CAMBODIA – Phnom Penh – Morning Aerobic and Breakfast Among Locals

Cambodians wake up early and really maximize those early hours at dawn. Participating in a public aerobics session with the local ladies of Phnom Penh will surely give your guests a sportive and fun early morning workout – perfect to jump-start a productive day in the active capital of Phnom Penh!


Art & Culture, Classic, Family, Sustainable, Wellness

Country - City

Cambodia - Phnom Penh

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All year round

Arrival city

Phnom Penh

Departure city

Phnom Penh


Cambodians wake up early and maximize those early hours at dawn. Participating in a public aerobic session with the local ladies of Phnom Penh proposes a sportive and fun early morning workout- perfect to jump-start a productive day in the active capital of Phnom Penh!

As most Cambodians do, participants will start their day at dawn for this activity and join a public aerobics class at the capital’s iconic Olympic Stadium.
Since most gyms in Cambodia are predominantly seen as sportive hangouts for men, Cambodian women usually flock in droves to any of the capital’s public spaces to perform aerobics in a group. During this activity, participants can join such a session and experience the massive energy these ladies bring in the early morning as they follow the aerobics teacher’s lead and the rhythm of the energetic music. While delivering proper physical exercise, the activity will allow participants to blow off steam while having great fun with the local ladies.

Apart from a decent workout, joining a public early morning aerobics session offers an authentic opportunity to share and observe the morning rituals of the Cambodian people.
After completing an intense and enjoyable 1-hour session, participants will continue their productive morning with a well-deserved and traditional Cambodian breakfast at a local restaurant before returning to the hotel and starting their day with elevated physical energy and a joyful mind.

This is a unique opportunity to participate in local life and get up close with the active and energetic ladies of Phnom Penh!

Selling points

  • To experience the unique atmosphere and waking up with Cambodia’s buzzing capital city
  • To offer a genuinely local immersive experience practiced by and with locals
  • To enjoy a typical Cambodian breakfast at a local restaurant

Level Of The Excursion

Low - This activity impacts local community, culture and/or environment in a small but meaningful way

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Economic Impact

Local individual benefits

Additional Information

Positive impact: Provide income to Cambodian instructor

Time And Transportation

  • Pick-up at the hotel at 05:00; the class starts at 5:30


2 hours minimum

  • The aerobics class lasts 1 hour
  • The local breakfast can last (minimum) 1 hour

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • This product is designed for everyone.
  • It is an early morning product, with a departure at 05:00
  • Allow the client to understand the local habits and culture
  • Discover Phnom Penh life as dawn breaks
  • Try a typical breakfast type in a local restaurant among local people
  • The class might be canceled due to bad weather conditions but can be re-taken

Why this activity

  • The product starts before any tour in Phnom Penh
  • Not a private class, and the guest will be among the local people
  • Only opportunity to try a local yet organized breakfast in Phnom Penh
  • An original touch to any program in the capital

Good to combine with

  • Any tour in Phnom Penh

Market suggestion
















  • Easy to organize
  • Make the guests aware of and truly enjoy the local habits and customs of the Cambodian people


  • Early morning
  • Can be delayed or cancelled depending on the weather conditions
  • Need to coordinate with the personal trainer and book in advance


  • The foreigner speaking tour guide is compulsory to quote: extended guide fee is applied if you will use tour guide for the same day. If not, full day guide fee is applied if you only request guide to conduct this activity.
  • The tour must be done by Tuk Tuk (to let them enjoy an early morning view of the city)

Important information

There are 2 services quotation in ERP/TMS

  1. Standard – only aerobic activity
  2. Deluxe  – aerobic activity + local breakfast before transfer back to hotel


Price range


Quotation guideline

Activity – follow product name



  • Entrance to the class with the aerobics trainer


  • Local breakfast for clients
  • Local breakfast for the guide
  • Entrance to the class with the aerobics trainer


  • Tuk Tuk (1-4pax per tuk tuk including tour guide)
  • Guide fees (but compulsory) => Extend guide fee is applied if you will use tour guide for the same day. If not, full day guide fee is applied if you only request guide to conduct this activity.
  • Tips or others

Important notes

  • The class starts at 05:30, so the guide needs to schedule the departure from the hotel to be on time.
  • Standard – only aerobic activity ($1/pax for aerobic training) – Clients will comeback to hotel for breakfast.
  • Deluxe  – aerobic activity + local breakfast before transfer back to hotel ($1/pax for aerobic activity, $5/pax for clients breakfast (Kuy Tiev plus Nom ao + tea/coffee) + $4 for tour guide breakfast to enjoy moment with clients.


  • M. Visal – personal aerobics trainer +855 17 78 34 32
  • Venue: Olampic stadium
  • Local breakfast near Olampic stadium
    • inclusive 1 kuay tiew plus 1 nom pao + soft drink/tea


Special Information

  • The price of the local breakfast needs to be given to the guide: $5 /pax + $5 for the guide’s breakfast

Internal Product Annoucement


CAMBODIA – PHNOM PENH – Morning aerobic and breakfast among locals
SUB-BRAND : Thematic Leisure | Groups
THEME: Classic | Family Travel | Art & Culture

  • Experience the special atmosphere and waking up with Cambodia’s buzzing capital city
  • A truly local immersive experience, practiced by and with locals
  • Enjoy a typical Cambodian breakfast at a local restaurant
  • An original touch to any program in the capital

Product Launch Package

Download the pictures here


Morning aerobic activity and breakfast among locals

Jumpstart a truly productive day in the active capital of Phnom Penh by participating in a public aerobic session with the local ladies at the city. 
As most gyms in Cambodia are predominantly seen as exclusive hangout spots for men, Cambodian women often come in droves to many of the capital’s public spaces to participate in aerobics. While joining this session and following the instructor’s lead and the rhythm of the upbeat music, you will share and experience the contagious energy these ladies exude. Blow off some steam while having great fun!
After this exhilarating and intense session, you will indulge in a well-deserved traditional Cambodian breakfast at a local restaurant. You will then head back to your hotel and enjoy the rest of your day feeling bright and energized.
This is a truly unique activity where you can participate in the country’s local life and get up close with the active and energetic ladies of Phnom Penh!

Meals included:
Standard: No breakfast 
Deluxe: Breakfast 

  • Recommended for the whole year (however, in the rainy season from June to November guests should be informed that the class might be cancelled due to weather conditions)
  • Leave hotel at 05:00; the class starts at 05:30


Session matinale d’aérobic et petit-déjeuner parmi les locaux  
Vous commencerez votre journée dans la capitale dynamique de Phnom Penh en participant à un cours public d’aérobic avec les habituées. 
Comme au Cambodge les salles de gym sont presque exclusivement côtoyées par les hommes, les Cambodgiennes se rassemblent souvent dans les nombreux espaces publics de la capitale pour faire du sport. En rejoignant cette session et en suivant les instructions du coach sur le rythme de la musique, vous partagerez cette expérience avec les Cambodgiennes dont l’énergie est contagieuse. Vous pourrez ainsi faire de l’exercice tout en vous amusant !  
Après cette séance intense, vous aurez bien mérité un petit-déjeuner cambodgien traditionnel dans un restaurant local. Vous regagnerez ensuite votre hôtel pour profiter du reste de la journée remplis d’énergie.    
Cette activité vraiment unique vous permettra de participer à la vie locale du pays et de découvrir de l’intérieur la vie quotidienne des habitantes dynamiques de Phnom Penh !  
Repas inclus: 
Option Standard: pas de petit-déjeuner  
Option Deluxepetit-déjeuner 

  • Recommandé toute l’année (toutefois, pendant la saison des pluies de juin à novembre, nous informons les voyageurs que le cours pourra être annulé si les conditions météo ne sont pas adéquates).  
  • Départ de l’hôtel à 5 heures, le cours commencera à 5 h 30.  


Aeróbic matutino y desayuno entre residentes locales

Comienza un día realmente productivo en la activa capital de Phnom Penh participando en una sesión pública de aerobic en el de la capital con las mujeres locales. 
Dado que la mayoría de los gimnasios de Camboya se consideran un lugar donde principalmente son hombres quienes pasan el rato y hacen deporte, las mujeres camboyanas normalmente se reúnen en grupos en los espacios públicos de la capital para practicar aerobic. Al unirse a una de estas sesiones, será capaz de compartir y experimentar la enorme energía que desprenden estas mujeres a medida que sigue las indicaciones de la profesora al ritmo de música energética. Desahóguese un poco mientras se divierte con estas damas camboyanas.
Después de esta divertida e intensa sesión, continuará con su mañana productiva con un merecido desayuno típico camboyano en un restaurante local antes de dirigirse a su hotel y continuar con su día lleno de energía y diversión. 
Esta será una oportunidad única para participar en la vida local y conocer de cerca a estas enérgicas y activas mujeres de Phnom Penh.

Comidas incluidas: desayuno
Nota: recomendado durante todo el año (se informa a los interesados de que, en la estación lluviosa, es decir, de junio a noviembre, es posible que la clase se cancele debido a las condiciones meteorológicas).


Attività aerobica mattutina e colazione tra i locali 
Iniziate una giornata davvero produttiva nella vivace capitale di Phnom Penh partecipando a una sessione pubblica di aerobica con le donne locali. 
Poiché la maggior parte delle palestre in Cambogia sono viste prevalentemente come luoghi di ritrovo esclusivi per gli uomini, le donne cambogiane vengono spesso a frotte in molti degli spazi pubblici della capitale per partecipare alle sessioni di aerobica. Prendendo parte a questa sessione e seguendo la guida dell’istruttore e il ritmo della musica allegra, condividerete e sperimenterete l’energia contagiosa che emanano queste donne. Staccate un po’ la spina dalla vita quotidiana con questa divertente attività! 
Dopo questa sessione esaltante e intensa, vi godrete una meritata colazione tradizionale cambogiana in un ristorante localeA continuazione tornerete al vostro hotel e godrete il resto della giornata sentendovi energici. 
Questa attività davvero unica vi permette di partecipare alla vita locale del paese e condividere uno splendido momento con le donne vigorose di Phnom Penh! 
Pasti inclusi: 
Standard: senza colazione 
Deluxe: colazione inclusa 

  • Consigliato per tutto l’anno (tuttavia, nella stagione delle piogge da giugno a novembre, la lezionepotrebbe essere cancellata a causa delle condizioni meteorologiche)
  • Partenza dall’hotel alle 05:00; la lezione inizia alle 05:30


Morgendliche Aerobic-Aktivität und Frühstück unter Einheimischen 
Starten Sie in einen wirklich produktiven Tag in der aktiven Hauptstadt Phnom Penh, indem Sie an einer öffentlichen Aerobic-Session mit einheimischen Frauen teilnehmen! 
Da die meisten Fitnessstudios in Kambodscha hauptsächlich als exklusive Treffpunkte für Männer betrachtet werden, kommen kambodschanische Frauen in Scharen zu den vielen öffentlichen Plätzen der Stadt, um Aerobic zu machen. Während Sie an der Session teilnehmen und den Anweisungen des Trainers sowie dem Rhythmus der mitreißenden Musik folgen, können Sie die ansteckende Energie, die diese Frauen versprühen, teilen und erleben. Lassen Sie ruhig etwas Dampf ab, während Sie großen Spaß haben! 
Nach diesem anregenden und intensiven Erlebnis können Sie ein wohlverdientes, traditionelles kambodschanisches Frühstück in einem lokalen Restaurant genießen. Anschließend begeben Sie sich zurück zum Hotel, um den Rest Ihres Tages, sich wach und energetisch fühlend, zu genießen. 
Hierbei handelt es sich um eine wirklich einzigartige Aktivität, bei der Sie am lokalen Leben des Landes teilnehmen und den aktiven und energetischen Frauen Phnom Penhs näher kommen! 

Mahlzeiten inklusive: 
Standard: kein Frühstück  

  • Ganzjährig empfohlen (nichtsdestotrotz sollten Gäste in der Regenzeit von Juni bis November darüber informiert werden, dass der Kurs wetterbedingt ausfallen kann) 
  • Sie verlassen das Hotel um 5 Uhr; der Kurs beginnt um 5.30 Uhr