LAOS – Luang Prabang – Pak Ou Caves, The Religious Symbol of Luang Prabang

This scenic boat cruise on the mighty Mekong River takes guests to the mystical Pak Ou caves, one of Luang Prabang’s most famous Buddhist sites.


Art & Culture, Classic, Cruise & River Cruise

Country - City

Laos - Luang Prabang

Market segment

Groups, Thematic Leisure

Price Level


Max pax



All year round

Arrival city

Luang Prabang, Pakbeng, Nong Khiaw

Departure city

Luang Prabang, Pakbeng, Nong Khiaw


Travelers have the opportunity to embark on an adventure on a local motorboat, traveling 35 kilometers to the Pak Ou caves, one of the most famous Buddhist sites around Luang Prabang. This beautiful excursion on the Mekong River, lined with steep karstic cliffs and small villages, is also a great opportunity for guests to observe local life along the Mekong outside of the city. After a 1.5-2 hour boat ride, travelers will arrive at the caves and climb the stairs to the entrance to see the thousands of Buddha statues inside.

Can be combined with

Thematic Leisure

Selling points

  • A unique cultural cruise.
  • Set in dramatic a dramatic karst landscape. 
  • Suitable for most travelers. 

Level Of The Excursion

Medium – This activity offers tangible positive contributions to the local community, culture and/or environment

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Cultural Conservation

Economic Impact

Local individual benefits

Community benefits

Time And Transportation

From To Km By Duration Road condition
Luang Prabang Boat Pier Pak Ou 35 Boat 2 hours Good


  • Half day tour to and from LPQ
  • 2 h 30min activity, if the boat trip is one-way from LPQ
  • Product timing:
    • 1h 30min to 2 hour boat trip, one-way
    • Tham Ting visit – 15-20 minutes.
    • Tham Phoum visit – 20-30 minutes.

Min pax


Max pax


How to sell it

  • Suitable for all markets; low, medium & high budget customer, FIT and GIT.
  • A product that can be combined with all transfers between Pakbeng –  LPQ – Nong Khiaw.
  • A half-day excursion from Luang Prabang.

Why this activity

  • A nice visit; a mix of natural sites and local culture.

Good to combine with

Do not combine with

  • Kuang Sy Waterfalls on the same day.

Market suggestion
















  • Easy to book the service and combine with other activities


  • Very touristy area, because Pak Ou cave is a main spot for everybody to visit.
  • Older guests may have trouble reaching the upper caves, because of the very steep stairs.


  • Toilets are available on the boat.
  • Possible to take minivan instead of boat, but big buses cannot enter.

Guests should be aware that this is a religious site, and they should dress appropriately – always cover shoulders and knees – Women: no tight pants.


  • Please inform guests to bring a jacket during cooler mornings and comfortable shoes for getting wet/taking off in the boat.

Price range


Quotation guideline


  • LAOS > Luang Prabang > Activity > (SIC) Pak Ou Lunch Cruise
  • LAOS > Luang Prabang > Activity > (Private) Pak Ou Lunch Cruise / incl. lunch
  • LAOS > Luang Prabang > Activity > (Private) Pak Ou Lunch Cruise / without lunch


  • Ticket fee


  • Meals and Drinks
  • Boat Journey
  • Car Trip to Boat
  • Guide

Important notes

  • Verify what product in combined with Pak Ou to book correct transfers.

Special Guide notes

  • Please ask Guide to reconfirm services with boat driver well in advance and confirm the start time. 


  • Please check the boat supplier in the program.


Pak Ou Caves, The Religious Symbol of Luang Prabang
Step aboard a local motorboat to travel to the Pak Ou caves, one of the most famous Buddhist sites around Luang Prabang. This beautiful excursion on the Mekong River, lined with steep, karst cliffs and small villages, is your opportunity to see authentic Lao life along the Mekong’s banks.  When you reach the caves after the boat ride, and after you’ve climbed the stairs to the entrance, you will be amazed at the thousands of Buddha statues inside.

Duration of the boat ride: 2 hours


Symboles religieux de la province de Luang Prabang
Vous monterez à bord d’un bateau à moteur local pour vous rendre aux grottes de Pak Ou, le plus important site bouddhiste de Luang Prabang. Cette belle excursion sur le Mékong, le long des falaises karstiques à pic et des petits villages, sera pour vous l’occasion d’observer la vie sur les berges du fleuve. A l’arrivée aux grottes, vous gravirez les escaliers qui mènent à l’entrée et découvrirez le spectacle époustouflant des milliers de statues de Bouddha qui se trouvent à l’intérieur.

Durée du trajet en bateau : 2 heures


Símbolos religiosos de la provincia de Luang Prabang – cuevas de Pak Ou
Suba a bordo de una lancha motora local para ir a las cuevas de Pak Ou, el sitio budista más famoso de los alrededores de Luang Prabang. Esta hermosa excursión por el río Mekong, rodeado por acantilados de caliza escarpados y pueblos pequeños, es una oportunidad fantástica para observar la vida en sus orillas.  Al llegar a las cuevas después del paseo en barco y de la subida de las escaleras de entrada, se sorprenderá al ver los miles de estatuas de Buda en el interior.

Duración del paseo en barco: 2 horas


Le grotte di Pak Ou – Simbolo religioso della Provincia di Luang Prabang
Saltate a bordo di un motoscafo per raggiungere le grotte di Pak Ou, il più conosciuto sito Buddista nelle vicinanze di Luang Prabang. Il tragitto panoramico sul fiume Mekong, valorizzato dalle scoscese rocce carsiche stagliate contro l’orizzonte e dai piccoli villaggi caratteristici, vi offrirà un’opportunità unica per osservare lo scorrere placido della vita di ogni giorno lungo le rive del fiume. Una volta raggiunte le grotte, dopo circa due ore di viaggio, vi arrampicherete fino all’entrata e resterete ammaliati dall’incredibile numero di statue del Budda custodite al loro interno.

Durata del tragitto in barca: 2 ore


Ein religiöses Symbol der Luang-Prabang-Provinz
Kommen Sie an Bord eines lokalen Motorboots, um zur Pak-Ou-Höhle zu fahren, der berühmtesten buddhistischen Stätte in der Umgebung Luang Prabangs. Während dieses schönen Ausflugs auf dem Mekong-Fluss, gesäumt von steilen Karstfelsen und kleinen Dörfern, können Sie das Leben am Flussufer beobachten. Nach der Fahrt mit dem Boot erreichen Sie die Höhle. Nachdem Sie die Stufen zum Eingang erklimmt haben, werden Sie darüber erstaunt sein, wie viele Buddha-Statuen Sie im Inneren der Höhle finden.

Dauer der Bootstour: 2 Stunden