LAOS – Xieng Khuang – Xieng Khuang Provincial Museum

Opened in late 2018, the Xieng Khouang Provincial Museum is said to be ‘one of the best in Southeast Asia’


Art & Culture, Classic, Sustainable

Country - City

Laos - Xieng Khuang

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All Year Round except Mondays

Arrival city


Departure city



Opened in late 2018, the Xieng Khouang Provincial Museum is said to be ‘one of the best in Southeast Asia’

On the first floor, there are displays on Xieng Khuang‘s prehistory, including the mysterious Plain of Jars and the magnificent Phuan Kingdom that once ruled the plateau.

On the second floor, there is an insightful and concise exhibit on the Indochina Wars. There are also beautifully displayed fabrics, clothing, musical instruments and artifacts belonging to the six main ethnic groups in Xieng Khouang. The struggle for an independent Laos is carefully and accurately portrayed. Four short movies play continuously in a purpose-built film room covering topics from cultural diversity and local attractions to moving accounts of the Indochina Wars.

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

Selling points

  • An excellent opportunity for people interested in the history of Laos.
  • An exciting activity in the town center which complements a visit to the Jar Sites.
  • A short activity is ideal as a time filler.

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Vansana Plain of Jars Hotel MAG and UXO Center 2 Minivan 5 minutes Good


  • Visits usually take around 1 hour for both centers, though depending on their level of interest, guests can stay as long as they wish.

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Time filler – on the way back or before the transfer.
  • Suitable for all markets, all budget customers – FIT and small GIT.
  • An excellent opportunity to learn about the often-overlooked history of Laos.
  • A way to learn about the social impact of the American War.

Why this activity

  • Developed to have some time filler options in Phonsavan.
  • Designed to complement a visit to the Jar sites and Muang Khoun.

Good to combine with

  • A visit to the Plain of Jars and Muang Khoun
  • A visit to the MAG and UXO Centers
  • A visit the Mulberry Silk Farm

Do not combine with

  • A visit of the Plain of Jars and transfers out on the same day.

Market suggestion
















Competitor comparison

  • This is provided as a time filler by other DMCs as well.


  • Easy to arrange. No need to book in advance.
  • Inexpensive and easy to add to a program without dramatically increasing the cost.


  • May be a bit boring if people are not interested in the topic.
  • May be boring for children.


  • This is a very well designed museum with the information very well presented.
  • Open Tuesday to Sunday 9am-4pm
  • More information –


  • Closed on Mondays

Price range


Quotation guideline


  • Xieng Khuang > Entrance Fees > Entrance Fees in Xieng Khuang > Xieng Khouang Provincial Museum


  • Entrance Fee


  • Easia guide
  • Transfers
  • Purchases at the gift shop

Important notes

  • Open Tuesday to Sunday 9am-4pm
  • No need to book ahead.

Special Guide notes

  • Guide should stay with clients and translate if they do not understand English

Different Choice

  • This is one of the best museums in Laos. TAEC in Luang Prabang could be an alternative but just for the textile part.



Xieng Khouang Provincial Museum
Opened in late 2018, the Xieng Khouang Provincial Museum is said to be ‘one of the best in Southeast Asia’. On the first floor, you’ll find the displays on Xieng Khuang’s prehistory, including the mysterious Plain of Jars and the magnificent Phuan Kingdom that once ruled the plateau. On the second floor, you’ll discover an insightful and concise exhibit on the Indochina Wars. The struggle for an independent Laos is carefully and accurately portrayed. You will also be able to learn about the beautifully displayed fabric, clothing, musical instruments and artifacts belonging to the six main ethnic groups in Xieng Khouang. In an adjoining room, four short movies play continuously, covering topics from cultural diversity and local attractions to moving accounts of the Indochina Wars.

Notes: Closed on Mondays. Opening Hours 9:00 – 16:00


Musée provincial de Xieng Khouang

Ouvert fin 2018, le musée provincial de Xieng Khouang est réputé être “l’un des meilleurs d’Asie du Sud-Est”. Au premier étage, vous trouverez des expositions sur la préhistoire de Xieng Khuang, notamment des informations sur la mystérieuse plaine des Jarres et le magnifique royaume Phuan qui régnait autrefois sur le plateau. Au premier étage, vous découvrirez une exposition perspicace et concise sur les guerres d’Indochine. La lutte pour un Laos indépendant est décrite avec soin et précision. Vous pourrez également découvrir les textiles, vêtements, instruments de musique et objets d’art magnifiquement exposés appartenant aux six principaux groupes ethniques de Xieng Khouang. Dans une salle adjacente, quatre courts métrages sont projetés sur des sujets allant de la diversité culturelle et des attractions provinciales à des récits poignants sur les guerres d’Indochine.

Remarques : Fermé le lundi. Heures d’ouverture 09 h – 16 h


Museo Provincial Xieng Khouang
Inaugurado a finales de 2018, se dice que el Museo Provincial Xieng Khouang es “uno de los mejores del sudeste asiático”. En el primer piso encontrará las exhibiciones de la prehistoria de Xieng Khuang, incluyendo información sobre la misteriosa Llanura de las Jarras y el magnífico Reino Phuan que una vez gobernó la meseta. En el segundo piso descubrirá una exposición perspicaz y concisa sobre las Guerras de Indochina. La lucha por un Laos independiente se representa con cuidado y precisión. También podrá aprender sobre los productos textiles, la ropa, los instrumentos musicales y los artefactos bellamente exhibidos y que pertenecen a los seis principales grupos étnicos en Xieng Khouang. En una sala contigua, se reproducen cuatro cortometrajes que cubren temas que abarcan desde la diversidad cultural y las atracciones provinciales hasta relatos conmovedores de las Guerras de Indochina.

Notas: Cerrado los lunes. Horario de apertura 9:00 – 16:00


Museo provinciale di Xieng Khouang

Inaugurato alla fine del 2018, il Museo provinciale di Xieng Khouang è considerato “uno dei migliori del sud-est asiatico”. Al primo piano sono esposti reperti sulla preistoria di Xieng Khuang, tra cui informazioni sulla misteriosa Piana delle Giare e sul magnifico Regno Phuan che un tempo dominava l’altopiano. Al primo piano troverete una mostra approfondita e concisa sulle guerre indocinesi. La lotta per l’indipendenza del Laos è descritta con cura e precisione. È inoltre possibile conoscere i tessuti, gli abiti, gli strumenti musicali e i manufatti splendidamente esposti appartenenti ai sei principali gruppi etnici di Xieng Khouang. In una sala adiacente, vengono proiettati quattro cortometraggi che spaziano dalla diversità culturale alle attrazioni della provincia, fino alle toccanti testimonianze della guerra d’Indocina.


Note: Chiuso il lunedì. Orari di apertura 09:00 – 16:00


Provinzmuseum Xieng Khouang

Das Ende 2018 eröffnete Xieng Khouang Provincial Museum gilt als “eines der besten in Südostasien”. Im ersten Stock finden Sie Ausstellungen über die Vorgeschichte von Xieng Khuang, einschließlich der geheimnisvollen Ebene der Krüge und des prächtigen Phuan-Königreichs, das einst über das Plateau herrschte. Im zweiten Stock finden Sie eine aufschlussreiche und prägnante Ausstellung über die Indochinakriege. Der Kampf um ein unabhängiges Laos wird sorgfältig und genau dargestellt. Außerdem können Sie sich über die wunderschön ausgestellten Stoffe, Kleidungsstücke, Musikinstrumente und Artefakte informieren, die den sechs wichtigsten ethnischen Gruppen in Xieng Khouang gehören. In einem Nebenraum werden kontinuierlich vier Kurzfilme abgespielt, die von der kulturellen Vielfalt und den Sehenswürdigkeiten der Provinz bis hin zu bewegenden Berichten über die Indochinakriege reichen.

Anmerkungen: Montags geschlossen. Öffnungszeiten: 9-16 Uhr