LAOS – Champasak – Picnic at a Khmer Ruin

Enjoy a superb picnic lunch in the ruins of an ancient Hindu Temple that is one of the oldest in the world.


Art & Culture, Family, Sustainable, Wellness

Country - City

Laos - Champasak

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Level of difficulties


Max pax



All year round

Arrival city


Departure city



Enjoy a superb picnic lunch in the ruins of an ancient Hindu Temple that is one of the oldest in the world. This activity begins at La Folie Lodge where the guide will ensure that each traveler has a gourmet picnic lunch packed for them. In the event that travelers are in the mood for a more relaxing day, they will depart by boat from the scenic river beach in front of La Folie Lodge and will be taken to Ban Tomo by boat. For travelers that are in the mood for a leisurely cycle, this is an opportunity to witness life on an island in the Mekong. Don Daeng is very picturesque and lively with local farmers and their livestock. Both options provide many beautiful views for travelers and the chance to witness local life along the Mekong.

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

Selling points

  • A half-day leisure activity and picnic excursion.
  • Superb picnic enjoyed in the shaded ruins of an ancient temple.
  • For the cultural enthusiast or simply curious about local life and ancient history.
  • See Khmer Hindu temple ruins that are older than Angkor Wat.

Level Of The Excursion

Medium – This activity offers tangible positive contributions to the local community, culture and/or environment

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Empowerment and education

Economic Impact

Local individual benefits

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
La Folie Lodge Ban Tomo 10 Boat 40 minutes Wet, it’s a river
La Folie Lodge South of Don Daeng 10 Bicycle 2 hours Fair
South of Don Daeng Ban Tomo 1.5 Boat 10 minutes Wet, it’s a river


  • Half day morning activity. 
  • Can be combined with cycling to make a longer tour. 

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • A half-day leisure activity and picnic excursion. 
  • Superb picnic enjoyed in the shaded ruins of an ancient temple. 
  • For the cultural enthusiast or simply curious interested in local life and ancient history. 
  • See Khmer Hindu temple ruins that are older than Ankor Wat. 

Why this activity

  • For FIT and GIT.
  • A mix of local life and culture.
  • An activity very easily run by a trusted supplier.

Good to combine with

Do not combine with

  • Any full day activity.

Competitor comparison

  • Other DMCs may offer this product. 


  • A unique outdoor dining experience. 
  • The opportunity to see ancient Khmer ruins that are older than Angkor Wat. 
  • Well-run by an efficient and trusted supplier. 
  • Combines cycling or cruising through the local community with a superb picnic at an ancient temple. 


  • Inform hotel in advance if boat will be required from the hotel, or bike rentals will be required from the hotel followed by boat transfer. 

Price range


Quotation guideline


  • LAOS > Champasak > Activity > La Folie Lodge > Picnic at a Khmer Ruin


  • Cycle or boat transfer.
  • Picnic lunch.


Picnic at a Khmer Ruin

Today, you will enjoy a superb picnic lunch in the ruins of an ancient Hindu Temple that is one of the oldest in the world. This activity begins at La Folie Lodge where the guide will ensure that your gourmet picnic lunch is packed and ready for you. In the event that you are in the mood for a more relaxing day, you will depart by boat from the scenic river beach in front of La Folie Lodge and will be taken to Ban Tomo by boat. If you are more in the mood for a leisurely cycle, this is an opportunity to witness life on an island in the Mekong. Don Daeng is very picturesque and lively with local farmers and their livestock. Both options promise to give you many beautiful views and the chance to witness local life along the Mekong.

Meals included: lunch
Transfer time: 1 hour by boat or 1 hour by bicycle + 10 minutes by boat


Pique-nique dans une ruine khmère

Aujourd’hui, vous profiterez d’un superbe déjeuner pique-nique dans les ruines d’un ancien temple hindou qui est l’un des plus anciens au monde. Cette activité commence à La Folie Lodge où le guide s’assurera que votre pique-nique gastronomique est prêt et emballé. Si vous avez envie d’une journée plus relaxante, vous partirez en bateau de la plage de la rivière pittoresque en face de La Folie Lodge et serez emmené à Ban Tomo en bateau. Si vous êtes plutôt d’humeur à faire du vélo, c’est l’occasion de découvrir la vie sur une île du Mékong. Don Daeng est très pittoresque et animé par les fermiers locaux et leur bétail. Les deux options vous promettent de belles vues et la chance d’assister à la vie locale le long du Mékong.

Repas inclus : déjeuner
Durée du transfert : 1 heure en bateau ou 1 heure en vélo + 10 minutes en bateau


Picnic en unas ruinas jemeres

Hoy disfrutará de un magnífico almuerzo tipo picnic en las ruinas de un antiguo templo hindú que es uno de los más antiguos del mundo. Esta actividad comienza en La Folie Lodge, donde el guía se asegurará de que su almuerzo gourmet esté preparado y listo para usted. En caso de que le apetezca un día más relajado, partirá en barco desde la pintoresca playa fluvial frente a La Folie Lodge y le llevarán a Ban Tomo en barco. Si le apetece más un paseo tranquilo en bicicleta, ésta es una oportunidad para presenciar la vida en una isla del Mekong. Don Daeng es muy pintoresca y animada, con granjeros locales y su ganado. Ambas opciones prometen ofrecerle muchas vistas hermosas y la oportunidad de presenciar la vida local a lo largo del Mekong.

Comidas incluidas: almuerzo
Tiempo de traslado: 1 hora en barco o 1 hora en bicicleta + 10 minutos en barco


Picnic in una rovina Khmer

Oggi godrete di un superbo pranzo al sacco tra le rovine di un antico tempio indù, uno dei più antichi del mondo. Questa attività inizia al La Folie Lodge, dove la guida si assicurerà che il vostro pranzo al sacco sia pronto per voi. Nel caso in cui abbiate voglia di una giornata più rilassante, partirete in barca dalla scenografica spiaggia fluviale di fronte al La Folie Lodge e sarete portati a Ban Tomo in barca. Se siete più in vena di pedalate tranquille, questa è l’occasione per assistere alla vita su un’isola del Mekong. Don Daeng è molto pittoresca e animata da contadini locali e dal loro bestiame. Entrambe le opzioni promettono di regalarvi molte belle vedute e la possibilità di assistere alla vita locale lungo il Mekong.

Pasti inclusi: pranzo
Tempo di trasferimento: 1 ora in barca o 1 ora in bicicletta + 10 minuti in barca


Picknick in einer Khmer-Ruine

Heute genießen Sie ein hervorragendes Picknick-Mittagessen in den Ruinen eines alten Hindu-Tempels, der zu den ältesten der Welt zählt. Diese Aktivität beginnt in der La Folie Lodge, wo der Reiseleiter dafür sorgt, dass Ihr Gourmet-Picknick-Mittagessen eingepackt und für Sie bereit ist. Falls Sie Lust auf einen entspannten Tag haben, werden Sie mit dem Boot vom malerischen Flussstrand vor der La Folie Lodge nach Ban Tomo gebracht. Wenn Sie eher Lust auf eine gemütliche Radtour haben, bietet sich hier die Gelegenheit, das Leben auf einer Insel im Mekong kennenzulernen. Don Daeng ist sehr malerisch und lebendig, mit einheimischen Bauern und ihrem Viehbestand. Beide Optionen versprechen viele schöne Ausblicke und die Möglichkeit, das Leben am Mekong kennenzulernen.

Mahlzeiten inklusive: Mittagessen
Transferzeit: 1 Stunde mit dem Boot oder 1 Stunde mit dem Fahrrad + 10 Minuten mit dem Boot