VIETNAM – Son La – Moc Chau and Pa Co Market 2D1N

A great option for a light hike and a visit to the minority market without having to go to the mountainous area of Vietnam.


Art & Culture, Classic, Family, Sustainable

Country - City

Vietnam - Son La

Level of difficulties


Price level



Weekend only, start from Saturday (be careful with the rainy season: July, August)

Max number of person(s)


Market segment

Thematic Leisure

Arrival City

Moc Chau

Departure city


Number day and night

2 days - 1 night

Day by day description

This itinerary combines a quick hike on the mountain of Moc Chau with a visit of the beautiful ethnic market of Pa Co (which takes place every Sunday). It’s a great way to meet the H’mong minority group as well as to discover the nature and the culture of the region. Moc Chau is a stunning area with mountains and endless pine forests, and is home to some good homestays.

Selling points

  • It is an excellent opportunity for interaction with the H’mong minority people of Vietnam
  • Light hike, suitable for most travelers, even for families with kids
  • A visit to the non-touristy Pa Co minority market, which is full of colorful goods on sale and bustling with local people
  • Overnight in the homestay of H’mong people

Level Of The Excursion

High – This activity strongly supports local communities and/or helps preserve the culture and environment

The Impact Of This Excursion

Social/cultural Impact

Empowerment and education


Involving minorities

Environment Impact


Economic Impact

Community benefits

Additional Information

Positive Impact:

The homestay used in this itinerary is a Community-Based Tourism (CBT) project funded by a French association. H’mong areas such as Moc Chau are often stuck in a cycle of poverty due to a lack of opportunities. Promoting tourism here helps provide jobs (homestay staff for cleaning, serving, hiking guide, etc.). It gives the younger generation a reason to stay in the area instead of seeking employment in a different region or city.


  • Hiking around the village of H’mong people
  • Hiking to the farming hill
  • Hiking to the pines hill
  • Visiting minority market


Lunch in Duong Lam or Mai Chau on the first day

Selling points

  • Non-touristy area for both Moc Chau and Pa Co
  • A lot of H’mong people around the homestay and in the hills
  • A leisure-active module, suitable for most travelers
  • The homestay has some good options for families or a group of friends with private bungalows
  • Good combination with Mai Chau, to add more of the minority feeling/experience to Mai Chau
  • The module is based on the work of a community-based tourism (CBT) project in Moc Chau, from the homestay to the hiking route


  • Easy to access the homestay and the market
  • Easy hiking road, even for kids (but a bit long for really young children)
  • Hot water is available in the homestay
  • Really good food
  • Some bungalows at the homestay are really lovely


  • Can be very cold (especially during winter) as the location of Moc Chau lies higher compared to Mai Chau
  • Can be crowded with Vietnamese tourists sometimes (particularly on weekends)
  • The hike is not “wow” but is good for travelers who want to discover the nature of an off-the-beaten-path area, the hike is mainly with small hills and pine forest
  • Stopping for lunch in Mai Chau might be strange for some travelers (stopping in Mai Chau for lunch, and then coming back to Mai Chau the next day)


From To Distance By Duration Road condition
Hanoi Homestay in Moc Chau 175 kilometers Van 4 hours Good
Mai Chau Homestay in Moc Chau 45 kilometers Van 1h 30min Good
Homestay in Moc Chau Pa Co Market 16 kilometers Van 25 minutes Good


  • Important!: only offer this module on the weekend, start from Saturday since the Pa Co Market is available on Sunday only
  • The market is small yet quite beautiful, it’s mainly visited by H’mong people from Hang Kia’s surroundings
  • We estimate that travelers will spend around 45 minutes here
  • The market can’t be compared in size with the markets around Bac Ha, but for clients wanting to “see colorful traditional costumes”, it’s the only option from Mai Chau
  • Please do not include Pa Co if clients have already been to a bigger market (Bac Ha, Can Cau, Dong Van, etc.)
  • We only recommend it for FIT, French travelers should love it particularly if they spend 2 nights in Mai Chau
  • It’s not a “must-see” when you are in Mai Chau, but if travelers are pushy for a minority market it’s the only option
  • For the first day, travelers should have lunch in Duong Lam or Mai Chau
  • The homestay belongs to a CBT project. The project helped local people to set up the main house for the homestay, operated hospitality training, etc. Since then, the host of the homestay has kept the business going by himself and has extended his business to some more houses.

Sensitive Activity – Notes for the Sales
This experience implies a lot of money spent directly in the H’mong communities of Moc Chau
it will help several local people to have jobs and earn money (local guide & homestay owners)

Market suggestion














Important notes

Services to be booked:

  • The homestay (accommodation and meals) and local villager for the hike
  • Lunch for the first day in Duong Lam or Mai Chau


  • The guide needs to inform the travelers to be on time, should leave the homestay for the market no later than 08:00
  • Map for the hike in Moc Chau: Map

Sensitive Activity – Notes for the guide:
Guide should explain to the travelers how important getting job is for local people for minorities (which are generally poorer than ethnic Kinh)
It’s important to mention that sleeping in homestays will benefit local inhabitants
Guide should remind the travelers about how to act politely with minorities (in case the travelers want to take a picture for example)


Moc Chau – Homestay A Chu – 0983907855


2D/1N Hanoi – Moc Chau – Mai Chau

Day X: Hanoi – Moc Chau

In the morning you will leave Hanoi and head to Moc Chau, where you will arrive in the early afternoon after a lunch in a local house. You will then head out for your hike on the road around the village of the local H’mong people, the 6th largest ethnic group in Vietnam. You will have a chance to learn about the daily life and the culture of these local people, as well as the special design of their houses, which happens to be very different from that of other ethnic group homes. Then, you will continue your hike on a small uphill trail that leads to some small gardens. After another small hill, you will find yourself in a forest of pine trees, a very popular forest all over Moc Chau, which helps to keep the air in this area so fresh. You will complete your hike by the end of the afternoon.

Meals included: Lunch, dinner
Accommodation: Homestay
Distance and duration of hike: 5 kilometers – 2h 30min to 3 hours
Easia Level: 1
Difference in elevation: +201.5 meters / -199 meters
Terrain: Both downhill and uphill, small trail, paved road, village road, pine tree forest view
Transportation: 200 kilometers – 5 hours


Day X: Moc Chau – Mai Chau

After breakfast, you will head to the Pa Co ethnic minority market, where you will experience a traditional North Vietnamese market. The market is small, yet packed with Thai & Hmong minority groups wearing their most beautiful traditional costumes. The locals mainly sell vegetables, fruits, meat and some Northern Vietnam specialties, such as Hmong fabrics. After visiting the market you will travel back to Mai Chau.

Meals included: Breakfast
Transportation: 45.5 kilometers – 1h 30min
Note: The market is small and an early departure is recommended, the market is less busy after 09:00


2J/1N Hanoi – Moc Chau – Mai Chau

Jour X: Hanoi – Moc Chau

Dans la matinée vous quitterez Hanoi et prendrez la direction de Moc Chau. Après un arrêt sur la route pour le déjeuner, vous arriverez à Moc Chau en début d’après-midi. Vous commencerez alors votre randonnée dans les villages de la minorité H’mong, le 6ème groupe ethnique au Vietnam.  Vous aurez l’opportunité de découvrir la culture des habitants ainsi que leur façon de vivre dans les montagnes, notamment leurs maisons et la façon dont ils cultivent la terre. Au cours de la randonnée vous emprunterez un petit chemin à travers les forêts de pins de la région de Moc Chau. Vous terminerez votre marche en fin d’après-midi.

Repas inclus : Déjeuner, dîner
Hébergement : Chez l’habitant
Distance et durée de la marche : 5 kilomètres – 2h 30min à 3 heures
Niveau Easia Travel : 1
Dénivelée : +201.5 mètres/-199 mètres
Terrain : Quelques montées et descentes, routes de village, chemin à travers la forêt

Distance : 200 kilomètres – 5 heures


Jour X: Moc Chau – Mai Chau

Après le petit-déjeuner, vous prendrez la direction du marché de Pa Co pour découvrir un marché ethnique du Nord du Vietnam. Le marché est petit mais prisé par les minorités Thaï & H’mong qui portent leurs plus beaux costumes. Les locaux vendent principalement des légumes, des fruits, de la viande et des vêtements H’mong. Après avoir visité le marché de Pa Co vous continuerez votre chemin vers Mai Chau.

Repas inclus : Petit-déjeuner
Hébergement :

Distance : 45.5 kilomètres – 1h 30min
Note : Le marché est petit et une arrivée le plus tôt possible est recommandée, le marché tend à devenir moins actif après 9h00.


2D/1N Hanoi – Moc Chau – Mai Chau

Día X: Hanoi – Moc Chau

Por la mañana dejará Hanoi y se dirigirá a Moc Chau. Tras una parada en la carretera para almorzar, llegará a Moc Chau a primera hora de la tarde. A continuación, iniciará la caminata por las aldeas de la minoría h’mong, el sexto grupo étnico más grande de Vietnam.  Tendrá la oportunidad de descubrir la cultura de la gente y su forma de vida en las montañas, incluyendo sus casas y la forma de cultivar la tierra. Durante la caminata se recorre un pequeño sendero a través de los bosques de pinos de la zona de Moc Chau. Terminará su paseo a última hora de la tarde.


Comidas incluidas: almuerzo, cena

Alojamiento: Estancia en casa

Distancia y duración de la caminata: 5 kilómetros – 2h 30min a 3 horas

Nivel : 1

Ascenso : +201,5 metros/-199 metros

Terreno: Algunas subidas y bajadas, caminos de pueblo, sendero a través del bosque

Distancia: 200 kilómetros – 5 horas


Día X: Moc Chau – Mai Chau

Después del desayuno, se dirigirá al mercado de Pa Co para descubrir un mercado étnico del norte de Vietnam. El mercado es pequeño pero popular entre las minorías tailandesa y h’mong, que lucen sus mejores galas. Los lugareños venden principalmente verduras, frutas, carne y ropa h’mong. Después de visitar el mercado de Pa Co, continuará su camino hacia Mai Chau.


Comidas incluidas : Desayuno

Alojamiento :

Distancia : 45,5 kilómetros – 1h 30min

Nota: El mercado es pequeño y se recomienda llegar temprano, el mercado tiende a ser menos activo después de las 9:00 am.


2D/1N Hanoi – Moc Chau – Mai Chau

X giorno: Hanoi – Moc Chau

Al mattino lascerete Hanoi per raggiungere Moc Chau. Dopo una sosta sulla strada per il pranzo, arriverete a Moc Chau nel primo pomeriggio. Inizierete poi il vostro trekking attraverso i villaggi della minoranza H’mong, il sesto gruppo etnico più numeroso del Vietnam.  Avrete l’opportunità di scoprire la cultura del popolo H’mong e il suo stile di vita in montagna, comprese le sue case e il modo di coltivare la terra. Durante l’escursione si percorre un piccolo sentiero attraverso le pinete della zona di Moc Chau. La passeggiata terminerà nel tardo pomeriggio.


Pasti inclusi: pranzo, cena

Alloggio : Soggiorno in casa

Distanza e durata della passeggiata: 5 chilometri – 2h 30min – 3 ore

Livello : 1

Dislivello : +201,5 metri/-199 metri

Terreno: Alcune salite e discese, strade di paese, sentiero nel bosco

Distanza: 200 chilometri – 5 ore


X giorno: Moc Chau – Mai Chau

Dopo la colazione, vi recherete al mercato di Pa Co per scoprire un mercato etnico del Vietnam settentrionale. Il mercato è piccolo ma popolare con le minoranze Thai e H’mong che indossano i loro costumi migliori. Gli abitanti del luogo vendono principalmente verdura, frutta, carne e vestiti H’mong. Dopo aver visitato il mercato di Pa Co, si prosegue verso Mai Chau.


Pasti inclusi : Colazione

Sistemazione :

Distanza : 45,5 km – 1h 30min

Nota: il mercato è piccolo e si consiglia di arrivare presto; il mercato tende a diventare meno attivo dopo le 9:00 del mattino.


2D/1N Hanoi – Moc Chau – Mai Chau

Tag X: Hanoi – Moc Chau

Am Morgen verlassen Sie Hanoi und fahren nach Moc Chau, wo Sie am frühen Nachmittag nach einem Mittagessen in einem lokalen Haus ankommen. Sie wandern auf der Straße um das Dorf der H’mong, der sechstgrößten ethnischen Gruppe in Vietnam. Sie werden die Gelegenheit haben, etwas über das tägliche Leben und die Kultur dieser Menschen zu erfahren, ebenso wie über die besondere Bauweise ihrer Häuser, die sich von denen anderer ethnischer Gruppen unterscheidet. Anschließend setzen Sie Ihre Wanderung auf einem kleinen, ansteigenden Pfad fort, der zu einigen kleinen Gärten führt. Nach einer weiteren kleinen Anhöhe befinden Sie sich in einem Kiefernwald, einem sehr beliebten Wald in Moc Chau, der dazu beiträgt, dass die Luft in dieser Gegend so frisch bleibt. Am späten Nachmittag sind Sie mit Ihrer Wanderung fertig.


Inklusive Mahlzeiten: Mittagessen, Abendessen

Unterkunft: Übernachtung in einem Homestay

Entfernung und Dauer der Wanderung: 5 Kilometer – 2h 30min bis 3 Stunden

Schwierigkeitsgrad: 1

Höhenunterschied: +201,5 Meter / -199 Meter

Gelände: Sowohl bergab als auch bergauf, kleiner Pfad, asphaltierte Straße, Dorfstraße, Blick auf Kiefernwälder

Transport: 200 Kilometer – 5 Stunden


Tag X: Moc Chau – Mai Chau

Nach dem Frühstück fahren Sie zum Markt der ethnischen Minderheit Pa Co, wo Sie einen traditionellen nordvietnamesischen Markt erleben werden. Der Markt ist klein, aber voll mit Thai- und Hmong-Minderheiten, die ihre schönsten Trachten tragen. Die Einheimischen verkaufen hauptsächlich Gemüse, Obst, Fleisch und einige nordvietnamesische Spezialitäten, wie z. B. Hmong-Stoffe. Nach dem Besuch des Marktes fahren Sie zurück nach Mai Chau.


Mahlzeiten inklusive: Frühstück


Entfernung: 45,5 Kilometer – 1h 30min

Hinweis: Der Markt ist klein und eine frühe Abfahrt wird empfohlen, der Markt ist nach 09:00 Uhr weniger belebt.