good


  • Approximately 3 hours

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Suitable for FIT only with the easy active profile clients.
  • A hike to the top of a mountain to see one of the most impressive panoramas of Vang Vieng
  • A half day easy level active product suitable for beginners which can be combined with another half day hike in Vang Vieng
  • The entire trail is shaded by trees.

Why this activity

  • It is a way for nature lovers to get up close with the beauty of Laos.
  • It provides an opportunity to pass through a rural village.
  • A chance to get away from the bulk of the tourists and experience the rural countryside up close and personal.

Good to combine with

  • Vang Vieng – Caving & Hiking in the surroundings
  • Vang Vieng – Vang Vieng from Above
  • Vang Vieng – Pony Trekking

Do not combine with

  • Vang Vieng – Hike to Tad Heouysan
  • Vang Vieng – Bicycle Tour in Vang Vieng

Market suggestion














Competitor comparison

  • Can be offered by all other DMCs


  • Easy to arrange – only need to pay tuk-tuk and entrance fee.
  • Not an expensive activity.


  • Level intermediate (short distance but quite steep: 45 minutes to 1 hour only)
  • Pha Ngeun Peak is reachable after a 3 km transfer by Songtheo – walking to the start from Vang Vieng is not nice.
  • Not for GIT because the hut at the top can welcome only FIT – maximum 15 pax


  • Total Distance: approximately 2.5 kilometers
    – Road to the car park – 500m
    – Car park to summit – 1 kilometer
  • Total Ascent: approximately 320 meters
  • Total Descent: approximately 320 meters
  • Duration: 45 minutes to 1 hour ascent; 35-40 minutes descent.
  • Map can be found here


  • Do not provide on the morning of departure without late checkout as clients would want to shower afterwards
  • It is quite steep in places – do not provide for elderly guests or people who are not used to regular physical activity.

Price range


Quotation guideline

On ERP – 

Vang Vieng – Activity – Hike to Pha Ngeun Peak


  • Entrance fee (10.000 Kip/pax)
  • Water (5000 k /pax)
  • Songtheo transfer (250,000/10pax)


  • Guide

Important notes

  • Operated by Easia
  • Remind the guide that it is 1 Songtheo per 10 pax
  • Do not forget to ask the guide to give 1 water bottle per pax before starting the trek. Water has to be bought from town.
  • Give the guide the cash for entrance fee (10,000kip/pax, water 5,000kip/pax, transfer 250,000kip/10pax)
  • Inform the guide that the Songtheo should drop clients on the road so they can walk the first few hundred meters to the ticket checkpoint, this way clients can warm up before starting the climb. The Songtheo can then wait for them in the car park.


Hike to Pha Ngeun Peak
After a trip across the Nam Song River from Vang Vieng, you will arrive at the foot of Pha Ngeun Peak. As soon as you start the hike you’ll be immersed in the beautiful nature typical of the countryside surrounding Vang Vieng with its mountains entirely covered with forests. After some quite steep climbing, you will be well rewarded at the top by the most dramatic view of the area, a 360-degree vista of rice fields, forests and limestone peaks stretching to the horizon. After a rest at the sala from where you will contemplate the panorama, you will head down the mountain for about 40 minutes before reaching town.

Distance and duration of the hike: 2.5 kilometers – 3h
Level: 1
Transportation: From Vang Vieng to Pha Ngeun Peak: 3 kilometers – 15 minutes
Note: FIT only


Randonnée au Pic de Pha Ngeun
Vous vous rendrez de l’autre côté de la rivière Nam Song pour arriver aux pieds du pic Pha Ngeun, point de départ de votre randonnée dans un cadre naturel splendide, typique de la campagne de Vang Vieng, avec ses montagnes entièrement boisées. Après une montée à pic jusqu’au sommet, vous serez récompensés par un panorama inouï à 360 degrés sur les rizières, les forêts et les pitons karstiques qui s’étendent à l’horizon. Vous vous reposerez à la sala en admirant la vue, puis redescendrez pendant environ 40 minutes, jusqu’à la ville.

Distance et durée de la randonnée : 2.5 kilomètres – 3h
Niveau : 1
Trajet par la route : Dse Vang Vieng au Pic Pha Ngeun : 3 kilomètres – 15 minutes   
Remarque : Pour les individuels uniquement


Senderismo al pico de Pha Ngeun
Después de un paseo por el Río Nam Song desde la ciudad de Vang Vieng, llegará al pie del pico de Pha Ngeung. En cuanto empiece la caminata, se sumergirá en la preciosa naturaleza típica del campo que rodea Vang Vieng con sus montañas cubiertas de bosques. Se enfrentará a una subida empinada de unos 45 minutos a 1 hora pero después, en la cima, las vistas panorámicas a los arrozales, los bosques y los picos de caliza que se extienden en el horizonte serán su recompensa. Luego, podrá descansar un momento en la Sala (mirador) dónde tendrá la suerte de contemplar el panorama antes de bajar la montaña hasta la ciudad durante unos 40 minutos

Distancia: 3 kilómetros – 15 minutos – desde Vang Vieng hasta el pico de Pha Ngeun
Distancia y duración de la caminata: 2.5 kilómetros – 3 horas
Nivel: 1
Nota: solo para FIT


Escursione fino al picco di Pha Ngeun
Dalla cittadina di Vang Vieng, dopo aver attraversato il fiume Nam Song, arriverete ai piedi del picco di Pha Ngeun. Non appena iniziata la scalata verso la cima, vi ritroverete immersi nel peculiare paesaggio naturale della campagna che circonda Vang Vieng, con le sue montagne possenti, che si stagliano silenziose contro il cielo. Dopo una breve e ripida arrampicata di circa 1 ora, tutte le vostre fatiche verranno premiate, non appena raggiungerete la cima del picco: la drammatica vista a 360 gradi non potrà che togliervi il fiato, già corto dopo l’impegnativa salita. Riposatevi comodamente seduti su un padiglione di bambù, detto Sala, godendovi l’idillica vista sulle sottostanti risaie dal verde acceso, strette nell’abbraccio dalle montagne calcaree all’orizzonte. Ridiscenderete poi per circa 40 minuti, fino a raggiugere il punto di partenza e far ritorno in città.

Distanza da Vang Vieng al picco di Pha Ngeun: 3 chilometri – 15 minuti
Distanze e durata della camminata: 2.5 chilometri – 2 ore
Livello: 1
Note: solo per FIT


Wanderung Zum Pha Ngeun
Nach einem dreistündigen Transfer ab Vang Vieng auf dem Song Fluss erreichen Sie den Fuß des Berges Pha Ngeun. Sobald die Wanderung losgeht, tauchen Sie in die schöne und für diese Gegend typische natürliche Landschaft ein, die Vang Vieng mit ihren vollkommen bewaldeten Bergen umgibt. Nach einer steilen Klettertour (45 min bis 1 Std.) werden Sie auf der Spitze des Hügels mit einer dramatischen Aussicht auf  das Gebiet – einem 360°-Grad-Panorama-Blick auf Reisfelder, Wälder und Kalksteinen – belohnt. Nach einer Pause in einer Sala, wo der aus Sie erneut die Aussicht genießen können, wandern Sie den Berg herunter (etwa 40 min) und kehren in die Stadt zurück.

Distance and duration of the hike: 2.5 kilometers – 3h
Level: 1
Transportation: From Vang Vieng to Pha Ngeun Peak: 3 kilometers – 15 minutes
Note: FIT only