LAOS – Vang Vieng – A Self-Guided Countryside Walk

A self-guided exploration of the countryside around Vang Vieng is a great way to experience its stunning natural beauty and peaceful nature.


Classic, Self-Guided Tours, Sustainable

Country - City

Laos - Vang Vieng

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Level of difficulties


Max pax



All year round, but best from October to March

Arrival city

Vang Vieng

Departure city

Vang Vieng


A self-guided exploration of the countryside around Vang Vieng is a great way to experience its stunning natural beauty and peaceful nature. Vang Vieng town isn’t all that impressive, it’s the stunning scenery of rice fields, rivers, and rock formations surrounding this place that keeps visitors dreaming of Laos long after they’ve headed home. This easy hike is a great way to be immersed in the tranquility of rural Laos. The trail zig-zags through the paddy fields, crosses forested areas, and skirts the bottom of the towering peaks. It’s a great way to experience the real Vang Vieng!


Selling points

  • A carefully created half-day hiking tour to explore the peaceful natural environment of rice fields, karst mountains and forests just a stone’s throw from the town.
  • An application with a GPS route, points of interest with in-depth information, and suggestions to help travelers explore the countryside around Vang Vieng on their own and at their own pace.
  • Ideal for those looking for more freedom in a tour.

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
All the hotels Start point Less than 0.5 Walking Less than 5 minutes Good
End point All the hotels Less than 0.5 Walking Less than 5 minutes Good


  • On average it takes around 3-4 hours to complete this tour, though this depends on the walking speed and the frequency and duration of stops.

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Best included in a self-guided tour program to Laos or combined with other destinations.
  • Good to include if travelers are passing through Vang Vieng without a guide.
  • Include in programs of travelers who want to try something new or want some time by themselves.
  • This can be sold as a standalone activity (think expats when the borders reopen), included in a hybrid guided/SGT tour, or as one of the components of the 7D6N module.
  • This is going to be a great option to avoid complaints for the transfer without a guide between LPQ and VTE.

Why this activity

  • Developed as one of the first products in our self-guided project.

Good to combine with

If travelers include Vientiane in their self-guided itinerary we suggest including:

If travelers include Luang Prabang in their self-guided itinerary we suggest including:

If travelers include Hinboun in their self-guided itinerary we suggest including:

If travelers include Nong Khiaw in their self-guided itinerary we suggest including:

Market suggestion















Competitor comparison

  • No competitors currently offer self-guided tours.


  • Cheaper to sell than a conventional city tour as there is no guide and no transport.
  • It puts Easia ahead of our competitors and shows that we are innovators as nobody else sells this type of tour in Laos.
  • Easy to add to a program where travelers have a half-day in Vang Vieng.
  • The land transfer between Luang Prabang and Vientiane, with the stopover in Vang Vieng, is easier to propose as it is cheaper without a guide.
  • Operation will have less issues on spot to deal with as we won’t be relying on local suppliers or Vang Vieng guides.
  • Easy to operate as travelers basically take care of themselves.


  • Travelers need to have a basic knowledge of technology.
  • There is no guide to assist with on-spot issues.
  • There is some walking on the quiet paved road to get to the countryside.


  • Distance: 6.5 kilometers
  • It is not possible to do by bicycle – do not suggest this.
  • We recommend taking a sandwich or a snack, and plenty of water, so that the travelers can stop for a picnic in one of the farmer’s huts.
  • We recommend this tour be started in the morning and not be rushed – the scenery is stunning.


  • While this tour can be done all year round, we do not recommend it from late March to late May due to the intense heat, or during the rainy season (unless travelers buy an umbrella and don’t mind getting a bit wet).
  • When walking on the road, travelers should be advised to stay close to the side and be aware of traffic that may be approaching from behind.
  • Travelers should be reminded to take a sun hat and sun cream as there are some areas where there is little shade.
  • There are no shops on the hiking trail so travelers should take any food and drinks that they will need.
  • On this tour travelers will be responsible for paying for their own expenses – for the route we recommend there is only be a fee for the toll bridge (4,000kip/person)

Price range


Quotation guideline

  • Roadbook Template Trip:
  • On ERP the module for this tour can be found here:
    • Tour Classification: S41-Easia Active
    • Language: English
    • Tour Type: FIT
    • Tour Name: SGT – Vang Vieng – A Self-Guided Countryside Walk – 1D – ENG
    • Tour Code: 210203103331

Sales should add the SIM card and internet package if necessary.

  • On this tour travelers will be responsible for paying for their own expenses. The costs they will have to pay will be as follows:
      • Toll Bridge Fee – 4,000kip/person


  • Self-guided program downloadable to the Roadbook app on the travelers’ phones.


  • Bridge Fee
  • Meals and drinks.

Different Choice

  • There is no other self-guided hiking option in Vang Vieng at this time.


A Self-Guided Countryside Walk

Welcome to Vang Vieng – the adventure capital of Laos! During your self-guided exploration of the area you’ll hike through the picturesque rice fields and forested areas around the base of the towering karst mountains that overlook the town. You’ll probably run into some friendly buffaloes and locals along they way – don’t forget to say “sabaidee!”.

Take your time, enjoy the peacefulness and tranquility of rural Laos, and maybe enjoy a sandwich in one of the farmer’s huts along the way – you really are in a beautiful and amazing place!

Distance of the hiking: 6.43 kilometers
Duration of the hiking: approximately 4 hours, including stops.
Elevation: 12 meters accumulated ascent, 12 meters accumulated descent.

Notes: a sun hat, sun cream, snacks or a sandwich, and water is recommended.


Une promenade autoguidée dans la campagne

Bienvenue à Vang Vieng – la capitale de l’aventure du Laos ! Au cours de votre exploration autoguidée de la région, vous ferez une randonnée à travers les rizières pittoresques et les zones boisées situées au pied des imposantes montagnes karstiques qui surplombent la ville. Vous rencontrerez probablement des buffles et des habitants sympathiques en chemin – n’oubliez pas de dire “sabaidee” !

Prenez votre temps, profitez du calme et de la tranquillité de la campagne laotienne, et dégustez peut-être un sandwich dans l’une des cabanes de fermiers le long du chemin – vous êtes vraiment dans un endroit magnifique et étonnant !

Distance de la randonnée : 6,43 kilomètres
Durée de la randonnée : environ 4 heures, arrêts compris.
Élévation : 12 mètres de montée cumulée, 12 mètres de descente cumulée.

Remarques : un chapeau de soleil, de la crème solaire, un en-cas ou un sandwich et de l’eau sont recommandés.


Un paseo campestre autoguiado

Bienvenido a Vang Vieng, la capital de la aventura de Laos. Durante su exploración autoguiada de la zona, caminará por los pintorescos campos de arroz y las zonas boscosas que rodean la base de las imponentes montañas kársticas que dominan la ciudad. Probablemente se cruzará con algunos búfalos y lugareños amistosos por el camino; no olvide decir “¡sabaidee!”.

Tómese su tiempo, disfrute de la paz y la tranquilidad de la zona rural de Laos, y tal vez disfrute de un sándwich en una de las cabañas de los granjeros a lo largo del camino – ¡realmente está en un lugar hermoso y sorprendente!

Distancia de la excursión: 6,43 kilómetros
Duración de la caminata: aproximadamente 4 horas, incluyendo las paradas.
Elevación: 12 metros de ascenso acumulado, 12 metros de descenso acumulado.

Notas: se recomienda llevar un sombrero para el sol, crema solar, bocadillos o un sándwich y agua.


Passeggiata autogestita in campagna

Benvenuti a Vang Vieng, la capitale dell’avventura del Laos! Durante l’esplorazione autogestita della zona, camminerete attraverso le pittoresche risaie e le aree boschive alla base delle imponenti montagne carsiche che sovrastano la città. Probabilmente incontrerete bufali e gente del posto lungo il percorso – non dimenticate di dire “sabaidee!”.

Prendetevi il vostro tempo, godetevi la pace e la tranquillità del Laos rurale e magari gustatevi un panino in una delle capanne dei contadini lungo il percorso: siete davvero in un posto bellissimo e sorprendente!

Distanza dell’escursione: 6,43 chilometri
Durata dell’escursione: circa 4 ore, comprese le soste.
Dislivello: 12 metri di dislivello in salita, 12 metri in discesa.

Note: si consiglia di portare con sé un cappello, una crema solare, uno snack o un panino e dell’acqua.


Ein selbstgeführter Spaziergang durch die Landschaft

Willkommen in Vang Vieng – der Abenteuerhauptstadt von Laos! Während Ihrer selbstgeführten Erkundung der Gegend wandern Sie durch die malerischen Reisfelder und Waldgebiete am Fuße der hoch aufragenden Karstberge, die die Stadt überragen. Wahrscheinlich treffen Sie unterwegs auf freundliche Büffel und Einheimische – vergessen Sie nicht, “sabaidee!” zu sagen.

Nehmen Sie sich Zeit, genießen Sie den Frieden und die Ruhe des ländlichen Laos und essen Sie vielleicht ein Sandwich in einer der Bauernhütten am Wegesrand – Sie sind wirklich an einem wunderschönen und erstaunlichen Ort!

Entfernung der Wanderung: 6,43 Kilometer
Dauer der Wanderung: ca. 4 Stunden, einschließlich Pausen.
Höhenunterschied: 12 Meter kumulierter Aufstieg, 12 Meter kumulierter Abstieg.

Hinweise: Ein Sonnenhut, Sonnencreme, Snacks oder ein Sandwich und Wasser werden empfohlen.