THAILAND – Phrae – Silk Painting Workshop with a Renowned Designer

This fun silk painting workshop begins with a small introduction and some background information. After that, travelers get a turn to try and recreate one of the many designs, or create their own pieces of art from scratch. Together with his professionally-trained team, Khun Chang provides useful tips in order to make sure that travelers end up with a lovely souvenir to take home.


Art & Culture, Classic, Honeymoon

Country - City

Thailand - Phrae

Market segment

Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All year round

Arrival city


Departure city



Sakchira Wiengkao (his nickname is Chang) is a renowned fashion designer with more than 28 years of experience in the business. Besides creating his own fashion pieces he is also a special lecturer at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology for textile design students. During this unique workshop he shares his ideas and expertise so that guests can best create their own beautiful hand-painted scarf to take home.

This workshop begins with a small introduction and some background information. After that, travelers get a turn to try and recreate one of the many designs or create their own pieces of art from scratch. Together with his professionally-trained team, Khun Chang provides useful tips in order to make sure that travelers end up with a lovely souvenir to take home.

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

Phrae – Mo-Hom dyeing workshop at Thung Hong Village

Selling points

  • A great opportunity to be creative and design a personalized souvenir with the help of a renowned designer
  • To create a fashionable scarf with the help of a renowned Thai designer
  • Private tour

Level Of The Excursion

Low - This activity impacts local community, culture and/or environment in a small but meaningful way

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Empowerment and education

Economic Impact

Local individual benefits

Additional Information

Positive impact

The studio where the activity takes place bring a modern take on traditional crafts, it also is a learning center for art students from around the country.

Negative impact

No negative


Time And Transportation

From To Distance By Duration Road condition
Mae Yom Palace Hotel Baisri Creation  6 kilometers Car 10 minutes Good
Baisri Creation Wat Cho Hae  9 kilometers Car 15 minutes Good


3 hours

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Local experience with a knowledgeable and professional designer
  • Fun and creative activity
  • The finished product is a really nice, high-quality souvenir
  • Suitable for FIT or small GIT (up to 10 pax)

Why this activity

  • Easia signature experience, he is currently not working with other agencies

Good to combine with

  • Phrae handicraft cycling tour (if enough time in Phrae)
  • Dinner at Vongburi house

Do not combine with

  • Long transfer to/from another destination
  • Mo Hom dyeing on the same day (= quite similar activity)

Market suggestion














  • The workshop is nearby a main road, easily accessible by all means of transportation
  • Parking is available on-spot


  • May not be interesting for everyone (fashion and painting a scarf may not be appealing to men)
  • Chang is sometimes not present
  • Needs an overnight stay in Phrae


  • Year round, but rainy season is less favorable because of the humidity
  • 10 pax
  • Chang speaks English fairly well but is not very confident about it. It is better to have a guide on the spot for translation/communication purposes
  • Currently no alternative for this activity
  • If classes are done in the morning clients could get their finished product in the evening of the same day, or in the morning the next day


  • Sakchira Wiengkao is sometimes busy or has to go lecture someplace else in Thailand, in this case his assistant P. Oo who has worked with him from the beginning will do the workshop
  • This is an Easia signature activity, however, sometimes there are groups of students at the workshop as well. This does not affect our activity, students would spend time on a different activity in another area of the workshop

Important information

  • The workshop is only painting the design, the scarf will be finalized (fix colors, sew borders, put in nice package) by the workshop later and sent to the hotel the following day, or by courier service to hotel/office
  • If clients are not able to get their souvenir at Phrae on the spot, be very careful to coordinate the sending by courier!!
  • It is a workshop involving paint so guests should wear appropriate clothes, since they could get a little dirty

Quotation guideline

1.500THB per person


  • Cotton/silk fabric of 65cm x 175cm to paint on
  • All painting materials
  • Drink and snacks
  • Finalization of the scarf (fixing colors, stitching and packing) and delivery to hotel or postage
  • Materials for workshop, finalized product as souvenir, drink and snacks during workshop


  • Transportation to the workshop
  • Guide for translation/communication

Possible Extra

  • If time permits (ex. clients are very skilled and work fast) there is a possibility to make a pendant/accessory. It takes about 30 minutes – 1 hour and clients will make 2 pendants. The extra cost for this is 500 THBpp/2 pendants

Special Guide notes

  • 15 min introduction/background information, the rest of the time is spent on painting with a short break after about 1hr 30min
  • The workshop takes places at Baisri Creation, the workshop of Mr. Sakchira Wiengka
  • The place is also visited during the handicraft cycling tour. If the workshop is done during this tour adjust timing accordingly
  • Please inform guests that they will not be able to take the finalized product home immediately, it needs to be finished first
  • There is an opportunity to buy finished products at the small shop on-spot


Baisri Creation Co. Ltd – 054-506720

Mr. Sakchira Wiengkao (Chang) – 081-8850825

[email protected]


Silk painting workshop with a renowned designer

Create your own fashionable scarf with the help of a renowned Thai designer. Sakchira Wiengkao (his nickname is Chang) is a renowned fashion designer with more than 28 years of experience in the business. Besides creating his own fashion pieces he is also a special lecturer at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology for textile design students. During this unique workshop he will share his ideas and expertise so that you can create a beautiful hand-painted scarf to take home. This workshop begins with a small introduction and some background information. After that, it’s your turn to try and recreate one of the many designs or create your own piece of art from scratch. Together with his professionally-trained team, Khun Chang provides useful tips in order to make sure that you end up with a lovely souvenir to take home. 


Atelier de peinture sur soie chez un designer réputé

Sur les instructions du célèbre designer thaï, Sakchira Wiengkao, surnommé Chang, créez votre propre écharpe. Fort de ses plus de 28 ans d’expérience, outre ses créations, Chang est lecteur à l’Institut de technologie du roi Mongkut auprès d’étudiants en design. Au cours de cet atelier unique, il partagera ses idées et ses connaissances, et vous pourrez ramener chez vous une écharpe peinte à la main. Après une courte présentation et des informations générales, il ne tiendra qu’à vous d’essayer de reproduire un des nombreux motifs ou d’en créer un. Epaulé de son équipe de professionnels, Chang vous donnera de précieux conseils pour que vous soyez satisfaits de votre confection et puissiez rapporter chez vous un souvenir unique.


Taller de pintado de seda con reconocido diseñador

Cree su propia bufanda de moda con la ayuda de un diseñador tailandés de renombre. Sakchira Wiengkao (su apodo es Chang) es un conocido diseñador de moda con más de 28 años de experiencia en el sector. Además de crear sus propios artículos de moda, es un conferenciante especial en el Instituto de Tecnología King Mongkut para los estudiantes de diseño de moda. Durante este único taller, compartirá sus ideas y conocimiento a fin de crear una preciosa bufanda pintada a mano para que se lleve de recuerdo. Este taller comienza con una pequeña introducción y cierta información básica. Después, será su turno de tratar de recrear uno de los múltiples diseños o crear su propia obra de arte desde cero. Junto con su equipo profesional, Khun Chang le dará consejos útiles para asegurarse de que acaba con un precioso recuerdo que llevarse a casa. 


Atelier di pittura della seta con un rinomato designer

Siete pronti a creare la vostra sciarpa personalizzata con il supporto di un abile designer locale? Sakchira Wiengkao (potete chiamarlo Chang), famoso designer da più di 28 anni e professore all’Istituto tecnologico di design King Mongkut, è qui apposta per voi! Durante questo peculiare laboratorio, condividerà con voi il suo sapere ed il suo stile per supportarvi nella creazione di un’elegante sciarpa dipinta a mano. Dopo una breve introduzione e qualche informazione di base, sarà il vostro turno di cimentarvi nella riproduzione di uno dei molti motivi proposti o di dar sfogo alla vostra vena artistica lasciando che sia la vostra creatività a guidarvi. Khun Chang vi seguirà passo dopo passo, offrendovi preziosi consigli, per permettervi di realizzare un souvenir del tutto insolito da portare a casa con voi.


Seidenmalerei-Workshop mit einem berühmten Designer

Kreieren Sie Ihren eigenen modischen Schal mithilfe eines bekannten thailändischen Designers. Sakchira Wiengkao (sein Spitzname ist Chang) ist ein bekannter Modedesigner mit mehr als 28 Jahren Erfahrung in diesem Business. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Schal-Designer arbeitet er als Sonderdozent für Textildesign-Studenten am King-Mongkut-Institut für Technologie. Während seines einzigartigen Workshops teilt er seine Ideen und sein Wissen, um so schöne, handbemalte Schals, die Sie mit nachhause nehmen können, zu kreieren.

Der Workshop beginnt mit einer kurzen Einführung und einigen Hintergrundinformationen. Anschließend sind Sie an der Reihe, sich zu versuchen und entweder eines der vielen bereits bestehenden Designs nachzuahmen oder aber Ihr eigenes Kunstwerk zu entwerfen. Zusammen mit seinem professionellen Team gibt Khun Chang nützliche Tipps, um sicherzustellen, dass am Ende alle ein schönes Souvenir haben, das sie mit nachhause nehmen können.