LAOS – Xieng Khuang – Visit the MAG and UXO Centers

Between 1964 and 1973 more than two million tons of bombs were dropped on Laos. An estimated 30 per cent of them did not detonate, and continue to kill and injure.


Art & Culture, Classic, Sustainable

Country - City

Laos - Xieng Khuang

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All year round

Arrival city


Departure city



Between 1964 and 1973 more than two million tons of bombs were dropped on Laos. An estimated 30 per cent of them did not detonate, and continue to kill and injure. MAG has been clearing the deadly legacy of the bombing in Laos since 1994, saving lives and building safer futures for local communities. At the MAG visitor center it is possible to learn how the bombs got there, how they affect people and how MAG clears them; watch films, including the acclaimed documentaries Bomb Harvest and Surviving the Peace; and view incredible images, including features on scrap metal collection and all-female clearance teams. The visit to the MAG Center will be complemented by an additional visit to the nearby UXO Museum

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

Selling points

  • A good opportunity for people interested in the history of Laos.
  • An opportunity to make a positive impact in the local community.
  • A sustainable activity which supports the communities affected by the war.
  • An interesting activity in the town center which complements a visit of the Jar Sites, also affected by UXO and cleared by MAG.
  • A short activity ideal as a time filler.

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Vansana Plain of Jars Hotel MAG and UXO Center 2 Minivan 5 minutes Good



  • Visits usually take around 1 hour for both centers, though depending on their level of interest, guests can stay as long as they wish.

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Time filler – on the way back or before the transfer.
  • Suitable for all markets, all budget customers – FIT and small GIT.
  • An interesting option for families with older teenagers who could find it interesting.
  • An excellent opportunity to learn about the often overlooked history of Laos.
  • A way to learn about the social impact of the American War.
  • A way to give back to the community by donating and spreading awareness.

Why this activity

  • Developed to have some time filler options in Phonsavan.
  • Designed to complement a visit of the UXO impacted Jar sites.

Good to combine with

  • A visit of the Plain of Jars and Muang Khoun
  • A visit to the Xieng Khuang Provincial Museum
  • A visit the the Mulberry Silk Farm

Do not combine with

  • A visit of the Plain of Jars and transfers out on the same day.

Market suggestion
















Competitor comparison

  • These are provided as time fillers by other DMCs as well.


  • Easy to arrange. No need to book in advance.
  • Inexpensive so easy to add to a program without dramatically increasing the cost.
  • Good for the company image as we support meaningful change in society.


  • Small centers, not ideal for large groups.
  • May be a bit boring if people are not interested in the topic.


  • Easia provides a donation for these visits on behalf of the travelers.
  • MAG Center opens Mon-Sun 10am-8pm.
  • More information:
  • UXO Center opens Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 12pm-8pm
  • More information:

Price range


Quotation guideline


  • Xieng Khouang > Entrance Fees > Entrance Fees in Xieng Khouang > MAG Center
  • Xieng Khouang > Entrance Fees > Entrance Fees in Xieng Khouang > UXO Museum


  • Donation to the center on behalf of the travelers.


  • Any purchases
  • Transfers
  • Easia Guide

Important notes

  • MAG Center opens Mon-Sun 10am-8pm.
  • UXO Center opens Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 12pm-8pm

Special Guide notes

  • Guides should help travelers understand the history by translating any signs from English/Lao if necessary.
  • Guide should pay the centers the donations on behalf of the travelers.

Different Choice


MAG Center –

UXO Museum –


Visit the MAG and UXO Centers
Between 1964 and 1973 more than two million tons of bombs were dropped on Laos. An estimated 30 per cent of them did not detonate, and continue to kill and injure. MAG has been clearing the deadly legacy of the bombing in Laos since 1994, saving lives and building safer futures for local communities. At the visitor center you can learn how the bombs got there, how they affect people and how MAG clears them; watch films, including the acclaimed documentaries Bomb Harvest and Surviving the Peace; and view incredible images, including features on scrap metal collection and all-female clearance teams. Afterwards, pay a visit to the nearby UXO Survivors’ Center to learn about the support offered to the victims of unexploded ordnance to help them improve their quality of life.

Notes: MAG Center opens Mon-Sun 10am-8pm. UXO Center opens Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 12pm-8pm


Visite des centres MAG et UXO

Entre 1964 et 1973, plus de deux millions de tonnes de bombes ont été larguées au Laos. On estime que 30 % d’entre elles n’ont pas explosé et continuent de tuer et de blesser. MAG nettoie l’héritage meurtrier des bombardements au Laos depuis 1994, sauvant des vies et construisant un avenir plus sûr pour les communautés locales. Au centre des visiteurs, vous pourrez apprendre comment les bombes sont arrivées là, comment elles affectent les gens et comment MAG les élimine ; regarder des films, notamment les documentaires acclamés Bomb Harvest et Surviving the Peace ; et voir des images incroyables, notamment des éléments de la collection de ferraille et des équipes d’expédition féminines. Ensuite, visitez le centre voisin UXO Survivors Center pour découvrir le soutien offert aux victimes de munitions non explosées afin de les aider à améliorer leur qualité de vie.

Remarques : Le centre MAG est ouvert du lundi au dimanche de 10 h à 20 h. L’UXO Center est ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 08 h à 20 h, le samedi et le dimanche de 12 h à 20 h.


Visita los centros MAG y UXO
Entre 1964 y 1973 se lanzaron más de dos millones de toneladas de bombas en Laos. Se estima que el 30 por ciento de ellos no detonó y continúa matando y hiriendo. MAG ha estado limpiando el legado mortal del bombardeo en Laos desde 1994, salvando vidas y construyendo futuros más seguros para las comunidades locales. En el centro de visitantes puedes aprender cómo llegaron las bombas allí, cómo afectan a las personas y cómo MAG las elimina; ver películas, incluidos los aclamados documentales Bomb Harvest y Surviving the Peace; y vea imágenes increíbles, que incluyen características de la colección de chatarra y equipos de despacho de mujeres. Luego, visite el cercano Centro de sobrevivientes de UXO para conocer el apoyo ofrecido a las víctimas de municiones sin explotar para ayudarlas a mejorar su calidad de vida.

Notas: MAG Center abre de lunes a domingo de 10 a.m. a 8 p.m. UXO Center abre de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m., sábados y domingos de 12 p.m. a 8 p.m.


La misteriosa piana delle giare

Da Phonsavan inizierete la vostra avventura con la visita a Muang Khoun, precedentemente conosciuta come Xieng Khuang, un tempo capitale della provincia. Le grandiose rovine sono tutto quello che resta di ciò che un tempo rappresentò lo splendore del regno, rinomato per l’eleganza di innumerevoli templi e stupa. Continuate la visita alla scoperta delle misteriose giare di pietra, che, raccolte in gruppi disomogenei, spuntano all’improvviso dal terreno. Che siano un paio o più di un centinaio, queste giare si raggruppano ai piedi delle colline, circondando la piana centrale e le vallate della regione montana. Tutt’ora, il come ed il perché le popolazioni locali le abbiano sistemate in tale maniera restano un interrogativo irrisolto. Presso il primo sito di giare, il più vasto ed interessante, potrete approfittarne per scoprire il poco che è stato rinvenuto della loro storia. Continuerete poi verso il secondo e terzo sito. Al calar del sole, farete ritorno a Phonsavan.

Pasti inclusi: 


Distanze: 45 chilometri – 1 ora


Besuchen Sie die MAG- und UXO-Zentren

Zwischen 1964 und 1973 wurden mehr als zwei Millionen Tonnen Bomben auf Laos abgeworfen. Schätzungsweise 30 % davon sind nicht detoniert und verursachen weiterhin Tote und Verletzte. MAG beseitigt seit 1994 die tödlichen Hinterlassenschaften der Bombenabwürfe in Laos, rettet Leben und schafft eine sicherere Zukunft für die lokalen Gemeinschaften. Im Besucherzentrum erfahren Sie, wie die Bomben dorthin gelangten, welche Auswirkungen sie auf die Menschen haben und wie MAG sie entschärft. Sie können sich Filme ansehen, darunter die hochgelobten Dokumentarfilme Bomb Harvest und Surviving the Peace, und unglaubliche Bilder betrachten, darunter Reportagen über die Sammlung von Altmetall und die ausschließlich weiblichen Entschärfungsteams. Besuchen Sie anschließend das nahegelegene UXO Survivors’ Center, um mehr über die Unterstützung zu erfahren, die den Opfern von Blindgängern angeboten wird, um ihnen zu helfen, ihre Lebensqualität zu verbessern.

Anmerkungen: MAG Center geöffnet Mo-So 10-20 Uhr. Das UXO-Zentrum ist Mo-Fr 8-20 Uhr, Sa-So 12-20 Uhr geöffnet.