LAOS – Vientiane – Discover Cope Center and Its Humanitarian Action Program

The COPE Center is an organization that partners with the local government to help the disabled victims of the U.S. bombardment of Laos and increase awareness about unexploded ordnances (UXOs) in Laos.


Art & Culture, Classic, Family, Sustainable

Country - City

Laos - Vientiane

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All Year Round

Arrival city


Departure city



The COPE Center is an organization that partners with the local government to help the disabled victims of the U.S. bombardment of Laos and increase awareness about unexploded ordnances (UXOs) in Laos. Approximately 25% of villages in Laos are affected by UXOs. Located near the hospital that services victims of UXO injuries, this museum is very interactive and highlights the efforts of COPE in combatting the problem of unexploded ordnances and aiding the victims of this dark legacy. As part of the exhibition, a number of excellent documentary films about UXOs and COPE can be enjoyed in the projection room. An exhibition featuring art, sculptures and a reproduction of a Lao house can also be seen at the center. This visit gives travelers the opportunity to assist the local affected communities through donations at their discretion.  

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

Selling points

  • To gain insight into an important part of Lao history.
  • To learn more about challenges facing modern Laos. 
  • An opportunity to directly assist the local community. 

Level Of The Excursion

High – This activity strongly supports local communities and/or helps preserve the culture and environment

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Empowerment and education

Community welfare and health

Economic Impact

Community benefits

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Morning Market COPE Center 1 car 10minutes Good


  • 30 minutes depending on client interest. 

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • For travelers who want insight into Lao history and culture.
  • Suitable for family with children over 8+.
  • Free entry, donation at the discretion of the traveler. 

Why this activity

  • To gain insight into an important part of Lao history.
  • To learn more about challenges facing modern Laos. 
  • An opportunity to directly assist the local community. 

Good to combine with

Market suggestion













Competitor comparison

  • Other DMCs may offer this product. 


  • Open every day, easy to include into a city tour. 
  • Gives an option to assist the community. 
  • Historical museum experience. 


  • Donation in ERP. 

Price range


Quotation guideline


  • LAOS > Vientiane > Activity > Visit cope center > Discover COPE Center and its Humanitarian Action Program/ donation


  • Entrance fee.


  • Guide.
  • Transfers.


Discover COPE Center and Its Humanitarian Action Program
Today you will visit the COPE Center, an organization that partners with the local government to help the disabled victims of the U.S. bombardment of Laos and increase awareness about unexploded ordnances (UXOs) in Laos. Approximately 25% of villages in Laos are affected by UXOs. Located near the hospital that services victims of UXO injuries, this museum is very interactive and highlights the efforts of COPE in combatting the problem of unexploded ordnances and aiding the victims of this dark legacy. As part of the exhibition, you can enjoy a number of excellent documentary films in the projection room. An exhibition featuring art, sculptures and a reproduction of a Lao house can also be seen at the center. This visit gives you the opportunity to assist the local affected communities through donations at your discretion.  

Notes: Can be included in the city tour for people interested
For FIT and GIT up to 30 pax.


Découverte du Centre COPE et ses actions humanitaires
Aujourd’hui, vous visiterez le centre COPE, une organisation qui travaille en partenariat avec le gouvernement local pour aider les victimes handicapées des bombardements américains au Laos et pour sensibiliser le public aux munitions non explosées (UXO) au Laos. Environ 25 % des villages du Laos sont touchés par les UXO. Situé à proximité de l’hôpital qui soigne les victimes des UXO, ce musée est très interactif et met en lumière les efforts du COPE dans la lutte contre le problème des munitions non explosées et l’aide aux victimes de ce sombre héritage. Dans le cadre de l’exposition, vous pourrez visionner d’excellents films documentaires dans la salle de projection. Une exposition d’œuvres d’art, de sculptures et une reproduction d’une maison laotienne sont également présentées au centre. Cette visite vous donne l’occasion d’aider les communautés locales affectées par des dons à votre convenance.

Remarques :

  • Pour les personnes intéressées, il est possible d’inclure cette visite dans le tour de la ville
  • Pour les individuels et les groupes, jusqu’à 30 personnes.


Descubra el Centro COPE y su trabajo humanitario
Hoy visitará el Centro COPE, una organización que colabora con el gobierno local para ayudar a las víctimas discapacitadas de los bombardeos estadounidenses en Laos y aumentar la concienciación sobre las municiones sin explotar (MUSE) en Laos. Aproximadamente el 25% de los pueblos de Laos están afectados por UXOs. Situado cerca del hospital que atiende a las víctimas de los artefactos sin estallar, este museo es muy interactivo y pone de relieve los esfuerzos de la COPE por combatir el problema de los artefactos sin estallar y ayudar a las víctimas de este oscuro legado. Como parte de la exposición, podrá disfrutar de una serie de excelentes documentales en la sala de proyecciones. También se puede ver en el centro una exposición de arte, esculturas y una reproducción de una casa laosiana. Esta visita le brinda la oportunidad de ayudar a las comunidades locales afectadas mediante donaciones a su discreción.

Nota: se puede incluir al tour de la ciudad si lo desea
Para viajeros independientes y grupos hasta 30 personas


Alla scoperta del centro COPE e delle sue azioni umanitarie
Oggi visiterete il COPE Center, un’organizzazione che collabora con il governo locale per aiutare le vittime disabili dei bombardamenti statunitensi in Laos e per aumentare la consapevolezza sugli ordigni inesplosi (UXO) in Laos. Circa il 25% dei villaggi del Laos sono colpiti da UXO. Situato vicino all’ospedale che assiste le vittime delle ferite da UXO, questo museo è molto interattivo e mette in evidenza gli sforzi del COPE nel combattere il problema degli ordigni inesplosi e nell’aiutare le vittime di questa oscura eredità. Nell’ambito dell’esposizione, nella sala di proiezione è possibile assistere a una serie di eccellenti film documentari. Il centro ospita anche una mostra di arte, sculture e una riproduzione di una casa laotiana. Questa visita vi offre l’opportunità di aiutare le comunità locali colpite attraverso donazioni a vostra discrezione.


  • Può essere incluso nel tour della città per coloro interessati
  • Per FIT e GIT fino a 30 persone.


Entdecken Sie das COPE Center und seine humanitären Aktivitäten
Heute besuchen Sie das COPE Center, eine Organisation, die sich in Zusammenarbeit mit der lokalen Regierung für die behinderten Opfer der US-Bombardierung von Laos einsetzt und das Bewusstsein für nicht explodierte Sprengkörper in Laos schärft. Ungefähr 25 % der Dörfer in Laos sind von Blindgängern betroffen. Das Museum befindet sich in der Nähe des Krankenhauses, in dem die Opfer von Blindgängern behandelt werden. Es ist sehr interaktiv und verdeutlicht die Bemühungen von COPE, das Problem der Blindgänger zu bekämpfen und den Opfern dieser dunklen Hinterlassenschaft zu helfen. Im Rahmen der Ausstellung können Sie im Vorführraum eine Reihe hervorragender Dokumentarfilme genießen. Eine Ausstellung mit Kunstwerken, Skulpturen und dem Nachbau eines laotischen Hauses ist ebenfalls im Zentrum zu sehen. Bei diesem Besuch haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die betroffenen Gemeinden vor Ort mit Spenden nach eigenem Ermessen zu unterstützen.


  • Kann in eine Stadttour mit inbegriffen sein, für Menschen, die sich dafür interessieren.
  • für FIT und GIT bis zu 30 Personen