LAOS- Luang Prabang – Self-Guided Food Tour

Eating is an integral part of Lao culture and a time when families and friends come together after a hard day of work. An evening self-guided exploration of Luang Prabang’s cuisine is a great way to discover new and exotic flavors and see the city from a different perspective.


Classic, Family, Gastronomy, Self-Guided Tours, Sustainable

Country - City

Laos - Luang Prabang

Market segment

Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Level of difficulties


Max pax



All Year Round

Arrival city

Luang Prabang

Departure city

Luang Prabang


Eating is an essential part of Lao culture and a time when families and friends come together after a hard day of work. Self-guided exploration of Luang Prabang’s cuisine is a great way to experience the city from a different perspective. Taste buds will be awakened by tasting a selection of popular Lao dishes on a gastronomic walking tour near the city center. The adventure will start with a delicious bowl of one of the Lao staples – Khao Soi or Pho. This is one of the most popular meals in Laos and all of Southeast Asia. Then come the steamed buns, with egg and pork, called Salapao. For those wanting something a bit more refreshing, Navman is also a sweet dessert type drink especially popular when the weather is hot. After these first couple of stops, there will be a little bit of walk, along the road, through the temple, and into the smaller streets where some tasty Namejun (Spring Rolls) and Tam Makteng (Cucumber Salad), popular dishes often shared among friends as they enjoy an evening drink, will be waiting. The final walk will be to the night market area, where the culinary adventure will end with some tasty Kaojee and Khao Nom Kok!


Selling points

  • A simple activity showcases some of the popular local foods in Luang Prabang and provides a different perspective of the city.
  • An application with a GPS route, points of interest with in-depth information, and suggestions to help travelers explore Luang Prabang independently and at their own pace.
  • An ideal activity to do in the evening before visiting the famous night market.
  • The walk takes guests to parts of the town they may not visit otherwise.
  • Ideal for those looking for more freedom in a tour.

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Starting Point (Night Market Crossroads) Khao Soi 1 Walking 15 minutes Good
Khao Soi Salapao and Namvan 0.3 Walking 5 minutes Good
Salapao and Namvan Naemjun and Tam Mak Taeng 0.6 Walking 10 minutes Good
Naemjun and Tam Mak Taeng Khao Jee and Khao Nom Kok (End Point) 0.8 Walking 12 minutes Good


  • The duration depends on how long is spent at each restaurant or food stall.
  • The average duration based on previous groups is around 2 hours, though it entirely depends on the travelers.

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Best included in a self-guided tour program to Laos or combined with other destinations.
  • It’s good to include if travelers have time to themselves and want to try something new.
  • A food tour is the best way to experience the cuisine of a city.
  • This can be sold as a standalone activity (think ex-pats when the borders reopen), included in a hybrid guided/SGT tour, or as one of the 4D3N or 7D6N SGT components modules.

Why this activity

  • Developed as one of the first products in our self-guided project.

Good to combine with

Other self-guided products in Luang Prabang:

If travelers include Vang Vieng in their self-guided itinerary, we suggest including:

If travelers include Vientiane in their self-guided itinerary, we suggest including:

If travelers include Hinboun in their self-guided itinerary, we suggest including:

If travelers include Nong Khiaw in their self-guided itinerary, we suggest including:

Do not combine with

Market suggestion















Competitor comparison

  • No competitors currently offer self-guided tours.


  • Easia Signature
  • Cheaper to sell than a conventional food tour as there is no guide and no transport.
  • It puts Easia ahead of our competitors and shows that we are innovators as nobody else sells this type of tour in Laos.
  • Easy to operate as travelers take care of themselves.


  • Travelers need to have a basic knowledge of technology.
  • There is no guide to assist with on-spot issues such as closed restaurants or missing street vendors.


  • Distance: 2.7 kilometers
  • If travelers do not want to walk, then it is also possible for them to rent a bicycle or motorbike and do it that way. Please note that we decided to create this as a walking tour as we believe that is the best way to experience the time as well as an excellent way to build up an appetite between stops, so if they decide to do it any other way, it is at their own risk and expense.


  • Travelers should be advised to stay close to the side of the road and be aware of traffic that may be approaching from behind. They should also be warned that when they need to cross the route, they should take their time, don’t expect anyone to stop at a crossing, and always look both ways – even on one-way streets!
  • On this tour, travelers will be responsible for paying for their meals and drinks.

Important information

  • We recommend this tour be started between 17:00 and 18:00.

Price range


Quotation guideline

Roadbook Template Trip


ERP module

  • Tour Classification: S41-Easia Active
  • Language: English
  • Tour Type: FIT
  • Tour Name: SGT – Luang Prabang – Food Tour – 1D – ENG
  • Tour Code: 210211034454

Sales should add the SIM card and internet package if necessary.

On this tour travelers will be responsible for paying for their own meals and drinks. The costs they will have to pay will be as follows:

  • Khao Soi – 15,000kip/person
  • Salapao – 5,000kip for 2 pieces
  • Namvan – 5,000kip/person
  • Naemjun – 25,000kip/plate (can be shared)
  • Tam Mak Taeng – 18,000kip/plate (can be shared)
  • Khao Jee – 3,000-5,000kip/piece
  • Khao Nom Kok – 5,000kip/serving


  • Self-guided program downloadable to the Roadbook app on the travelers’ phones.


  • Meals and drinks.

Special Guide notes


Different Choice


Luang Prabang Self-Guided Food Tour
Eating is an important part of Lao culture and a time when families and friends come together after a hard day of work. This evening your taste buds will be awakened as you taste a selection of popular Lao dishes on a gastronomic walking tour near the city center. You will enjoy a delicious bowl of one of the Lao staples – Khao Soi or Pho. This is one of the most popular meals, not only in Laos but in all of Southeast Asia. You will also try the steamed buns with egg and pork called Salapao. If you’re craving something a bit more refreshing you could try Namvan, a sweet dessert type drink especially popular when the weather is hot. From here you will walk a short distance, along the road, through the temple, and into the smaller streets where you will try Namejun (Spring Rolls) and Tam Makteng (Cucumber Salad), popular dishes often shared among friends as they enjoy an evening drink. Your final walk will be to the night market area where you will end your culinary adventure with some tasty Kaojee and Khao Nom Kok!

Notes: The starting time should be between 17:00 and 18:00. 


Excursion gastronomique autoguidée à Luang Prabang

Manger est une partie importante de la culture lao et un moment où les familles et les amis se réunissent après une dure journée de travail. Ce soir, vos papilles gustatives seront mises en éveil alors que vous goûterez une sélection de plats populaires laotiens lors d’une visite gastronomique à pied près du centre-ville. Vous dégusterez un délicieux bol de l’un des plats de base laotiens, le Khao Soi ou Pho. Il s’agit de l’un des plats les plus populaires, non seulement au Laos mais aussi dans toute l’Asie du Sud-Est. Vous goûterez également les petits pains à la vapeur aux œufs et au porc appelés Salapao. Si vous avez envie de quelque chose d’un peu plus rafraîchissant, vous pouvez essayer le Namvan, une boisson sucrée de type dessert particulièrement populaire lorsqu’il fait chaud. De là, vous marcherez sur une courte distance, le long de la route, à travers le temple, et dans les petites rues où vous pourrez essayer Namejun (rouleaux de printemps) et Tam Makteng (salade de concombre), des plats populaires souvent partagés entre amis autour d’un verre en soirée. Votre dernière promenade vous mènera au marché de nuit où vous terminerez votre aventure culinaire avec de savoureux Kaojee et Khao Nom Kok !

Notes : L’heure de départ doit se situer entre 17h et 18h.  


Excursión gastronómica autoguiada por Luang Prabang

Comer es una parte importante de la cultura laosiana y un momento en el que las familias y los amigos se reúnen tras un duro día de trabajo. Esta tarde, sus papilas gustativas se despertarán al degustar una selección de platos populares laosianos en un recorrido gastronómico a pie cerca del centro de la ciudad. Disfrutará de un delicioso plato de uno de los alimentos básicos de Laos: el Khao Soi o Pho. Se trata de una de las comidas más populares, no sólo en Laos sino en todo el Sudeste Asiático. También probará los bollos al vapor con huevo y cerdo llamados Salapao. Si le apetece algo más refrescante puede probar el Namvan, una bebida dulce tipo postre especialmente popular cuando hace calor. Desde aquí caminará una corta distancia, a lo largo de la carretera, a través del templo, y hacia las calles más pequeñas donde probará Namejun (Rollos de Primavera) y Tam Makteng (Ensalada de Pepino), platos populares que suelen compartirse entre amigos mientras disfrutan de una bebida nocturna. El último paseo será hasta la zona del mercado nocturno, donde terminará su aventura culinaria con unos sabrosos Kaojee y Khao Nom Kok.

Notas: La hora de inicio debe ser entre las 17:00 y las 18:00. 


Tour gastronomico autogestito di Luang Prabang

Mangiare è una parte importante della cultura laotiana e un momento in cui famiglie e amici si riuniscono dopo una dura giornata di lavoro. Questa sera le vostre papille gustative si risveglieranno assaggiando una selezione di piatti popolari laotiani durante un tour gastronomico a piedi vicino al centro della città. Potrete gustare una deliziosa ciotola di uno dei piatti principali del Laos, il Khao Soi o Pho. Si tratta di uno dei piatti più popolari, non solo in Laos ma in tutto il Sud-Est asiatico. Potrete anche assaggiare i panini al vapore con uova e maiale chiamati Salapao. Se avete voglia di qualcosa di più rinfrescante, potreste provare il Namvan, una bevanda dolce tipo dessert, particolarmente apprezzata quando il clima è caldo. Da qui si cammina per un breve tratto, lungo la strada, attraverso il tempio e nelle strade più piccole dove si possono assaggiare Namejun (involtini primavera) e Tam Makteng (insalata di cetrioli), piatti popolari spesso condivisi tra amici mentre si beve un drink serale. L’ultima passeggiata sarà verso la zona del mercato notturno, dove concluderete la vostra avventura culinaria con dei gustosi Kaojee e Khao Nom Kok!

Note: L’orario di inizio dovrebbe essere tra le 17.00 e le 18.00. 


Luang Prabang Selbstgeführte Food Tour

Essen ist ein wichtiger Teil der laotischen Kultur und eine Zeit, in der Familien und Freunde nach einem harten Arbeitstag zusammenkommen. Heute Abend werden Ihre Geschmacksnerven geweckt, wenn Sie bei einem gastronomischen Spaziergang in der Nähe des Stadtzentrums eine Auswahl beliebter laotischer Gerichte probieren. Sie werden eine köstliche Schüssel mit einem der laotischen Grundnahrungsmittel genießen – Khao Soi oder Pho. Dies ist eines der beliebtesten Gerichte, nicht nur in Laos, sondern in ganz Südostasien. Sie werden auch die gedämpften Brötchen mit Ei und Schweinefleisch namens Salapao probieren. Wenn Sie sich nach etwas Erfrischenderem sehnen, können Sie Namvan probieren, ein süßes, dessertartiges Getränk, das besonders bei heißem Wetter beliebt ist. Von hier aus gehen Sie ein kurzes Stück die Straße entlang, durch den Tempel und in die kleineren Straßen, wo Sie Namejun (Frühlingsrollen) und Tam Makteng (Gurkensalat) probieren können, beliebte Gerichte, die oft unter Freunden geteilt werden, während sie einen Abendtrunk genießen. Ihr letzter Spaziergang führt Sie zum Nachtmarkt, wo Sie Ihr kulinarisches Abenteuer mit leckerem Kaojee und Khao Nom Kok abschließen!

Anmerkungen: Die Startzeit sollte zwischen 17 und 18 Uhr.