LAOS – Luang Prabang – A Taste of Laos

Stimulate the senses by taking an evening walking food tour with a local guide while sampling some of the country’s most famous delicacies.


Classic, Gastronomy, Sustainable

Country - City

Laos - Luang Prabang

Market segment

Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All year round

Arrival city

Luang Prabang

Departure city

Luang Prabang


Stimulate the senses by taking an evening walking food tour with a local guide while sampling some of the country’s most famous delicacies. The adventure will start with local snacks, Khaojee Lao (bbq skewer of sticky rice mixed with egg), Ping Khai (barbecued egg) and Ping Kwai (barbecued banana). The next stop is directly in the food street of the Night Market. Comfortably seated, it will be time for a delicious bowl of one of the staples of Lao cuisine – Khao Soi or Khao Piak (amongst the most popular dishes in Laos). There will also be Nem Khao (rice crepe stuffed with vegetables), Lao Omelette and Luang Prabang sausage to share and taste. The walk then continues to the sweet stop: fried coconut pancake and Khao Nom Kok (mini coconut cake cooked in a waffle iron). The final leg of the tour will take travelers on the terrace overlooking the night market’s food court, where they will enjoy a refreshing drink, Beerlao or soft drink.


Selling points

  • A sustainable local activity that allows travelers to directly support the local community. 
  • An ideal activity to do in the evening before a visit to the famous night market.
  • The walk takes travelers to parts of the city they may not usually get the chance to see. 


Level Of The Excursion

High – This activity strongly supports local communities and/or helps preserve the culture and environment

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Empowerment and education

Economic Impact

Local individual benefits

Community benefits

Time And Transportation

The tour starts at the crossing in front of the night market’s food court.


  • The approximate start time of the activity is between 17:00 and 18:00. Start times are quite flexible.
  • The approximate duration would be about 2 hours, depending on how long clients spend at each stop.

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • An ideal dinner activity to do in the evening before travelers take the time to explore the Night Market.
  • A great introductory activity for when travelers arrive in Luang Prabang.
  • A sustainable local activity that allows travelers to directly support the local community. 
  • Excellent for foodies or travelers that work in food service, hospitality, or culture. 


Why this activity

  • Developed to provide a FIT version of the “Street Food Dinner at the Night Market”.
  • Developed to let clients taste some of the typical Lao food that they most likely won’t try at the restaurants during their stay.
  • For clients who want to engage in sustainable tourism and support the local economy. 

Good to combine with

  • Any daytime activity that ends before 5pm.

Do not combine with

  • Any other evening activity.

Market suggestion















Competitor comparison

  • Most of our competitors offer a type of food tour. None are quite the same.


  • An exciting local activity that can be added to most programs.
  • A sustainable activity that brings the traveler into contact with local people.
  • Allows travelers to taste a range of local foods. 
  • Adds value to a visit to the night market – it is a unique way of arriving here.


  • The guide may have to improvise to keep the tour dynamic based on what is happening around him. 
  • The quality and availability of the food may vary depending on time of year or available suppliers. 


  • Walking distance: less than 1 kilometer.
  • Drink at the end of the tour not included in the program text as it can be a nice surprise at the end of the tour.


  • In the rainy season guests should bring an umbrella.
  • Recommended for FIT up to 6pax.
  • Can be arranged for 7 to 12pax but not recommended.

Price range


Quotation guideline


  • LAOS > Luang Prabang > Activity > A Taste of Laos

For the transfer please use the same transfer you would use to send clients for dinner and back to their hotel afterwards.


  • STOP 1 – Khao Jee Lao / Khai Ping / Kwai Ping: 1 of each per person
  • STOP 2 – Noodle Soup (1 per person), Nem Khao (1 plate for 2pax), Luang Prabang Sausage (1 sausage for 2pax), Lao Omelette (1 plate for 2pax)
  • STOP 3 – Fried Coconut cake (1 cake for 2 to 4 pax)
  • STOP 4 – Khao Nom Kok (2 per person)
  • STOP 5 – Beer, fruit shake or soft drink – 1 serving per pax


  • Easia Guide.
  • Transfers to the starting point and from the finishing point.
  • Any other food or drinks not included in the program.

Important notes

  • For the cash advance please refer to tab 3 on this excel file. On this tab you can see the amount of cash you need to provide to the guide for each group size as well as what the guide needs to order and the amount that the guide needs to pay at each stop.
  • When you brief the guide, you can use this map to explain the route
  • We only need to inform the suppliers at STOP 2 of the approximate time and group size so that they can prepare. See contact details in the “contact” section below.

Special Guide notes

  • The guide should check with clients if they want the noodle soup spicy or not spicy.
  • The guide should be friendly and talkative with the clients, he is part of the experience of seeing local places with a local person.
  • For this activity there are 5 stops (cf. map):
    • STOP 1 – Khao Jee Lao / Khai Ping / Ping Kwai
      • 1 of each per person
      • The guide can choose one of the shops in the street (or more than 1 if supplies not enough in 1 shop)
    • STOP 2
      • Guide needs to sit the travelers, order the food for them and then explain food details to them when food arrives while they are seated.
      • Noodle Soup: 1 per person / guide explains and travelers chose between Khao Soy or Khao Piak
      • Nem Khao: 1 plate for 4pax
      • Luang Prabang Sausage 1 sausage for 2pax (guide needs to ask to cut in half)
      • Lao Omelette: 1 plate for 4pax (guide needs to ask to cut in small portions)
    • STOP 3 – Fried Coconut pancake
      • 1 pancake for 4 pax (guide needs to ask to cut in 4 pieces)
    • STOP 4 – Khao Nom Kok
      • 1 plate for 4pax
    • STOP 5 – Beer, fruit shake or soft drink
      • 1 serving per pax. If Beerlao, guide must order 1 big beer per 2pax, and buy ice to explain how lao people share and drink the beerlao in glasses with ice.
      • local snacks (fried bananas if possible): 1 bag for 2pax
  • For groups bigger than 6pax, after the STOP 1, the guide needs to brief the travelers about the food they’re going to taste before entering the food street.
  • After this activity the guide can coordinate the final location with the client’s pick-up (if they will have one). If they do not have a pick-up and will travel back to their hotel by themselves then the guide can escort them to the night market and finish the activity with them there.

Different Choice


  • STOP 1 – No need to book.
  • STOP 2 – Noodle soup – 02077776610. Need to check in advance for availability of stocks.
  • STOP 3 – No need to book.
  • STOP 4 – No need to book.
  • STOP 5 – No need to book.


A Taste of Laos

Stimulate your senses by taking an evening walking food tour with a local guide while sampling some of the country’s most famous delicacies. Your adventure will start with local snacks, Khaojee Lao (bbq skewer of sticky rice mixed with egg), Ping Khai (barbecued egg) and Ping Kwai (barbecued banana). Your next stop is directly in the food street of the Night Market. Comfortably seated, you will be served a delicious bowl of one of the staples of Lao cuisine – Khao Soi or Khao Piak (amongst the most popular dishes in Laos). You will also taste Nem Khao (rice crepe stuffed with vegetables), Lao Omelette and Luang Prabang sausage. You will then head to the sweet stop: fried coconut pancake and Khao Nom Kok (mini coconut cake cooked in a waffle iron). The final leg of your tour will take you on the terrace overlooking the night market’s food court, where you will enjoy a refreshing drink, Beerlao or soft drink.

Notes: The starting time can be adapted but it should ideally start between 17:00 and 18:00. Capacity 12pax (recommended 6 pax).


Les Saveurs du Laos

Stimulez vos sens en faisant une promenade nocturne gourmande avec un guide local et en dégustant quelques-uns des mets les plus célèbres du pays. Votre aventure commencera par des en-cas locaux, le Khaojee Lao (brochette de riz gluant mélangé à de l’œuf cuite au barbecue), le Ping Khai (œuf au barbecue) et le Ping Kwai (banane au barbecue). Votre prochain arrêt sera directement dans la rue des marchands de nourriture du marché de nuit. Confortablement installé, on vous servira un délicieux bol de l’une des soupes de nouille étant des plats de base de la cuisine laotienne, le Khao Soi ou Khao Piak (parmi les plats les plus populaires du Laos). Vous goûterez également au Nem Khao (crêpe de riz farcie de légumes), à l’omelette laotienne et à la saucisse de Luang Prabang. Vous vous rendrez ensuite à l’étape sucrée : crêpe à la noix de coco frite et Khao Nom Kok (mini gâteau à la noix de coco cuit dans un gaufrier). La dernière étape de votre visite vous conduira sur la terrasse surplombant la place de restauration du marché de nuit, où vous dégusterez une boisson rafraîchissante: une Beerlao ou une boisson non alcoolisée.

Remarques : l’horaire peut être adapté mais dans l’idéal, l’activité devrait commencer entre 17 heures et 18 heures. Capacité 12 personnes (recommande 6 personnes)


Los Sabores de Laos

Estimule sus sentidos realizando una ruta gastronómica nocturna a pie con un guía local mientras degusta algunas de las delicias más famosas del país. Su aventura comenzará con aperitivos locales, Khaojee Lao (brocheta de arroz pegajoso mezclado con huevo a la barbacoa), Ping Khai (huevo a la barbacoa) y Ping Kwai (plátano a la barbacoa). Su siguiente parada es directamente en la calle de comida del Mercado Nocturno. Cómodamente sentado, le servirán un delicioso cuenco de uno de los platos básicos de la cocina laosiana: Khao Soi o Khao Piak (uno de los platos más populares de Laos). También degustará el Nem Khao (crepe de arroz relleno de verduras), la tortilla laosiana y la salchicha de Luang Prabang. A continuación, se dirigirá a la parada dulce: panqueque de coco frito y Khao Nom Kok (mini pastel de coco cocinado en una gofrera). El tramo final del recorrido le llevará a la terraza con vistas al patio de comidas del mercado nocturno, donde disfrutará de una bebida refrescante, Beerlao o refresco.

Notas: la hora de salida puede adaptarse, pero lo recomendable es que sea entre las 5:00 y las 6:00 de la tarde. Capacidad: 12 pax (recomendado 6 pax).


i Sapori del Laos

Stimolate i vostri sensi partecipando a un tour gastronomico serale a piedi con una guida locale e assaggiando alcune delle più famose prelibatezze del Paese. La vostra avventura inizierà con gli spuntini locali, Khaojee Lao (spiedino di riso appiccicoso misto a uovo), Ping Khai (uovo alla brace) e Ping Kwai (banana alla brace). La tappa successiva è direttamente nella via del cibo del Mercato notturno. Comodamente seduti, vi verrà servita una deliziosa ciotola di uno dei piatti base della cucina laotiana, il Khao Soi o Khao Piak (tra i più popolari del Laos). Assaggerete anche il Nem Khao (crepe di riso ripiene di verdure), la frittata del Laos e la salsiccia di Luang Prabang. Poi vi dirigerete verso la tappa dolce: la frittella di cocco fritta e il Khao Nom Kok (mini torta di cocco cotta in una piastra per cialde). L’ultima tappa del tour vi porterà sulla terrazza che si affaccia sull’area ristorazione del mercato notturno, dove potrete gustare una bevanda rinfrescante, un Beerlao o una bibita analcolica.

Note: L’ora di inizio può essere adattato, ma dovrebbe idealmente essere tra le 17:00 e le 18:00. Capacità 12 persone (raccomandato 6 persone)


Aromen von Laos

Stimulieren Sie Ihre Sinne bei einem abendlichen kulinarischen Spaziergang mit einem einheimischen Führer und probieren Sie dabei einige der berühmtesten Köstlichkeiten des Landes. Ihr Abenteuer beginnt mit lokalen Snacks wie Khaojee Lao (gegrillter Spieß mit Klebreis und Ei), Ping Khai (gegrilltes Ei) und Ping Kwai (gegrillte Banane). Ihr nächster Halt ist direkt in der Food Street des Nachtmarktes. Sie sitzen bequem und bekommen eine köstliche Schüssel mit einem der Grundnahrungsmittel der laotischen Küche serviert – Khao Soi oder Khao Piak (eines der beliebtesten Gerichte in Laos). Außerdem probieren Sie Nem Khao (mit Gemüse gefüllter Reisfladen), Lao-Omelett und Luang Prabang-Wurst. Danach geht es zum süßen Teil: gebratene Kokosnusspfannkuchen und Khao Nom Kok (Mini-Kokosnusskuchen, der in einem Waffeleisen gebacken wird). Die letzte Etappe Ihrer Tour führt Sie auf die Terrasse mit Blick auf den Food Court des Nachtmarktes, wo Sie ein erfrischendes Getränk, Beerlao oder Softdrink, genießen können.

Hinweise: Die Startzeit kann angepasst werden, sollte aber idealerweise zwischen 17 und 18 Uhr liegen. Kapazität: 12 Personen (empfohlen 6 Personen).