LAOS – Muang Ngoi – Hike to Ban Na Village

A walk in the scenic countryside around Muang Ngoi to the rice paddy village of Ban Na.



Country - City

Laos - Muang Ngoi

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Level of difficulties


Max pax



October to June

Arrival city

Muang Ngoi

Departure city

Muang Ngoi


This easy walk starts directly in Muang Ngoi village. After the first 30 minutes of hiking, a stop at Tam Khang Cave, a former sheltering cave for local villagers during Indochina war (1960-1972), will be the occasion to learn about Lao history or to refresh in the waters nearby. The hike will continue through a lush vegetation and crossing rice paddies to reach the charming village of Ban Na, after around 1 hour walk. The traditional community life revolves around the local handicrafts and the rice cultivation. After enjoying the view of the rice fields and the surrounding hills from a small terrace, the trail heading back to Muang Ngoi will reveal further beautiful natural landscapes.

Duration of the walk to Ban Na village:  5 kilometers – around 2 hours one way
Level: 0

Selling points

  • Ideal for nature lovers to discover the landscapes of mountains and rice paddies
  • A great insight into a remote village of Laos and the local handicrafts
  • An easy active hike in the North Laos suitable for family
  • Easia Signature activity


half-day – 2 hours

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Easy walk to discover Muang Ngoi’s surroundings.
  • An opportunity to see the beautiful scenery. and  experience rural Laos at its finest.
  • The beautiful view of rice fields and the surrounding hills from a small restaurant’s terrace.
  • For  Active Leisure , easy walk to propose on arrival in Muang Ngoi
  • Easia Signature walk 

Why this activity

  • It provides an opportunity to visit a rural village.
  • Half day activity around Muang Ngoi’ leisure and Active Leisure 
  • to propose an offer in the region as there is not a lot to visit

Market suggestion















Competitor comparison

Easia Signature 


  • Easia to organize with the local guide and Easia Guide
  • No difficulty at all
  • This is the only activity we can do in this area without passing through Lao Youth Trave


  • Outside activities, subject to the weather (too hot, cold, rainy etc.).
  • In high season it is quite a touristic area.
  • Same way to go there and back – no loop possible.


  • More difficult to do by bicycle because in the end it is quite steep.
  • Very easy for walking on big road, not possible to go by short cut


  • Please advise clients to bring walking shoes, water, sun lotion and hat.

Price range



  • Easia guide
  • Village fee


  • Meals and Drinks


Organized by Easia services


Hike to Ban Na Village

Today, your easy walk starts in Muang Ngoi village. After the first 30 minutes of hiking you will have the chance to stop at Tam Khang Cave, the former sheltering cave for local villagers during the Indochina war (1960-1972). After visiting (and if you wish a short bath in the rock pool to cool off) you’ll walk further through lush vegetation and cross some rice paddies to reach Ban Na village. Here there is the possibility to explore community life by walking around the small village or enjoying the views of rice fields and the surrounding hills from a small restaurant terrace. After a pleasant relaxation break, it will be time to head back to Muang Ngoi.


Duration of the walk to Ban Na village: 5 kilometers (one way) – total time around 4-5 hours
Level: 0


Randonnée jusqu’au village de Ban Na

Votre randonnée commencera à Muang Ngoi et vous pourrez vous arrêter à mi-chemin, si vous le souhaitez, à la grotte de Tam Khang, qui servait d’abri aux villageois pendant la guerre d’Indochine (1960-1972). Vous pourrez vous rafraîchir dans le bassin, avant de reprendre votre marche au cœur de la végétation luxuriante à travers quelques rizières, jusqu’au village de Ban Na. Vous aurez la possibilité d’explorer la communauté en marchant dans le petit village ou en contemplant les rizières et les collines environnantes, depuis la terrasse d’un petit restaurant. Après une agréable pause, vous rentrerez à Muang Ngoi.


Distance et durée de la randonnée jusqu’au village de Ban Na : 5 kilomètres (aller simple) – temps total 4-5 heures environ
Niveau : 0


Senderismo al pueblo de Ban Na

Esta sencilla ruta empezará en Muang Ngoi. Después de de un paseo de 30 minutos, tendrá la oportunidad de conocer la cueva de Tam Khang, una antigua cueva que servía de escondite a los aldeanos durante la guerra de Indochina (1960-1972).  Después de la visita (y si lo desea, tras haberse refrescado dándose un baño en una piscina natural), continuará el camino por la abundante vegetación y cruzará unos arrozales antes de llegar al pueblo de Ban Na. Podrá descubrir el modo de vida de los aldeanos y dar un paseo por el pueblo o disfrutar de las vistas de los arrozales y las colinas desde la terraza de un pequeño restaurante. Después de un agradable momento de relax, regresará a Muang Ngoi.


Duración del paseo hasta el pueblo de Ban Na: 5 kilómetros (cada trayecto) – tiempo total 4-5 horas aproximadamente
Nivel: 0


Camminata fino al villaggio Ban Na

La piacevole camminata di oggi comincerà a Muang Ngoi. Dopo una passeggiata di 30 minuti, avrete la possibilità di fare una tappa alla grotta Tam Khang, che servì da rifugio per gli abitanti del villaggio durante la guerra d’Indocina (1960-1972). Dopo la visita e, se desiderate, un tuffo nella piscina naturale tra le rocce per rinfrescarvi e rinvigorirvi, vi addentrerete nella fitta vegetazione. Attraversate innumerevoli risaie dal verde acceso, fino a raggiungere il villaggio di Ban Na, a circa un’ora di distanza. Qui potrete esplorare la cittadina, immergendovi nella caratteristica vita di tutti i giorni. Passeggiate tra le viuzze del villaggio ed ammirate dalla terrazza di un ristorante il panorama mozzafiato sulle risaie e sulle morbide colline circostanti. Dopo una piacevole pausa, verrà il momento di fare ritorno a Muang Ngoi.


Distanze e durata dell’escursione: 5 chilometri (solo andata) – tempo totale 4-5 ore circa

Livello: 0


Wanderung zur Gemeinde Ban Na

Ihre einfache Wanderung beginnt in Muang Ngoi. Nach 30 Minuten gehen haben Sie die Möglichkeit, an der Tam-Khang-Höhle zu halten. Die Höhle diente früher zum Schutz der Einheimischen zur Zeit des Indochina-Krieges (1960-1972).

Nach dem Besuch der Höhle (und, so Sie wünschen, einem kurzen Bad im Felsenpool zur Abkühlung) wandern Sie weiter durch üppige Vegetation und über Reisfelder, bis Sie schließlich das Dorf Ba Na erreichen. Sie können das Leben der Gemeinschaft erkunden, indem Sie durch das Dorf spazieren oder die Aussicht auf die Reisfelder und die umgebenden Hügel von einer kleinen Restaurantterrasse aus genießen. Nach einer Entspannungspause ist es an der Zeit, nach Muang Ngoi zurückzukehren.


Dauer der Wanderung zur Gemeinde Ban Na: 5 kilometer (Eine Fahrt) – Dauer: insgesamt 4-5 Stunden

Schwierigkeitsstufe: 0