VIETNAM – Hue – Rural life discovery on a Vespa

A Vespa tour in Hue countryside gives the chance to discover Vietnam’s “real life”, far from the common, touristy places, and not only to share valuable culinary experiences with locals but also to discover rural Buddhism by exploring relatively unknown cultural sites in the ancient capital of Vietnam.


Art & Culture, Classic, Family, Gastronomy, Honeymoon

Country - City

Vietnam - Hue

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All Year Round

Arrival city


Departure city



  • A Vespa tour in Hue countryside gives the chance to discover Vietnam’s “real life”, far from the common, touristy places, and not only to share valuable culinary experiences with locals but also to discover rural Buddhism by exploring relatively unknown cultural sites in the ancient capital of Vietnam.
  • The tour has 5 stops: a communal house, a local market, a pagoda, another local house, and the farming museum.
  • On the back of a comfortable vespa, the passengers enjoy the ride and can easily take picture of the rural life of Vietnam.

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

  •  Hue – Soak in the mysterious atmosphere of the Hue Citadel

Selling points

  • A Vespa tour to discover the highlights of the relatively unseen rural life of Hue.
  • A tour through beautiful landscapes, peaceful sites and soulful moments with Hue’s locals.
  • A chance to meet local families, to have a deep discussion with a Buddhist monk, and to have an authentic experience with local people.

Additional Information

Positive Impact:

This activity has a positive impact in terms of culture shared (history, local life of the people, experiences shared by a nun, etc.),  and also provides income directly to the drivers, the garage, the people where the tour stops, etc. The use of Vespa motorbikes means the activity can’t score higher in terms of sustainability.  

Negative Impact:

The activity uses Vespa motorcycles, which produce high carbon emissions.

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Hue citadel Vespa Cafe Nguyen Cong Tru 4 Car 10 Good


  • 22 kilometers / 14 miles 
  • 4 hours, from 7:30 to 11:30
  • The tour includes 5 stops:
    • 1st stop: A communal house: To explain about Vietnamese villages and the organization and importance of the communal House in Vietnam villages
    • 2nd: Local market:  Visit of a very local market and fun moment to learn how to bargain
    • 3rd: Pagoda: meeting with a monk who talk with the clients  about the goodness, and the “cause and effect” of Buddhism and behavior in Vietnam
    • 4th: Local house: visit of a local rice-growing family, the three-generation family inherits a traditional job of making sticky-rice cakes well-known as “Banh Chung – Banh Tet” in Vietnam. Clients can taste the cake while hearing their stories and having green tea.
    • 5th: Thanh Toan bridge:  stop by the Farming Tools Museum for a glimpse of local farming customs before having a soft drink with local snacks, taste the sticky-rice cake from the local family.

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Possibility to visit Hue differently
  • To be different from the classic visit of the Citadel and the Thumbs
  • The vespa tour is on the countryside, so peaceful and no much traffic,
  • Suitable for families with children with no risk (from 8 years old)

Why this activity

  • To propose a longer stay in Hue
  • To propose interaction with people, visit the countryside of Vietnam
  • To combine culture with the Hue Citadel and also local life
  • Hue is a nice city, but too short stay and only visit of temples and thumbs, the vespa tour gives the chance to stay at least one more 1/2 day in Hue and to drive to Hoi An only on afternoon.

Good to combine with

  • Visit of the Thumb on afternoon before a transfer to Hoi An
  • Visit of the citadel
  • Cooking class
  • Diner with a local

Do not combine with

  • Any others Vespa tour in center of Vietnam

Market suggestion













Competitor comparison

Vidotours, Exo, Travel Indochina, Aurora, Sun & Sea


  • Good quality roads and no traffic
  • Vintage, attractive Vespas that clients will find charming
  • Travel insurance is available for final clients
  • Availability of French and English speaking guides


  • Same program as other competitors, not exclusive to Easia Travel
  • The Monk speaks only Vietnamese
  • No plan B for rainy weather- would have to make cancellations
  • No possibility of mobilizing more Vespas for Incentive tours


  • Children: from 8 years old
  • Local guide: French and English-speaking are available
  • The possibility of changing the starting time within about 15 minutes (join-in tour)
  • The possibility of a private tour


Clients should be informed of the possibility that bad weather could result in cancellations

Important information

The current prices are only valid until 31 Dec 2018

Price range

From 1,254,000 VND

Quotation guideline

  • Private tour: 1,386,000 VND/pax
  • Join-in Tour: 1,254,000 VND/ pax


  • Vespa and their drivers
  • Supplier’s local guide
  • Water (Aquafina) plastic bottle
  • Travel insurance
  • Drinks and snacks for the program
  • Helmets and raincoats for all the clients


  • Easia Travel Guide
  • Transfer to the meeting point of the join tour

Possible Extra

  • Easia Travel Guide

Important notes

  • The departure point if join-in tour: small Café on Nguyen Cong Tru street.
  • Verify the weather one day before
  • For Children: verify if enough helmet  for children – if it is raining verify if rain coats for children available

Special Guide notes

Special guide notes: Easia Travel guide must know the tour +  the rural life of Hue.

Different Choice



Mr. Tu/ (+84) 915.475 875


In the morning, your drive will bring you to the starting point, where you will be given a briefing about the trip by your tour guide. Then, on the Vespa, you will travel to the peaceful suburbs of Hue to discover the rural lifestyle of Hue’s local people. Your visit will include a communal house and a local market, which will give you insight into the daily activities of Hue’s rural residents, as well as a chance to test your bargaining skills! Then, you’ll venture to a local pagoda, meeting with a monk who will talk about the goodness and the “cause and effect” of Buddhism and how it affects Vietnamese peoples’ life, giving you a truly deep insight into Buddhist philosophy. After your brush with enlightenment, you will visit a traditional rice-growing family in their home, where you can taste their homemade sticky-rice cakes: Banh Chung and Banh Tet, along with some green tea. Your last stop will be at Thanh Toan Bridge, where you will visit the Farming Tools Museum for a glimpse of Hue’s local farming customs. Finally, you’ll take a break for some drinks, snacks and sticky-rice cakes, courtesy of the villagers. After the break, you will travel back to Hue.

Duration: 22 kilometers / 14 miles – 4 hours
Meeting point for join-in Tour: Vespa Cafe – 42/4 Nguyễn Công Trứ
Departure time : 7:30 to 11:30 to join the tour


Le matin, vous rejoindrez le point de départ de la balade en vespa ou une introduction du programme vous sera donné par votre guide. Puis vous commencerez le parcours dans la campagne paisible de Hue. Vous visiterez une maison communale et un marché local, ou vous pourrez observer la vie quotidienne et marchander comme la coutume vietnamienne. Vous visiterez ensuite une pagode et rencontrerez un moine afin d’échanger sur le bouddhisme et son influence dans la vie vietnamienne.
Visiterez ensuite une famille produisant du riz dont vous pourrez déguster leur riz gluant fait maison : le Banh Chung et le Banh Tet avec du thé vert.
La dernière étape sera le pont de Thanh Toan, et la visite du musée rural exposant les outils de la ferme et les coutumes de la campagne, avant une pause thé vert avec snack et riz gluant préparé par les villageois. Après cette pause retour vers Hue .

Durée : 22 kilomètres – 4 heures
Point de rendez-vous pour les tours regroupés : Vespa Cafe – 42/4 Nguyen Cong Tru
Horaire : De 7 h 30 à  11 h 30 pour les tours regroupés


Por la mañana, su conductor le llevará hasta el punto de partida de su tour y le ofrecerá una breve introducción sobre el viaje. Posteriormente, comenzará dirigiéndose a las pacíficas faldas del Hue para descubrir la zona rural y sus gentes. Visitará una casa comunal y un mercado local para observar las actividades diarias y poner a prueba sus habilidades de regateo cuando compre en Vietnam. Después, visitará una pagoda local para conocer a un monje que le hablará sobre las raíces, elementos y virtudes del budismo y su influencia en la población vietnamita. Más tarde, visitará una familia dedicada al tradicional cultivo del arroz, donde podrá probar tartas caseras de arroz glutinoso: Banh Chung y Banh Tet con té verde. La última parada será en el puente de Thanh Toan, donde visitará un Museo de Herramientas de Agricultura para poder observar las costumbres agrícolas locales antes de tomarse un respiro y disfrutar tomando algo, comiendo aperitivos y algunos pasteles de arroz glutinoso de los habitantes del pueblo. Después del descanso, viajará de vuelta a Hue.

Duración: 22 kilómetros – 4 horas
Punto de encuentro para el tour conjunto: Vespa Cafe – 42/4 Nguyen Cong Tru
Hora de salida: De las 7:30 a las 11:30 para el tour conjunto


Al mattino, il vostro autista vi condurrà al punto di partenza del vostro tour e vi fornirà una breve introduzione al viaggio. Quindi, inizierete andando nella tranquilla periferia di Hue per scoprire la campagna e la sua gente. Visiterete una casa comune e un mercato locale per osservare le attività quotidiane e testare le vostre capacità di contrattazione durante gli acquisti in Vietnam. Successivamente, visiterete una pagoda locale per incontrare un monaco che parlerà delle radici, degli elementi e delle virtù del buddismo e della sua influenza sul popolo vietnamita. Successivamente, visiterete una tradizionale famiglia che coltiva riso, per poter assaggiare le loro torte di riso colloso fatte in case: BanhChung e BanhTet con un po’di tè verde. L’ultima tappa sarà al ponte ThanhToan dove visiterete un Museo degli attrezzi agricoli per dare un’occhiata alle abitudini agricole locali prima di fare una pausa con alcune bevande, uno spuntino e una torta di riso colloso degli abitanti del villaggio. Dopo la pausa, tornerete a Hue.

Durata: 22 chilometri – 4 ore
Punto di incontro per il tour di partecipazione: Vespa Cafe – 42/4 Nguyen Cong Tru
Orario di partenza: dalle 07:30 alle 11:30 per partecipare al tour

NOTA: 1 passeggero e 1 guidatore per vespa, con guidatore e casco in dotazione.


Am Morgen wird Sie Ihr Fahrer zum Tour-Startpunkt bringen und Ihnen eine kurze Einführung zur Tour geben. Dann fahren Sie zunächst in die friedlichen Randgebiete von Hue, um die Landschaft und ihre Menschen zu erkunden. Sie werden ein Gemeindehaus und einen lokalen Markt besuchen, um die alltäglichen Aktivitäten zu beobachten und Ihr Verhandlungsgeschick beim Einkauf in Vietnam zu testen. Anschließend werden Sie eine lokale Pagode besuchen, wo Sie auf einen Mönch treffen werden, der über die Wurzeln, Elemente und Tugenden des Buddhismus sowie seinem Einfluss auf die vietnamesischen Menschen sprechen wird. Danach begeben Sie sich zu einer traditionellen Reisbauernfamilie, bei der Sie hausgemachte Klebreiskuchen kosten können: Banh Chung und Banh Tet mit etwas grünem Tee. Den letzten Halt legen Sie an der Thanh-Toan-Brücke ein. Dort besuchen Sie ein Museum für Bauernwerkzeuge, um einen Einblick in die lokale Landwirtschaft zu erhalten, bevor Sie bei einigen Getränken, einem Snack und einigen Klebreiskuchen von den Dörflern eine Pause einlegen. Nach dieser Pause werden Sie zurück nach Hue reisen.

Dauer: 22 Kilometer – 4 Stunden
Treffpunkt für Join-in-Tour: Vespa Café – 42/4 Nguyen Cong Tru
Abfahrtszeit: 7.30 bis 11.30 Uhr für Join-in-Tour