LAOS – Luang Prabang – Kayaking on the Nam Ou River

The Nam Ou is one of the main tributaries of the Mekong River in Laos and an amazing place to experience by kayak.


Classic, Family

Country - City

Laos - Luang Prabang

Market segment

Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Level of difficulties


Max pax



All year round

Arrival city

Luang Prabang

Departure city

Luang Prabang


The Nam Ou is one of the main tributaries of the Mekong River in Laos and an amazing place to experience by kayak. The adventure begins near a small riverside village, far from the usual tourist hotspots. The kayaking route follows a very scenic and calm stretch of the Nam Ou, past small villages, farms, and lush vegetation. Along the way, friendly locals who are out fishing or swimming may shout-out to you, “Sabaidee” – the Lao word for “Hello”. After a while the landscape becomes more dramatic and the farmland and floodplains give way to towering limestone cliffs, and sheer rock formations. The kayaking adventure continues into this dramatic landscape before heading out into the mighty Mekong River and across to the mysterious Pak Ou Caves where there will be a chance to see the thousands of ancient Buddha statues gazing out through the cave entrance, watching over life on the river below. After the visit, the trip continues to Ban Xang Hai – the Whisky Village – renowned for its rice whisky production and weaving handicraft. Then the kayaking continues to Done Khoun island, where stands the only isle temple or Luang Prabang surroundings. The adventure will end by beaching the kayaks further down the Mekong at Pak Xeuang village, and then returning by car to Luang Prabang.

Selling points

  • For anyone looking for incredible landscapes and kayaking beneath towering cliffs. 
  • A unique way of going to see Pak Ou Caves.
  • Visit of the Done Khoun island and its temple, only temple on an island in Luang Prabang area
  • Ideal for FIT and GIT active leisure groups of up to 20 people.
  • An interesting excursion option for families with older children.

Level Of The Excursion

Low - This activity impacts local community, culture and/or environment in a small but meaningful way

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Luang Prabang Ban Hatya 33 Car 45 minutes Good
Pak Xeuang Luang Prabang 18 Car 30 minutes Good



Full day

  • 08:45-09:30 transfer to Ban Hatya.
  • 15:30-16:00 transfer back to Luang Prabang.

Note that times are approximate and depending on how fast clients kayak and how long they spend at each stop.


Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • A unique full-day kayaking adventure.
  • No experience required, mildly active and great for most travelers to enjoy.
  • Only private tour.
  • The scenery is spectacular and will leave clients in awe as they float beneath the towering cliffs.
  • A unique way to arrive at the famous Pak Ou Caves – one of the highlights of a visit to Luang Prabang.
  • An unexpected visit to the Done Khoun temple, only island temple in Luang Prabang area
  • Suitable for families with older children over 14+.

Why this activity

  • Developed as an alternative to the Kayaking on the Nam Khan as this kayaking activity has different stunning scenery.
  • Sightseeing from the water offers a different perspective than traditional touring. 
  • A chance for travelers to see local life outside of Luang Prabang city. 

Do not combine with

  • Any other full-day activities.
  • Any other activity involving Pak Ou Caves.

Market suggestion















Competitor comparison

  • Can be offered by all other DMCs


  • Easy to organize – supplier takes care of everything.
  • A unique way for us to provide access to Pak Ou Caves for active clients.


  • The activity is dependent upon weather conditions.


Picnic lunch: Vegetarians and travelers with allergies can be accommodated by prior arrangement. 


  • Note that in the rainy season when the flow of the Mekong is too strong clients will finish near Pak Ou Caves as it is too dangerous to be kayaking on the Mekong.
  • Occasionally in the dry season when the dams further upriver are closed the water level can be too low to operate this activity.
  • Only recommended for people who can swim.

Important information

  • Max 20 pax for clients.
  • Easia Guide/ tour leader is FOC
  • The supplier will pick the guests at their hotel at 8.30am
  • Transfer by the supplier’s minivan (air-conditioned minivan).

Price range


Quotation guideline


  • Luang Prabang > Activity > Tiger Trail > (Private) FD / Kayaking on the Nam Ou River / KPO-1


Cancellation Policy 
07 – 30 days before tour date 50% of tour price
01 – 06 days before tour date 100% of tour price
No shows and cancellations on the arrival date 100% of tour price



  • Supplier provided English-Speaking Guide
  • Kayak Rental
  • Dry bags
  • Drinking Water
  • Permissions and entrance fees
  • Safety Equipment and Life Jackets (child sizes available)
  • Supplier provided transfer (minivan with A/C)
  • Picnic Lunch


  • Easia guide (for non-English speakers)

Important notes

  • The supplier is Tiger Trail
  • Pick-up can be arranged at the hotel by the supplier.
  • Easia guides and TL are welcome to join if necessary (for example with groups that do not speak English).

Special Guide notes

  • Please make sure that the guide checks with the clients the day before the tour to see if they have any allergies or special dietary needs. If needed, the guide will inform the supplier to adapt the picnic lunch.
  • During the visit of Whisky Village, the guide needs to inform that some shops may try to sell products to the travelers, but under no circumstances should they feel obliged to buy anything.

Different Choice



Kayaking on the Nam Ou River

Grab a paddle, climb into a kayak and push off from the riverbank. You will kayak for about three hours down a calm stretch of the Nam Ou past small villages, farms, and lush vegetation before arriving at the towering cliffs near the confluence of the river with the larger Mekong. Along the way, don’t forget to wave and shout “Sabaidee” to any locals who are out fishing or working on their riverside farms. As you start to see limestone cliffs, you will stop to have a picnic lunch on the riverbanks before continuing your journey. Once you’ve regained your strength, feel dwarfed by the scale of the limestone formations as you float peacefully past them and then drift out into the mighty Mekong and across to the mysterious Pak Ou Caves where you’ll be see thousands of Buddha statues gazing out through the cave entrance and over the murky waters.
You will then continue your descent to Ban XangHay, also named as the Whisky Village, where you’ll see the houses of weaving handicraft and pass by the beautiful temple of the city.
After this short stop, you’ll go back on your kayak and will head to the mysterious Done Khoun island, where you’ll visit the only island temple in the Luang Prabang region. Finally, continue down the river to reach Pak Xeuang village, from where you’ll travel back to Luang Prabang by road.

Meals included: Picnic Lunch.
Distance and duration of the kayaking: 17-19km depending on the season and guests. Approximately 3,5 hours kayaking plus stops


Kayak sur la rivière Nam Ou

Attrapez une pagaie, grimpez dans un kayak et quittez le rivage! Vous descendrez pendant environ trois heures un tronçon calme de la Nam Ou en passant devant de petits villages, des fermes et une végétation luxuriante avant d’arriver au pied de falaises imposantes près du confluent de la rivière avec le Mékong. En chemin, n’oubliez pas de saluer par un “Sabaidee” les habitants qui sont en train de pêcher ou de travailler dans leurs fermes au bord de la rivière. Lorsque vous commencerez à apercevoir des falaises de calcaire, vous vous arrêterez pour pique-niquer sur les berges de la rivière avant de poursuivre votre voyage. Une fois que vous aurez repris des forces, vous vous sentirez impressionné par l’ampleur des falaises alors que vous flotterez paisiblement le long de celles-ci, puis vous vous laisserez emporter par le puissant Mékong jusqu’aux mystérieuses grottes de Pak Ou, où vous verrez des milliers de statues de Bouddha qui regardent à travers l’entrée de la grotte et au-dessus des eaux sombres.
Vous continuerez ensuite votre descente jusqu’à Ban XangHay, également appelé le village du whisky, où vous verrez les maisons de tissage artisanal et passerez devant le magnifique temple de la ville.
Après cette courte halte, vous reprendrez votre kayak et vous dirigerez vers la mystérieuse île de Done Khoun, où vous visiterez le seul temple insulaire de la région de Luang Prabang. Enfin, vous continuerez à descendre la rivière jusqu’au village de Pak Xeuang, d’où vous retournerez à Luang Prabang par la route.

Repas inclus : Déjeuner pique-nique.
Distance et durée du kayak : 17-19km en fonction de la saison et des clients. Environ 3,5 heures de kayak plus les arrêts.


En kayak por el río Nam Ou

Coja un remo, súbase a un kayak y zarpe desde la orilla. Navegará en kayak durante unas tres horas por un tranquilo tramo del Nam Ou, pasando por pequeños pueblos, granjas y una exuberante vegetación, antes de llegar a los imponentes acantilados cercanos a la confluencia del río con el Mekong. Por el camino, no olvide saludar y gritar “Sabaidee” a los lugareños que estén pescando o trabajando en sus granjas ribereñas. Cuando empiece a ver acantilados de piedra caliza, se detendrá para almorzar un picnic a orillas del río antes de continuar su viaje. Una vez recuperadas las fuerzas, se sentirá empequeñecido por la escala de las formaciones calizas mientras flota tranquilamente junto a ellas y se adentra en el caudaloso Mekong hasta las misteriosas cuevas de Pak Ou, donde verá miles de estatuas de Buda mirando a través de la entrada de la cueva y sobre las turbias aguas.
A continuación, continuará el descenso hasta Ban XangHay, también llamada la Aldea del Whisky, donde verá las casas de tejidos artesanales y pasará por el hermoso templo de la ciudad.
Tras esta breve parada, volverá a subir a su kayak y se dirigirá a la misteriosa isla de Done Khoun, donde visitará el único templo isleño de la región de Luang Prabang. Por último, continúe río abajo hasta llegar al pueblo de Pak Xeuang, desde donde viajará de vuelta a Luang Prabang por carretera.

Comidas incluidas: Almuerzo tipo picnic.
Distancia y duración del kayak: 17-19km dependiendo de la temporada y de los huéspedes. Aproximadamente 3,5 horas de kayak más paradas.


Kayak sul fiume Nam Ou

Prendete una pagaia, salite su un kayak e partite dalla riva del fiume. Per circa tre ore percorrerete in kayak un tratto tranquillo del Nam Ou, passando accanto a piccoli villaggi, fattorie e vegetazione lussureggiante, prima di arrivare alle imponenti scogliere vicino alla confluenza del fiume con il più grande Mekong. Lungo il percorso, non dimenticate di salutare e gridare “Sabaidee” agli abitanti del luogo che stanno pescando o lavorando nelle loro fattorie sul fiume. Quando si iniziano a vedere le scogliere calcaree, ci si ferma per un pranzo al sacco sulle rive del fiume prima di continuare il viaggio. Una volta recuperate le forze, vi sentirete come schiacciati dalle dimensioni delle formazioni calcaree mentre fluttuate tranquillamente accanto a loro, per poi immergervi nel possente Mekong e attraversare le misteriose Grotte di Pak Ou, dove vedrete migliaia di statue di Buddha che guardano attraverso l’ingresso della grotta e sopra le acque torbide.
Continuerete poi la discesa verso Ban XangHay, chiamato anche Villaggio del Whisky, dove vedrete le case di tessitura artigianale e passerete accanto al bellissimo tempio della città.
Dopo questa breve sosta, tornerete sul vostro kayak e vi dirigerete verso la misteriosa isola di Done Khoun, dove visiterete l’unico tempio isolano della regione di Luang Prabang. Infine, proseguite lungo il fiume per raggiungere il villaggio di Pak Xeuang, da dove tornerete a Luang Prabang su strada.

Pasti inclusi: Pranzo picnic.
Distanza e durata del kayak: 17-19 km a seconda della stagione e degli ospiti. Circa 3,5 ore di kayak più le soste.


Kajakfahren auf dem Nam Ou Fluss

Schnappen Sie sich ein Paddel, steigen Sie in ein Kajak und fahren Sie vom Flussufer aus los. Sie paddeln etwa drei Stunden lang auf einem ruhigen Abschnitt des Nam Ou, vorbei an kleinen Dörfern, Bauernhöfen und üppiger Vegetation, bevor Sie die hoch aufragenden Klippen nahe der Mündung des Flusses in den Mekong erreichen. Vergessen Sie unterwegs nicht, den Einheimischen zu winken und “Sabaidee” zu rufen, die gerade fischen oder auf ihren Farmen am Fluss arbeiten. Sobald Sie Kalksteinfelsen sehen, halten Sie an, um am Flussufer ein Picknick zu machen, bevor Sie Ihre Reise fortsetzen. Sobald Sie wieder zu Kräften gekommen sind, werden Sie von der Größe der Kalksteinformationen überwältigt sein, während Sie friedlich an ihnen vorbeischwimmen und dann auf den mächtigen Mekong hinausfahren, um die geheimnisvollen Pak Ou-Höhlen zu besuchen, wo Sie Tausende von Buddha-Statuen sehen werden, die durch den Höhleneingang und über das trübe Wasser blicken.
Anschließend setzen Sie Ihren Abstieg nach Ban XangHay fort, das auch als Whisky-Dorf bezeichnet wird, wo Sie die Häuser des Weberhandwerks sehen und an dem schönen Tempel der Stadt vorbeikommen.
Nach diesem kurzen Halt kehren Sie in Ihr Kajak zurück und fahren zur geheimnisvollen Insel Done Khoun, wo Sie den einzigen Inseltempel in der Region Luang Prabang besuchen werden. Schließlich fahren Sie weiter flussabwärts bis zum Dorf Pak Xeuang, von wo aus Sie auf der Straße zurück nach Luang Prabang fahren.

Mahlzeiten inbegriffen: Picknick-Mittagessen.
Entfernung und Dauer der Kajaktour: 17-19 km, je nach Jahreszeit und Gästen. Ungefähr 3,5 Stunden Kajakfahrt plus Pausen