VIETNAM – Hanoi – Relive 1950’s Hanoi on a Cyclo

Experience the life of a Hanoi inhabitant in the 1950’s and travel through the old quarter on a Cycle Rickshaw (Cyclo) for 45 minutes. Discover the bustling streets of the “Quarter of the 36 guilds’’ – a place of unique charm and endless activity…


Art & Culture, Classic, Family, Sustainable

Country - City

Vietnam - Hanoi

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All Year Round

Arrival city


Departure city



The cyclo (cycle rickshaw) is the best way to experience the life of a Hanoi inhabitant in the 1950’s and travel through the old quarter for 45 minutes. Discover the bustling streets of the “Quarter of the 36 guilds’’ – a place of unique charm and endless activity: artisans, street stalls, tinsmiths, jewelers, calligraphers, carpenters, leather, lacquer ware and rattan goods, not forgetting the people selling fans, votive objects, toys, silk, mats, paper, pipes, etc.

One of the interesting features of the “Quarter of the 36 guilds’’ is the “tunnel houses”. During the imperial era, taxes were indexed on the width of the front wall. Some of the houses in Hanoi are therefore very narrow but can stretch over several hundred meters in depth.

After so many years, Old Hanoi still has many small streets and old houses, which have sometimes been damaged, but no modern buildings have disfigured it’s overall charm. This cycle rickshaw ‘stroll’ is therefore a pleasant moment of relaxation and discovery.

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

  • Hanoi – A stroll in the old quarter of Hanoi
  • Hanoi – Local dining in a traditional house in Hanoi

Selling points

  • One of the highlight of any trip in Vietnam
  • The best way to enjoy the old-quarter without being worried about the traffic
  • Easy to include in any trip to Hanoi

Level Of The Excursion

High – This activity strongly supports local communities and/or helps preserve the culture and environment

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Empowerment and education

Environment Impact


Economic Impact

Local individual benefits

Additional Information

Positive Impact:

This activity helps to maintain the tradition of the cyclo (which are otherwise mainly used for weddings & festivals), and also provides jobs to unskilled locals. Payment for the service goes directly to the person cycling, and this activity is also environmental-friendly.

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Hilton hotel Opera House 0,1 Walking 5 minutes Good


45 minutes

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • One of the highlights of Hanoi
  • The best way to explore the old quarter since it is not easy at all for pedestrians
  • Perfect for families with young kids

Why this activity

One of the classic activities in Hanoi

Good to combine with

Any sightseeing in Hanoi

Market suggestion













Competitor comparison

All the DMCs


  • Easy to organize
  • Accessible for all clients


  • Can seem very touristy
  • Cyclo drivers can sometimes pressure clients for a tip
  • Not that nice if it is raining

Important information

  • Cycle Rickshaws are not allowed to operate in the old quarter during the rush hour
  • Morning: 6.30 am – 8.30 am
  • Afternoon: 16.30 – 19.00

Price range

From 7$

Quotation guideline

~7$ per pax




Transportation, guide, food & drinks


Supplier : Huy Phong


Relive 1950’s Hanoi on a cycle rickshaw
You will have the chance to experience the life of an Hanoian in the 1950’s and travel through the Old Quarter on a cycle rickshaw. Discover the bustling streets of the “Quarter of the 36 guilds’’ – a place of unique charm and endless activity: artisans, street stalls, tinsmiths, jewelers, calligraphers, carpenters, leather and rattan goods, vendors selling fans, votive objects, lacquer ware, silk, mats, paper, pipes and so much more. After so many years, the Old Quarter still has many small streets and old houses, which have sometimes been damaged, but no modern buildings can disfigure its charm.

Duration: 45 minutes


Revivez le Hanoi des années 50 en cyclo-pousse
Expérimentez la vie d’un Hanoïen des années 1950 et parcourez le centre-ville en cyclo-pousse. Au rythme du pédalier, découvrez les ruelles bourdonnantes du vieux quartier et ses 36 métiers, un lieu au charme unique et à l’activité toujours incessante : ferblantiers, joailliers, cordonniers, confiseurs, tailleurs, forgerons, quincailliers, fabricants d’objets en rotin ou en cuir, sans oublier les vendeurs d’éventails, d’objets votifs, de laques, de soieries, de nattes, de papier, de bambou, etc. Vous emprunterez des rues bordées d’échoppes totalement ouvertes sur l’extérieur, où se croisent et s’entrecroisent vélos, cyclomoteurs, cyclo-pousses et piétons, ainsi que les marchandes ambulantes, qui vous proposeront légumes et fruits frais.

Durée : 45 minutes



Reviva el Hanói de los años 50 en un rickshaw
Tendrá la oportunidad de experimentar la vida de un hanoiense en los años 50 y viajar a través del Barrio Antiguo en un rickshaw. Durante este paseo, descubrirá las abarrotadas calles del «Barrio de los 36 gremios», un lugar con un encanto único y un sinfín de actividad: artesanos, tenderetes, hojalateros, joyeros, calígrafos, carpinteros, puestos móviles, artículos de cuero o mimbre, comerciantes vendiendo ventiladores, artículos votivos, cerámica lacada, seda, alfombras, papel, pipas y mucho más. Después de tantos años, el Barrio Antiguo se sigue componiendo de pequeñas calles y casas antiguas, que en ocasiones se han visto dañadas, pero ningún edificio moderno podría desfigurar su encanto.

Duración: 45 minutos



Alla scoperta dell’Hanoi degli anni ’50 in rickshaw
Cogliete l’opportunità di trascorrere una giornata come un abitante di Hanoi negli anni ’50, spostandovi nel Quartiere Vecchio con un rickshaw. Durante l’esplorazione, scoprirete le movimentate viuzze del Quartiere delle 36 Gilde. In questo luogo impregnato di fascino e storia lattonieri, gioiellieri, calligrafi, carpentieri, artigiani e commercianti d’ogni sorta allestiscono le loro bancarelle per vendere mobili, cuoio, vimini, ventole, oggetti votivi, lacche, seta, tappeti, carta, pipe e molto altro ancora. Nonostante alcuni degli edifici siano stati danneggiati dal tempo, il Quartiere conserva il suo charme e la sua peculiarità.

Durata: 45 minuti



Lassen Sie die 1950er-Jahre in Hanoi auf einer Fahrrad-Rikscha wieder aufleben
Sie haben die Chance, das Leben der Hanoianer in den 1950er-Jahren zu erleben, während Sie  mit einer Fahrrad-Rikscha durch das Old Quarter fahren. Bei dieser Fahrt entdecken Sie die emsigen Straßen des „Quarter der 36 Gilden“ – ein Ort des einzigartigen Charmes und der endlosen Aktivitäten: Künstler, Stände, Zinngießer, Juweliere, Kalligraphen, Schreiner, mobile Stände, Leder- oder Rattan-Produkte, Leute, die Ventilatoren verkaufen, Votivgaben, Lackwaren, Seide, Matten, Pfeifen und viele andere Dinge. Nach so vielen Jahren hat das Old Quarter noch immer viele kleine Straßen und alte Häuser, welche zwar teils Schäden davongetragen haben, aber dennoch kann kein modernes Gebäude Sie in Charme übertreffen.

Dauer: 45 Minuten