LAOS – Champasak – Along the Red Trail – Cycling

A discovery of the beauty of Laos’ Southern countryside during a bicycle tour leading to beautiful landscapes, authentic villages and traditional temples.


Art & Culture, Classic, Family

Country - City

Laos - Champasak

Market segment

Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Level of difficulties


Max pax



From October to June

Arrival city


Departure city



This cycling tour is ideal to discover the surroundings of Champasak town. It gives the opportunity to experience the beauty of the Lao countryside, in the middle of stunning landscapes as mountains and rice paddies. Following the red trail starting from the town center, the ride will go through three villages scattered in the lush and blooming natural settings. On the way, one might witness water buffaloes slouched on the ponds, as well as workers in the fields and people handling their daily tasks. The trail ends 1 kilometer from the entrance of the Vat Phu complex, the must-to-see temple in southern Laos, listed as a UNESCO world heritage site.

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

Selling points

  • To offer an original way to discover Wat Phou Temple.
  • To have an interesting stay in Champasak with the discovery of the countryside between the town and the temple, which provides a real added value to this destination.

Level Of The Excursion

Medium – This activity offers tangible positive contributions to the local community, culture and/or environment

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Economic Impact

Community benefits

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Inthira Champasak Hotel Vat Phou 8 Car 15 minutes Good
Starting point of the trek Inthira Champasak Hotel 1 Minivan 5 minutes Good


  • Bicycle: 1h 30min – 2 hours.

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • A short ride with the standard bicycle.
  • Easy level activity suitable for FIT and GIT travelers.
  • Easy to combine with LAOS – Champasak – Cycling Tour in Don Daeng for an extended bicycle activity.
  • Suitable for family with children over 15+.


Why this activity

  • An original way to access Vat Phou Temple.
  • A real added value product for travelers to see Champasak and Vat Phou Temple.
  • A great insight in the Lao countryside.

Good to combine with

Do not combine with

Market suggestion















Competitor comparison

  • Other DMCs may offer this product. 


  • Easy to organize.
  • Can combine with other activities.
  • A superb leisurely active activity in the Lao countryside. 


  • Most of the trail is not covered with shadow.
  • Not possible if raining, as the path would be too muddy.
  • No car assistance available: if the guests start the loop they have to finish.


  • The bikes are standard size. Not mountain bikes.
  • Possibility to stop at a local pig farm.
  • The guests have to be advised to bring walking shoes, hat, sun-cream, small backpack to carry water and camera.
  • Lunch at a local restaurant available near Vat Phou entrance.

Important information

Price range


Quotation guideline


  • LAOS > Champasak > Activity > Cycling Tour in Don Daeng Island > Bicycle Rental Fee
  • Free if the guests stay at La Folie Lodge, as they can use the hotels’ bikes.


  • Bicycle.
  • Bicycle transfer from Vat Phou temple after the tour.


  • Minivan transfer from Champasak boat pier to the bicycle rental or to the departure of the hike.
  • Minivan transfer from Wat Phou to the hotel.
  • Drinking water.
  • Lunch.
  • Wat Phou entrance fee.
  • Local Guide.

Important notes

  • No local guide: provide the Guide Note to the guide to explain the trail!
  • Vat Phu entrance closes at 04:30 but the site can be visited until 18:00.
  • Ask the supplier to recheck and prepare the bikes well in advance for it to be available for our guests.
  • Give appointment to the supplier to take back the bikes from Vat Phu Temple at the end of the tour.

Special Guide notes

  • The guests have to be advised to bring walking shoes, hat, sun-cream, small backpack to carry water and camera.

Different Choice


  • Contact: Mr Phouvieng
  • Phone: (+856) 020 55 43 29 79
  • Contact 2: Mr Viengkham (bicycle rental)
  • Phone 2: (+856) 020 22 712 402
  • Contact 3: Mrs. Bobby (Owner of Saythong Restaurant)
  • Phone 3: (+856) 020 22 20 62 15


Along the Red Rrail – Cycling
Today you’ll go for a journey of discovery of the local life in the surroundings of Champasak town. This 2-hour cycling tour provides you the opportunity to experience the beauty of the Lao countryside set in the middle of stunning landscapes made up of mountains and rice paddies. Follow the red trail which starts from the town center and passes through 3 villages (Ban Tai, Ban Houay Sa Houa, Ban Houay Khor) scattered in the flourishing natural environment. On the way, the dirt road will lead you to smaller paths where water buffalos, slouched in ponds, watch you nonchalantly as well as to vast open areas where you can witness workers in the fields and people going about their daily living tasks. The trail ends 1 kilometer from the entrance to the Vat Phu complex, the must-see temple in southern Laos, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. 

Meals included:
Distance and duration of cycling: 8 kilometers – 2 hours
Level: 0

  • Has to be combined with the visit of Vat Phou
  • Can be done in the morning, in the afternoon, or cycling from 10:00 to 12:00 + lunch + visit of Vat Phou


Le long de la piste rouge – Module à vélo
Un circuit à vélo de 2 heures autour de Champasak vous permettra d’admirer les paysages époustouflants de montagnes et de rizières. La piste rouge qui part du centre-ville vous fera traverser trois villages (Ban Tai, Ban Houay Sa Houa, Ban Houay Khor) éparpillés dans la nature luxuriante. Le chemin deviendra ensuite un sentier où vous verrez les buffles d’eau se prélasser dans des mares et vous regarder nonchalamment. Dans ces grands espaces ouverts, vous assisterez aux travaux des champs et aux tâches quotidiennes. Le chemin s’arrêtera à 1 kilomètre du complexe de Vat Phou, un temple à ne pas rater dans le sud du Laos, lui aussi inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO.

Repas inclus :
Distance et durée du tour à vélo : 8 kilomètres – 2 heures
Niveau : 0
Remarques : 

  • Ce tour doit être combiné avec la visite de Vat Phou 
  • Cette activité est possible le matin, l’après-midi, ou à vélo de 10 h à 12 h + repas + visite de Vat Phou


A lo largo de la ruta roja: excursión en bicicleta
Podrá descubrir la vida local de los alrededores de la ciudad de Champasak. Esa ruta de 2 horas en bicicleta le ofrece la oportunidad de descubrir la belleza del campo laosiano situado en medio de unos increíbles paisajes compuestos por montañas y arrozales. Siga la ruta roja que empieza en el centro de la ciudad y que pasa por 3 pueblos (Ban Tai, Ban Houay Sa Houa, Ban Houay Khor) dispersos en la floreciente naturaleza. La carretera de tierra le llevará a unos caminos más estrechos donde unos búfalos de agua, encorvados en unos estanques, le mirarán despreocupadamente. En los vastos campos despejados, podrá observar a los trabajadores en los campos así como el día a día de la población local. El recorrido acaba a 1 kilómetro de la entrada al complejo de Vat Phu: un templo del sur de Laos que merece la pena visitar (patrimonio de la humanidad por la UNESCO). 

Duración: 8km – 2 horas de paseo en bicicleta (hay que asociar esta excursión con la visita de Vat Phou)
Nivel: 0

  • se puede hacer por la mañana, por la tarde o paseo en bicicleta desde las 10:00 hasta las 12:00 + almuerzo + visita de Vat Phou


Pedalata lungo il sentiero rosso – Attività in bicicletta
Preparatevi per un viaggio avventuroso alla scoperta della vita di tutti i giorni nei dintorni della cittadina di Champasak. Durante le 2 ore di pedalata tra possenti montagne e verdeggianti risaie, avrete l’opportunità di ammirare la bellezza dei panorami idillici della campagna laotiana. Seguite il sentiero rosso, che comincia nel centro città e conduce a tre villaggi (Ban Tai, Ban Houay Sa Houa, Ban Houay Khor), le cui abitazioni tradizionali sono sparse nel bel mezzo della rigogliosa vegetazione. Durante il tragitto, la strada sterrata vi condurrà su sentieri più remoti, lungo i quali pascolano pigri bufali d’acqua, che vi seguiranno incuranti con lo sguardo, mentre costeggiate i laghetti nelle cui acque sono soliti rinfrescarsi. Proseguite la vostra pedalata rubando istanti di vita quotidiana qua e là tra le risaie. Il sentiero termina ad1 chilometro dal complesso del tempio Vat Phu: annoverato tra i siti patrimonio dell’UNESCO.

Distanze e durata del tragitto in bicicletta: 8 chilometri – 2 ore
Livello: 0

  • Attività da combinare con la visita di Vat Phou
  • L’attività può essere organizzato in mattinata, nel pomeriggio o pedalata dalle 10:00 alle 12:00 + pranzo + visita a Vat Phou.


Entlang des roten Pfades – Radtour
Sie machen eine Entdeckungsreise zum Leben der Einheimischen in der Umgebung von Champasak. Diese Radtour bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, die Schönheit der Landschaft von Laos inmitten atemberaubender, blühender Natur aus Bergen und Reisfeldern zu erleben. Folgen Sie dem roten Pfad, welcher im Zentrum von Champasak beginnt und vorbei an drei Dörfern (Ban Tai, Ban Houay Sa Houa und Ban Houay Khor) führt. Sie werden von der Straße auf schmalere Pfade gelangen, wo in Teichen lümmelnde Wasserbüffel Sie gleichgültig anschauen und Sie Zeuge von Bauern und anderen Einheimischen werden, die ihrer täglichen Arbeit nachgehen. Der Pfad endet 1 Kilometer vor dem Eingang zum Vat-Phu-Komplex, ein Must-see-Tempel in Süd-Laos, der als UNESCO- Weltkulturerbe gelistet ist.

Dauer: 8 km – 2 Stunden Radtour (muss mit Besuch von Vat Phu kombiniert werden)
Schwierigkeitsstufe: 0

  • Aktivität kann am Vormittag, am Nachmittag oder zwischen 10 und 12 Uhr + Mittagessen + Besuch von Vat Phou absolviert werden
  • Muss mit dem Besuch von Vat Phou kombiniert werden; Aktivität kann nur am Vormittag stattfinden: Wanderung + Mittagessen + Besuch von Vat Phou