LAOS – Luang Prabang – Baci Ceremony at a Local House

The Baci “Soukhouan” ceremony is a common cultural tradition in Laos used to mark significant life events including weddings, funerals, births, illnesses, farewells before long journeys, and other significant achievements or misfortunes. 



Art & Culture, Classic, Family, Honeymoon

Country - City

Laos - Luang Prabang

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All Year Round

Arrival city

Luang Prabang

Departure city

Luang Prabang


The Baci “Soukhouan” ceremony is a common cultural tradition in Laos used to mark significant life events including weddings, funerals, births, illnesses, farewells before long journeys, and other significant achievements or misfortunes. The ceremony usually takes place among a handful of people, with one or two ‘recipients’, the ‘officiate’ and a few ‘assistants. During the ceremony, the officiating person recalls the souls (according to Lao belief each human being has 32 souls) to attract beneficial influences, and then ties a cotton string around the wrists of the participants, symbolizing prosperity and good luck. The focus is on the rectification of the souls, and re-alignment of personal energies. 

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

Selling points

  • FIT or GIT friendly.
  • Great for families wanting to learn more about local culture. 
  • For any client interested in learning about contemporary local traditions. 
  • An intimate encounter with the local community and their traditionally important practices. 

Level Of The Excursion

High – This activity strongly supports local communities and/or helps preserve the culture and environment

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Empowerment and education

Economic Impact

Local individual benefits

Community benefits

Time And Transportation

From To Distance By Duration
Road condition
Night Market Baci Ceremony 3km Minivan 10 minutes Good


  • Around 40 minutes (depending on group size), starting time between 18:00 to 20:00 (depending on availability)

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Suitable for anyone who is not hesitant to experience a different culture.
  • Experience an age-old tradition that still features prominently in modern life.
  • Authentic and intimate interaction with people from the local community. 
  • Enhances appreciation understanding of local cultural and religious practices. 
  • The best time for this ceremony is in the evening on arrival as a welcome, or on the evening before departure as a farewell.

Why this activity

  • A must-do in Luang Prabang.
  • An activity to discover local culture.
  • An immersion into daily life.
  • Easy to propose to all clients-educational, short duration.

Good to combine with

  • Dinner with a local family and/or traditional dance show.

Do not combine with

  • Other Baci ceremonies in Laos.

Market suggestion






Competitor comparison

  • Offered by our competitors.


  • Ceremony takes place at the house of a local practitioner. 
  • The house can be easily reached by minivan in a few minutes from the city center and the ceremony lasts around 40 minutes (depending on the group size).
  • FIT or GIT friendly.
  • Great for families wanting to learn more about local culture. 
  • For any client interested in learning about contemporary local traditions. 
  • An intimate encounter with the local community and their traditionally important practices. 


  • May not be suitable for larger groups. Confirm with supplier first. 


  • People need to take off their shoes before entering the house.
  • Low/small chairs are provided for sitting down which can be uncomfortable for older clients.


  • Clients need to dress properly, knees and shoulders covered to show respect to the local family, scarves are provided.
  • From 1/1/24, Nami House is the ONLY supplier for this activity. 
  • Bookings can be made with Nami House from this point forward. 

Quotation guideline


  • Baci at Nami House 
    • Baci only
    • Baci with traditional music
    • Baci with traditional music and dance
    • Traditional music and dance
    • Music only
    • Supplement for dinne


  • Baci ceremony, water and snacks


  • Transfer

Possible Extra

  • Dinner, dance show and/or traditional music only for FIT and small groups.

Important notes

  • Disability access: Baci ceremony is on the ground floor, accessible without stairs.
  • Please note that the supplier Mrs. Sy is only available for clients with itineraries through to 31/12/23.
  • From 1/1/24, Nami House is the ONLY supplier for this activity. 

Special Guide notes

  • Guide needs to properly explain the ceremony and the way to behave in a respectful manner towards the family.

Different Choice

  • Ock Pop Tok or Villa Luang Prabang are potential back-up options, or for more exclusive clients upon request.


  • Contact: Phouphanonh Phanthavong
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone 1: 02023860008
  • Phone 2: 02022359899
  • Address: Ban Thabosot, Luang Prabang, Laos PDR

Special Information

  • Some guides do not know location; if driver and guide are not from Luang Prabang, please explain clearly.


Baci Ceremony at a Local House

The Baci “Soukhouan” ceremony is a common cultural tradition in Laos used to mark significant life events including weddings, funerals, births, illnesses, farewells before long journeys, and other significant achievements or misfortunes. The ceremony usually takes place among a handful of people, with one or two ‘recipients’, the ‘officiate’ and a few ‘assistants. During the ceremony, the officiating person recalls the souls (according to Lao belief each human being has 32 souls) to attract beneficial influences, and then ties a cotton string around the wrists of the participants, symbolizing prosperity and good luck. The focus is on the rectification of the souls, and re-alignment of personal energies. You will have the privilege of engaging in this sacred experience. Enjoy the unique insight into local life in Laos. 

Option: Afterwards you can enjoy a presentation of the famous Lao dance and traditional music.
Option: Enjoy dinner in the local house and take the chance to ask any further questions you may have.


Cérémonie de Baci dans une maison locale 

La cérémonie du Baci “Soukhouan” est une tradition culturelle courante au Laos, utilisée pour marquer les événements importants de la vie, notamment les mariages, les funérailles, les naissances, les maladies, les adieux avant un long voyage, et d’autres réalisations ou malheurs significatifs. La cérémonie se déroule généralement en présence d’une poignée de personnes, avec un ou deux “destinataires”, l'”officiant” et quelques “assistants”. Au cours de la cérémonie, l’officiant rappelle les âmes (selon la croyance lao, chaque être humain possède 32 âmes) afin d’attirer les influences bénéfiques, puis noue une corde de coton autour des poignets des participants, symbolisant la prospérité et la chance. L’accent est mis sur la rectification des âmes et le réalignement des énergies personnelles. Vous aurez le privilège de participer à cette expérience sacrée. Profitez de cet aperçu unique de la vie locale au Laos.

Remarque : deux options sont disponibles
• Option 1 : vous pourrez ensuite profiter d’une présentation des fameuses danses lao et de la musique traditionnelle.
• Option 2 : vous dînerez dans la maison locale et pourrez poser toutes vos questions.


Ceremonia tradicional Baci en una casa típica 

La ceremonia Baci “Soukhouan” es una tradición cultural común en Laos que se utiliza para celebrar acontecimientos importantes de la vida, como bodas, funerales, nacimientos, enfermedades, despedidas antes de viajes largos y otros logros o desgracias significativas. La ceremonia suele celebrarse entre un puñado de personas, con uno o dos “destinatarios”, el “oficiante” y algunos “asistentes”. Durante la ceremonia, el oficiante evoca las almas (según la creencia laosiana, cada ser humano tiene 32 almas) para atraer influencias benéficas, y luego ata un cordón de algodón alrededor de las muñecas de los participantes, símbolo de prosperidad y buena suerte. El objetivo es la rectificación de las almas y la realineación de las energías personales. Tendrá el privilegio de participar en esta experiencia sagrada. Disfrute de una visión única de la vida local en Laos.

• Opción: podrá disfrutar después de unos bailes laosianos famosos y de música tradicional.
• Opción: disfruta de una cena en una casa local y aprovecha la oportunidad para hacer todas las preguntas que quiera.


Cerimonia Baci presso un’abitazione locale 

La cerimonia Baci “Soukhouan” è una tradizione culturale comune in Laos, utilizzata per celebrare eventi significativi della vita, come matrimoni, funerali, nascite, malattie, addii prima di lunghi viaggi e altri traguardi o disgrazie importanti. La cerimonia si svolge solitamente tra poche persone, con uno o due “destinatari”, l'”officiante” e alcuni “assistenti”. Durante la cerimonia, l’officiante richiama le anime (secondo le credenze Lao ogni essere umano ha 32 anime) per attirare influenze benefiche, e poi lega un filo di cotone intorno ai polsi dei partecipanti, simbolo di prosperità e fortuna. L’attenzione è rivolta alla rettifica delle anime e al riallineamento delle energie personali. Avrete il privilegio di partecipare a questa esperienza sacra. Godetevi la visione unica della vita locale in Laos.

• Opzione: Subito dopo, potrete godervi uno spettacolo di danze tradizionali Laotiane al ritmo della musica locale.
• Opzione: Assaporate la vostra cena nell’abitazione locale e cogliete l’occasione per porre tutte le domande che avete.


Baci-Zeremonie in einem lokalen Haus 

Die Baci-“Soukhouan”-Zeremonie ist eine in Laos weit verbreitete kulturelle Tradition, die bei bedeutenden Lebensereignissen wie Hochzeiten, Beerdigungen, Geburten, Krankheiten, Verabschiedungen vor langen Reisen und anderen bedeutenden Errungenschaften oder Unglücken stattfindet. Die Zeremonie findet in der Regel im Kreis einer Handvoll Menschen statt, mit einem oder zwei “Empfängern”, dem “Amtsträger” und einigen “Assistenten”. Während der Zeremonie ruft die amtierende Person die Seelen zurück (nach laotischem Glauben hat jeder Mensch 32 Seelen), um günstige Einflüsse anzuziehen, und bindet dann eine Baumwollschnur um die Handgelenke der Teilnehmer, die Wohlstand und Glück symbolisieren soll. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Berichtigung der Seelen und der Neuausrichtung der persönlichen Energien. Sie werden das Privileg haben, an dieser heiligen Erfahrung teilzunehmen. Genießen Sie den einzigartigen Einblick in das lokale Leben in Laos.

• Optional: Anschließend können Sie einer Darbietung bekannter Lao-Tänze mit traditioneller Musik beiwohnen.
• Optional: Genießen Sie ein Abendessen in einem lokalen Haus und ergreifen Sie die Chance, Fragen an die Familie zu stellen.